Thursday, July 9, 2015

162 People Die of Starvation in Mosul


Basnews  |  Shwan Barzinji
08.07.2015  14:11
Mosul residents live under hardship since IS captured the city.

Tags:   Iraq  |  Iraqi  |  ISIL  |  ISIS  |  Mosul

MOSUL – Under the authority of Islamic State (IS) in Mosul, civilians are experiencing an intense economic crisis and social isolation as the rate of unemployment has leapt since the jihadists took over the city last year.

Saed Mamuzini, Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) official from Mosul, told BasNews that more than 75% of people are out of work in Mosul and they cannot afford basics.

He revealed that 162 people, including Kurds, have died from starvation so far. “The lack of adequate food and medical supplies as well as incredibly high prices have made the situation intolerable for the people,” he said.

Mamuzini pointed out that 1.5 million people are living in Mosul now and IS cannot fulfil their basic needs. Even though the Iraqi government sends food monthly, the amount is not enough.

Alongside the lack of food, Mosul residents are regularly being arrested, tortured and executed by the IS militants. “During one year of IS rule in the city, 9,711 civilians and insurgents have died in Mosul due to violence,”Mamuzini stated.

“IS militants have recently executed four women accused of spying and arrested 78 others who had visited an IS security station demanding the release of their family members,” he continued. “Over 1,400 under-aged children have been taken to military training camps by the extremist group.”

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