Wednesday, September 7, 2016

How Choudary corrupted the minds of children: He inspired boy, 5, to shout 'shame' at women not wearing burkas, his brother, 12, to defend Charlie Hebdo killers and their sister, 9, to dream of going to Syria

How Choudary corrupted the minds of children: He inspired boy, 5, to shout 'shame' at women not wearing burkas, his brother, 12, to defend Charlie Hebdo killers and their sister, 9, to dream of going to Syria

  • Choudary was sentenced yesterday to five-and-a-half years in prison
  • The full extent of his proselytising of the young is now becoming clear
  • Choudary, 49, warped the minds of innocent youngsters over two decades
  • He inspired many of them, as teenagers and young adults, to join ISIS

For nearly 20 years, Anjem Choudary thought he was untouchable. The Islamic hate preacher stood on street corners with a microphone spewing out vile anti-British propaganda condemning Western lifestyles and promising that Islamic flags would soon fly over Downing Street.
He called for the Queen to wear a burka, drunks to receive 40 lashes, and told his increasingly fanatical Muslim disciples — some just children — that it was their duty to claim State benefits (or ‘jihadseeker’s allowance’, as he called it) to impoverish this country.
As TV cameras rolled (for Choudary is a media savvy self-publicist), few took much notice of the youngsters among the baying mob.
Indoctrinated: A girl in a burka at a Choudary rally at Central London Mosque in front of placards reading: ‘Muslims will destroy the crusade and establish the Islamic State’
Indoctrinated: A girl in a burka at a Choudary rally at Central London Mosque in front of placards reading: ‘Muslims will destroy the crusade and establish the Islamic State’

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