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"Radical Salafism is Like a Hard Drug"

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In an
effort to improve their image, the Salafists have removed from their
"information booths" all literature about the role of women in Islam
or the supremacy of Islamic Sharia law over democracy. The German translation
of the Koran has edited out many of the verses which call on Muslims to make
war on non-believers.
German authorities have launched a major
crackdown on radical Islamists suspected of plotting against the state.
The move reflects mounting concern in Germany
over the growing assertiveness of Salafist Muslims, who openly state that they
want to establish Islamic Sharia law in the country and across Europe.
raids on June 14, over 1,000 German police searched about 70 Salafist
homes, apartments, mosques and meeting places in seven of Germany's 16 states
in search of evidence that would enable the German government to outlaw some of
the dozens of Islamist groups operating in the country.
German authorities believe the Salafists, who
trace their roots to Saudi Arabia, want to create a Sunni Islamic Caliphate
(Islamic Empire) opposed to Western democracy; and that some within the group
support martyrdom and the use of violence, and are also fuelling militancy
among German's socially alienated Muslim youth.
Announcing the crackdown, Interior Minister
Hans-Peter Friedrich said he had banned a Salafist group called
Ibrahim, based in the western city of Solingen. "The Millatu Ibrahim
group works against our constitutional order," he said, "and against
understanding between peoples." Among other things, Millatu Ibrahim
teaches its followers to reject German law and to follow Islamic Sharia law,
and that "the unbelievers are the enemy."
Friedrich also said that the raids in Bavaria,
Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg and North Rhine-Westphalia, among other locations, may
unearth evidence that would allow outlawing two other Salafist groups, the
DawaFFM and "
Die Wahre Religion"
[DRW, "The True Religion"].
Friedrich said a "comprehensive collection
of evidence" had been seized, including cell phones, laptop computers,
videos and other items. "All these things will be evaluated over the
coming days, and we shall see to what extent the evidence is sufficient to ban
the two organizations being investigated."
Among the homes targeted in the raids was one
belonging to Ibrahim Abou-Nagie, a Palestinian-born, Rheinland-based Salafist
hate preacher who runs the DRW Salafist group.
Abou-Nagie is the orchestrator behind an
nationwide campaign to distribute 25 million copies of the Koran,
translated into the German language, with the goal of placing one Koran into
every household in Germany, free of charge.
The mass proselytization campaign -- called
"READ!" -- is being implemented by hundreds of Salafists in
cities and towns throughout Germany, as well as in Austria and in Switzerland.
More than 100 Salafist "information booths" have already been set up
in dozens of German cities, particularly in the regions of North
Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Hessen and Hamburg.
In September 2011, German public prosecutors
launched an investigation into Abou-Nagie after he
for violence against non-believers in videos posted on the Internet. In his
sermons, Abou-Nagie glamorizes Islamic martyrdom and says that Islamic Sharia
law is above the German Constitution. He outspokenly believes that music should
be prohibited, that homosexuals should be executed, and that adulterers should
be stoned.
Abou-Nagie has tens of thousands of followers
across Germany. Among them are two
Muslim converts-turned-terror suspects trained by Abou-Nagie and recently
arrested in Dover, England, after British border police searched their luggage
and found a document entitled "How to Build a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your
Mom," an article from the English-language online magazine "
produced by Al-Qaida in Yemen.
one video, Abou-Nagie
tells his audience that "whoever follows the Christian Bible or the Jewish
Torah instead of the Islamic Koran will go to Hell for eternity."
Abou-Nagie says he sees it as his calling to save the German people from the
wrath of Allah by converting them to Islam.
During the extended Christian Easter weekend
from April 5-9, Abou-Nagie's Project "READ!" entered into a new
phase. According to the Berlin-based newspaper
Die Welt, the Salafists
launched a "
assault" against people of other faiths and "unbelievers."
On April 7 Project "READ!" organized
a nationwide campaign to distribute the Koran in 35 German cities, including
Berlin, Cologne, Dresden, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hanover, Heidelberg, Konstanz,
Munich and Osnabrück.
According to
Die Welt, German
authorities view the Koran project as a "
worrisome" recruiting campaign for radical Islam. Security analysts
say the campaign is also a public-relations gimmick intended to persuade
Germans that the Salafists are transparent and "citizen friendly."
In an effort to improve their image, the
Salafists have removed from their "information booths" all literature
about the role of women in Islam or the supremacy of Islamic Sharia law over
Moreover, the German translation of the Koran
has edited out many of the verses which call on Muslims to make war on
non-believers. According to the German domestic intelligence agency, the
Bundesamt für
Verfassungsschutz (BfV), the German version of the Koran is "rather
The BfV believes there are an estimated 29
Islamist groups active in Germany with around 35,000 members or supporters who
want to establish a "Koran-state" in Germany because they believe
Islamic Sharia law is a divine ordinance that is supposed to replace all other
legal systems. The BfV says the Salafists, who are estimated to be about 4,000
in number, are the fastest growing Islamic group in Germany, which has a total
Muslim population of 4.3 million.
German authorities have been stepping up their
monitoring of Salafist groups after a series of violent clashes with police.
The clashes erupted when around 30 supporters
of a conservative political party, PRO NRW, which is opposed to the further
spread of Islam in Germany, participated in a campaign rally ahead of regional
elections in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW).
Following the fights (in which 29 police
officers were injured, two of them seriously), a video surfaced on the Internet
by a known terrorist, the German-born
Yassin Chouka, a
member of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border
In the
video, Chouka calls for members of PRO NRW and German media to be killed.
He also urges the Salafists to move away from street confrontations, where the
risk of being arrested is great, and instead to target PRO NRW members in their
homes and workplaces.
In a
8 interview with the newspaper
Die Welt, Interior Minister
Hans-Peter Friedrich said: "Radical Salafism is like a hard drug. All of
those who succumb to her become violent."
Friedrich also said the recent Salafist attacks
on German police show "that the threshold for violence has decreased in an
alarming way. There can be only one answer: The government must make it clear
with all the force of the law that our democracy is fortified. Salafists fight
the liberal-democratic legal system and in its place
to introduce their radical ideology in Germany. But we will not let that
happen. We will defend our freedom and our security with all our might."
Kern is Senior Fellow for European Politics at the Madrid-based
Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group. Follow him on Facebook.
Hunting Season Open in France

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organizations remain blindly silent : for them, Muslims are "victims of
racism" and therefore cannot be racist.
France is presently prey to one of the worst
waves of anti-Semitism in its history ; this wave is not receding, rather, it
is intensifying.
According to the annual report published by the
Protection Service of the Jewish community, 2011 was a bad year; 2012 will be
Since the killing of three children and a rabbi
in the courtyard of a school in Toulouse on March 19 by Mohamed Merah, the
number of attacks against Jews has exponentiated.
The vicious assault of three young Jews in Lyon
on June 2 by a gang of ten men armed with hammers and iron bars was only the
most visible and most obvious act among more than 150 other acts of the same
kind in less than three months.
Since then, in just two weeks, dozens of new
attacks have occurred. In one of them, an eighty-three year old woman was
beaten, raped and left for dead in a Marseilles stairwell.
Most of the victims do not even go to the
police: they know only too well that their complaint is likely to be dismissed.
The police have orders: the risk of riots is in the mind of all those in authority.
These orders are not transmitted in writing, of course ; their existence
emerges when the police, angered by the role they are asked to play, organize
protests. They are even more angry when they do their job and make arrests,
only to see those arrested released by the judge even when the evidence
provided is overwhelming. Judges also appear to have orders, also not
transmitted in written form: some organize protests, others silently comply.
Those who were arrested may then seek revenge
against those who complained -- who will be protected by nobody.
The situation has evolved as successive
governments have accepted the existence and growth of no-go zones which are now
effectively out of control.
The situation has also evolved as nearly all
politicians, left and right, submit to the omnipresence of political
correctness. To them, those who commit crimes are not really guilty, but are
"victims of society."
Anti-racist organizations are always ready to
mobilize against anti-Semitism, but they act and speak as if there were only
one form: extreme-right anti-Semitism.
But as anti-Semitic crimes committed in France
do not come from the extreme-right, but mostly from the Muslim community, these
organizations remain blindly silent ; for them, Muslims are "victims of
racism" and therefore cannot be racist.
As the mainstream media are also silent, Muslim
anti-Semites feel free to act. And the more time passes, the more they feel
free to act. When crimes are not followed by repercussions, criminals acquire a
giddy sense of impunity.
Almost no one dare associate the words
"Muslim" and "anti-Semite" in France anymore, and those who
still do are immediately accused of "Islamophobia" and charged. A law
that bears the name of a communist politician -- the "Gayssot law" --
states that any criticism of a religion is a form of discrimination, and
criticism of Islam is generally considered to be much worse than discrimination
against anything else.
When Muslim anti-Semites, knowing the
demonization of Israel that reigns in the country, say they hate Jews because
of what Israeli Jews do to "Palestinians," many journalists and
"intellectuals" consider that excuse a mitigating circumstance,
without even bothering to consider what the Palestinian leadership does to
Palestinians -- such as stealing the funds sent to the Palestinian people by
gullible Americans and Europeans, throwing Palestinian journalists and any
other outspoken citizen in jail wholesale, teaching toddlers to be terrorists,
and effectively rejecting all rule of law. And this is the leadership that
would like its own state?
When Jewish schools had to be protected before
the killings in Toulouse, those killings showed that security measures in place
were not sufficient. Jewish shops and restaurants receive daily threats. Every
week, windows are smashed or covered with insulting graffiti. Jewish radio
stations dare not display their name on their studio doors. Jewish kids are
spat upon in the streets.
French Jews feel very isolated and very
vulnerable. They now know that simple things can be dangerous: wearing a
skullcap in the street, going to the synagogue alone, placing a mezuzah
on a door frame.
400,000 Jews live in France today, and the
number is decreasing. Two thousand Jews leave the country every year; those who
do not leave now know they have no future in France.
Six million Muslims live in France today, and
their number is increasing. In addition to the risk of riots, the existence of
no-go zones and the omnipresence of political correctness, politicians, left
and right, know whom they must seduce, flatter, or appease to be elected.
Even if Nicolas Sarkozy usually complied with
the "Arab policy of France," it did not help him: He was considered a
"friend of the Jews".
Polls shows that France's new President,
François Hollande received an overwhelming majority of Muslim votes,
approximately 94%. On the evening of May 6, he was greeted at Place de la
Bastille by a forest of flags of almost every country in the Muslim world.
French flags were virtually invisible. Groups of veiled women were there,
apparently happy. Any observable signs of Judaism would have been clearly
inappropriate. Holding an Israeli flag would have been suicidal.
Although saying that France will soon be a
country without Jews would be going too far, it is clear that daily life for
Jews in France will become increasingly harsh and unbearable. This is what is
happening in France today.
What is happening in France is happens almost
every place in Europe: Jew hunting season is open in France and Europe. Even if
the hunt lead to the horrors that stained Europe seventy years ago, it will not
end any time soon.
An isolated hate crime is an isolated hate
crime. But a hate crime followed by another hate crime is the beginning of a
When these crimes come in addition to hundreds
of less-serious hate crimes, it indicates that this is more than a series. A
noxious atmosphere is taking shape.
Election: Islamist Victory - or Deceptive Strategy?

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It is counterproductive
for the West to eat straight out of the Brotherhood's hands and unquestioningly
disseminate its unsubstantiated information, as the Islamists would like: It
works to their advantage.
Has anyone stopped to ask where the headlines
"Muslim Brotherhood wins Egypt's presidential election!" originated?
They came, of course, straight from the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies,
particularly the Qatari Islamist propaganda machine, Al Jazeera, and were then
helpfully perpetuated by the mainstream media and talking-heads.
That allegation might sound suspiciously like a
"conspiracy theory" were it not for the countless statements by the
non-Islamist Egyptian media that were left unquoted by the western media, as
well as many analysts who had a different tale to tell: The election was
actually won by the secular candidate, Ahmed Shafiq.
What does the Muslim Brotherhood have to
benefit by claiming victory now, if it might be proven otherwise three days
from now, on June 21, when the results will be officially announced? Simple:
they will be able to scream foul play—and gain the world's sympathy. For days
the world will have been inundated with news that the Brotherhood won; when and
if it hears that Shafiq won, it will naturally conclude that there has been
electoral fraud -- as serves the Islamists' interests.
Baraka, a Shafiq campaign spokesman, maintains that "their candidate
won the presidency, with 52% of the votes"—precisely the same number the
Brotherhood is claiming—adding that the Brotherhood's claims to victory
"are bizarre and unacceptable," a "big act."
Similarly, talk show host
Okasha appeared, emphatically saying that the Brotherhood's claims are
"all lies," that most polls indicate their candidate, Muhammad Morsi
"failed," and that the Islamist group's motive is simply to sow
"discord and dissension." He then provided several examples of how
the Brotherhood's claims are incongruous with reality.
Why believe Shafiq's spokesman and staunch
secularist Okasha? Good question. Here's a better question: Why believe the
Muslim Brotherhood?
Knowing the Brotherhood's deceptive
tactics—"War is deceit" as their prophet said—there is good reason to
think that they may have planned a propaganda victory well before the
elections. They could claim victory, won fair and square; they could have their
Islamist and Western media supporters trumpet it; they could embed it in
everyone's mind for over three days before the results were formally announced—
all to set the playing field to their advantage. If Shafiq wins, everyone—from
militant Islamists in Egypt to a grandstanding US Secretary of State—will
shout, "foul play!", thereby exonerating the long promised civil war
Egypt's Islamists vowed to wage if the election did not go their way. So much
for democracy. The rebellion they have threatened to stage would then be
portrayed in the West as the result of a of a "grievance."
At this moment, no one knows which candidate
won. The race is close. In the meantime, even though it is naturally the
business of every news bureau to "break the news" and not be left
behind, it is counterproductive for the West to eat straight out of the
Brotherhood's hands and unquestioningly disseminate its unsubstantiated
information, as the Islamists would like: It works to their advantage.
Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center
and an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum
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