| Tampa school district to hold workshop on March 30th to consider policy prohibiting groups like CAIR for indoctrinating students. Click here to send your email encouraging to the school board to adopt such policy. | Hillsborough County appears to be the only school district in the country which is floundering on how to respond to CAIR and Muslim Brotherhood type speakers addressing students. Click here to read Tampa Bay Times news report titled Hillsborough schools now a battleground over influence of Islam.  David Caton |
| I addressed the Hillsborough County School Board on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 regarding the Steinbrenner High School history teacher who invited officials from CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations) to indoctrinate students on Islamist issues including Sharia law. My statement to the school board is provided at the end of this email. I was amazed at the blatant hypocrisy demonstrated by the board during this meeting. First, the board was preparing to fire a twenty-three year | veteran without warning for talking about politics with a fellow co-worker. Second, the school board prohibited anyone from mentioning any candidates for office while addressing the board from the podium. I understand policy that restricts politicking on our tax dollars. However, it is idiotic for this board to prohibit school district employees and public meeting speakers from engaging in speech about American politics while allowing CAIR officials to indoctrinate students regarding the foreign law Sharia. The Hillsborough County School Board has a workshop planned for Friday, March 30th from 2 – 5 pm to discuss a possible policy regarding speakers allowed to address students. Florida Family Association remains doubtful that this board can break through their progressive mindset to adopt restrictive policy on this issue. Additionally, Florida Family Association contends that it is highly unlikely that CAIR will be invited to speak in this school district anytime in the near future after all of this controversy. Click here to read more about Florida Family Association efforts on this issue. However, support for a policy needs to be voiced at this time since the board is holding a workshop. If there is a clearly defensible position for public policy it would have to be fulfilling their oath of office to defend state and federal constitutions as explained below in David Caton’s prepared statement to Hillsborough County School Board Members. Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to encourage the Hillsborough County School Board to adopt policy which prohibits outside speakers from addressing students if they advocate politics that are antithetical to the constitution. To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the "Send Your Message" button. Because opponents try to use our email system to send opposing messages we NO longer allow for changes in the wording of the subject line or message of the email prepared for you to send to advertisers. Please click here to send your email to the seven Hillsborough County School Board Members and superintendent. David Caton’s prepared statement to Hillsborough County School Board Members. This message was edited down from three to two minutes. Each school board member swore an oath saying “I, do solemnly swear that I will support, protect, and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Florida.” Most citizens would interpret that oath to mean that school board members would not have students exposed to advocates of ideas that are antithetical to the constitution. While the school board allows teachers to educate students on the Communist Manifesto with appropriate textbooks, they do not allow foreign government officials or Communist Party USA to indoctrinate students. Hassan Shibly who indoctrinated Steinbrenner High School students about Sharia law also led the political opposition to anti-Sharia legislation in the 2012 Florida Legislative Session. Most citizens no more want officials from the Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA) explaining the Communist Manifesto to students than they want CAIR officials propagandizing students about Sharia law. While this board is legally required to adopt policies that are constitutional you are also legally and ethically bound by your sworn oath to defend that same constitution against those who advocate laws which conflict with the liberties guaranteed by it. Additionally, it is inconsistent for this board to be considering the firing of a 23 year veteran because he discussed American politics with a co-worker while this board allowed a guest speaker to indoctrinate students with foreign politics. That is shameful. Background information and second email alert on this issue.  |
| School board blindly ignores 10,000 emails to each official, votes to allow CAIR to indoctrinate students. Allowing CAIR officials, known for defending people whose actions were hostile to America, to teach unedited propaganda to students is borderline treason. | Florida Family Association sent out two email alerts and posted an online article which reported that Hillsborough County School Board members were allowing CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) officials to indoctrinate school children with propaganda including their version of Sharia law. Florida Family Association’s Take Action Message Report indicates that EACH school board official has received approximately 10,000 emails urging them to stop allowing CAIR officials from addressing students. That number does not include emails these officials have received from individuals and other groups apart from Florida Family Association. Several organizations including local Tea Party leaders challenged the Hillsborough County School Board on February 14, 2012 to stop local CAIR officials from addressing students. School board member Dr. Stacy White offered a motion to have CAIR and a committee “discuss” this situation with no specified stated resolution. Susan Valdez seconded the motion. April Griffin tried to gut the inane motion by requiring that all groups be included in the discussions thereby extending the issue to a non-issue.  |
| School Board Chairman Candy Oslon, Poster Child for Ultra Progressive Politics, gave another one of her extremely biased bashings of reasonable thinking people. She proclaimed that “Most Muslims are moderate” to justify CAIR officials speaking to students and scolded rational thinking concerned Americans who criticized Steinbrenner High School teacher Kelly Miliziano for inviting CAIR officials to speak to 500+ students. Chairman Olson also lost her cool during the January 24, 2012 meeting when she took a low shot at conservative Americans concern regarding CAIR talking to school children by saying “I don't think we can protect our children from the fact that there are extremists in every religion." Click here for the Tampa Bay Times report. Olson was quoted on tape saying that if you don't like the actions of this school district then you can always move to another county. | During the February 14, 2012 meeting school board members rejected Dr. Stacy White’s weak motion by a 2 – 5 vote. This rejection vote effectively approves CAIR officials addressing students without regard for the content of their presentations. Having a TEACHER provide ALL OF THE FACTS regarding Sharia law is called education. Allowing CAIR officials, known for defending people whose actions were hostile to America, to provide unedited propaganda to students is borderline treason. Folks we are watching Islamization of America in action. CAIR is telling students only what they want them to know about Islam and Sharia law with the full grace of elected school board officials. As in other countries and cities it starts small and ends badly. Please forward this email to family and friends who are concerned about Islamization of American. FACEBOOK. You can share this issue with your Facebook friends. Simply go to the article page found at Floridafamily.org and click the FLike key at the top of the page. The article will post to the top of your Facebook WALL page. Click on the SHARE or RESHARE link for the article in your Wall page to share with friends. If you have difficulty loading the above email send link simply go to Floridafamily.org, locate this issue at the top of the home page and click links to send your email. Floridafamily.org
Email: ffa@floridafamily.org Florida Family Association, Inc. P.O. Box 46547, Tampa, FL 33646-0105 Telephone 813-264-5888 |
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