Iran Declares War against the Jewish

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The Iranian
government, long known for its Holocaust denial and anti-Zionism, has now
declared war against the Jewish people. In a speech delivered in Tehran, Vice
President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi accused the Jewish people of spreading illegal
drugs around the world, killing Black babies, starting the Bolshevik Revolution
and causing many of the world's other ills. His "proof": "The
Islamic Republic of Iran will pay for anyone who can research and find one single
Zionist who is an addict. They do not exist. This is the proof of their
involvement in drugs trade."
There are, of course, numerous addicts among
Jews and Zionists, as there are among all groups. Israel has several treatment
centers for drug addicts as do Jewish communities throughout the world. He also
cited "proof" that the Jews caused the Bolshevik Revolution: not a
single Jew was killed during that Revolution. Of course, thousands of Jews were
murdered during the Bolshevik Revolution as well as during Stalin's purges in
the decades following the establishment of the Soviet Union.
But don't expect truth from a country whose
leaders deny the existence of even a single gay person in all of Iran.
Vice President Rahimi cited the Talmud as the
source of his claptrap and in support of his claim that Jews believe that they
are racially superior and that "God has created the world so that all
other nations can serve them."
These bigoted claims would be laughable if they
did not have such a long and disturbing history. Virtually everything stated by
Vice President Rahimi came directly out of Hitler's playbook of the 1930s and
Stalin's playbook of the 1940s and 50s. They must be taken seriously in light
of the fact that Iran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons and has already
called for the Jewish state to be wiped off the map. Moreover, Iran's
surrogate, Hezbollah, has invited all the Jews of the world to move to Israel
so that it will be easier to destroy them in one fell swoop.
Taken together, these statements and actions
constitute a clear incitement to genocide, which is explicitly prohibited by
international law and by the rules governing the International Criminal Court.
Professor Irwin Cotler, the former minister of justice and attorney general of
Canada, has drafted a brilliant brief making the case for indicting the Iranian
leaders for inciting genocide against the Jewish people. Vice President
Rahimi's speech constitutes additional evidence of that crime, if any were
If the leaders of Iran are guilty of incitement
against the Jewish people, as they plainly are, they have many coconspirators
and facilitators. In recent years these have included several prominent church
leaders, such as Cardinal Glemp of Poland, Father Daniel Berrigan of the United
States, Cardinal Rodriguez of Honduras, Bishop Tutu of South Africa and
numerous others who have crossed the line from anti-Zionism to overt
Cardinal Glemp, while serving as the primate of
Poland, accused the Jews of bringing Communism, alcoholism and poverty to
Poland. He also accused them of provoking anti-Semitism. Father Daniel Berrigan
characterized the Jewish state as "a criminal Jewish community" that
"manufactures human waste." A current cardinal of the Catholic Church
Oscar Andres Rodriguez Meridiaga, who is the archbishop of Tegucigalpa,
Honduras, has been telling anyone who is willing to listen that "the
Jews" are to blame for the scandal surrounding the sexual misconduct of
priests toward young parishioners! How did Cardinal Rodriguez ever come up with
this ridiculous idea? Here is his "logic:" the Vatican is anti-Israel
and pro-Palestinian. It follows, therefore, that "the Jews" had to
get even with the Catholic Church, while at the same time deflecting attention
away from Israeli injustices against the Palestinians. The Jews managed to do
this by arranging for the media which they, of course, control to give
disproportionate attention to the Vatican sex scandal.
Not to be outdone, Anglican Bishop Desmond
Tutu, claims that Americans are frightened of excessive Jewish influence in
America because "the Jewish lobby is powerful—very powerful." He
compared the Jewish influence in America to that of "Hitler, Mussolini,
Stalin, Pinochet, Milosevic and Idi Amin"—all of whom who were "powerful,
but in the end they bit the dust."
And now joining in the incitement is Pulitzer
Prize winning author Alice Walker, who says that the situation of Arab citizens
in Israel is much worse that what Blacks experienced in the South during Jim
Crow, thus trivializing the suffering of her own people about which she has
written so poignantly! She has now decided to withhold her writings from all
readers of Hebrew, the language of the Jewish people.
These hateful voices, from the left, the right
and the center, are influencing conduct around the world. Anti-Semitic violence
is increasing as is anti-Semitic incitement. The time has come to take this
threat seriously, whether it comes from absurd sources such as Iran or more
respected personages such as Bishop Tutu and Alice Walker.
I am not seeking to constrain freedom of
expression through governmental censorship. I am asking people of good will to
condemn all anti-Jewish bigotry even when expressed by those who are admired,
and to take action against the danger posed by the noxious combination of
radioactive words and radioactive weapons.
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