| Florida Family Association offers $1,000 reward for information regarding future CAIR speaking engagements as Tampa School Board meets today at 2 PM to consider policy prohibiting such speakers. If you have not sent your email to encourage the school board to adopt such policy click here. | Florida Family Association sent out an email alert on March 29th regarding continued efforts to oppose CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations) officials from addressing students in Tampa public schools.
Florida Family Association strongly believes that the controversy which has been raised regarding CAIR officials indoctrinating students at Steinbrenner High School has resulted in this school district’s teachers being highly unlikely to invite CAIR back. Click here and click here to read our reasons why this is unlikely to happen again.
Nevertheless we want to keep the pressure on and be certain that we know if CAIR or Muslim Brotherhood type organizations are invited back. Therefore, we issued the following press release yesterday announcing a reward for information on future CAIR speakers.
For Immediate Release For more information please contact
Florida Family Association offers $1,000 reward for information regarding future CAIR speaking engagements at Steinbrenner High School. Florida Family Association communicated a reward offer of $1,000 to anyone including eighty teachers and faculty at Steinbrenner High School who provides the organization with valid information about future speaking engagements at Steinbrenner High School by officials or representatives from CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), Muslim Brotherhood or similar political organizations. The Email Offering the Reward is posted below. More history on this issue is posted below.
Florida Family Association files a public records request with the school district every week to determine if new invitations have been extended to speakers from CAIR. However, the information is not always provided on a timely basis and may not be reliable.
The school district is blocking emails from floridafamily.org to Steinbrenner High School. So emails from Florida Family Association were sent via a Gmail account. This block was not in force when Florida Family Association first communicated by email with Edward Henderson about booking the school auditorium for a symposium.
The school district is NOT blocking emails from concerned citizens regarding this issue which are sent through another Florida Family Association server. Each school board member has already received 1,100 emails in the first three hours of this day encouraging them to adopt policy which prohibits outside speakers from addressing students if they advocate politics that are antithetical to the constitution.
Email Offering the Reward
We are offering a $1,000 anonymous cash reward to anyone who provides us with valid information about future speaking engagements at Steinbrenner High School by officials or representatives from CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), Muslim Brotherhood or similar political organizations.
The reward will be doubled to $2,000 cash if valid information is received more than one week prior to the scheduled speaking engagement.
This offer is limited to the first person who submits valid information for each future engagement. Duplicate rewards will not be paid for subsequent submissions on the same engagement.
Anyone including spouses, sisters, brothers or friends can contact us regarding the reward as long as the information is valid.
A submission is determined to be valid once the engagement has been confirmed by the appropriate teachers/officials. Confirmation will be conducted immediately upon each submission. Documents including invitations, flyers, and letters may be all that is required to confirm the engagement. Payment will be made within three business days after confirmation.
All communications with Florida Family Association are confidential. Recipients of the reward will remain anonymous. Florida Family Association has kept confidential over three dozen people who have submitted confidential information regarding issues of public concern during the past twenty four years.
We routinely request this information from the school board office via a public records request. However, the information is not always timely and may not be reliable.
You may contact me at davidcaton@floridafamily.org or my cell phone 813-690-4829.
David Caton President Florida Family Association, Inc.
This email was sent from my Gmail account because the school district blocked emails to you from davidcaton@floridafamily.org Issue history The Tampa Bay Times reported on January 10, 2012 “Florida Family Association's David Caton protests Muslim speaker's visits to Hillsborough school.” Florida Family Association’s public records request which the school district complied with on December 14, 2011 (the beginning of Christmas break) produced the proof that CAIR officials made presentations to students at Steinbrenner High School in Tampa. Since that time Florida Family Association sent out three email alerts and posted an online article which reported that Hillsborough County School Board members were allowing CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) officials to indoctrinate school children with propaganda including their version of Sharia law. Each school board member and the district superintendent received approximately 10,000 emails opposing CAIR officials from addressing students. That number does not include emails these officials have received from individuals and other groups apart from Florida Family Association. Florida Family Association continues to this day to submit public records requests regarding this issue.
Several organizations including local Tea Party leaders challenged the Hillsborough County School Board on February 14, 2012 to stop local CAIR officials from addressing students. The Tampa Bay Times reported in part “The issue arose late last year when conservative activist David Caton called attention to a visit to Steinbrenner High by Hassan Shibly, executive director of the Tampa-based Islamic group.”
Email: ffa@floridafamily.org
Florida Family Association, Inc. P.O. Box 46547, Tampa, FL 33646-0105 Telephone 813-264-5888 |
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