Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Infinite Patience: An Enduring Legacy Of Activism For Dolphins and Whales In Taiji, Japan

This video is a tribute to the victims of Taiji; all dolphins and whales suffering in the hideous cetacean captivity trade; and honoring the passion, bravery and tenacity of Activists who refuse to be silenced or to give up in being a voice for the voiceless. Without the latter, none of the footage in this project would ever have been obtained. Nearly all of the precious dolphins and whales shown herein are gone now...but they will never be forgotten. We will never stop fighting to end the brutal hunts which continue to ravage what remains of their families in the wild, and to abolish the sick, sad world of the captivity trade.

In 2003, Captain Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, put together the first mission to Taiji, Japan, exposing the horrific dolphin and whale captures and massacres occurring there to the eyes of the world. The Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians, unpaid volunteers from all over the world who go to Taiji to document the hunts, and many more who support them, have not rested since--and never will. WE WILL NOT STOP UNTIL THE SLAUGHTER ENDS!


Every year, from September 1 to March, nearly 2,000 dolphins are brutally slaughtered in Taiji, Japan. The killing method is slow and horrific, as is the dark truth about what motivates these massacres: the 'money dolphins' taken for captivity. This is not about 'food culture'. Taiji killers have only been hunting dolphins regularly since post-WWII, and only 6-8% of the town's population is associated with Isana Fisheries Union, which issues the kill permits and represents the killers. Worse still, the Japanese government knows that the meat is poisoned with high levels of mercury. Mercury poisoning sickens and kills people, and cause deformities in babies. They've dealt with this before in Minamata, where mercury poisoning from consumption of toxic meat devastated the town. Now, the resulting pathology is named after this tragedy (Minamata Disease). Despite international outrage and worldwide activism to stop the senseless killings of these bright, beautiful animals, Japan allows the massacres to continue.

Recently, scientists have presented evidence that dolphins meet the definition of personhood. The complexity of their brains, self-awareness, language and even culture place them closer to us than any other species -- and the gap between our two species and the rest of Life on this planet is wider than ever previously imagined. Recognizing the depth and significance of this knowledge makes the reality of both the slaughter and captive keeping of cetaceans morally and ethically bankrupt. Dolphins even have names for each other, and when separated, they call for specific loved ones. One is devastated, thinking what they must say when in the hands of the cruel killers in Taiji.

What is done:

The dolphins are hunted by a method called "oikomi" drives. Killers go out to known dolphin migratory routes and find a pod (family). Then, they spread out, placing long metal pipes with flared ends into the water and bang on the tops with hammers. The sound is terrifying and disorienting to dolphins, disrupting their sensitive sonar. They flee the resultant wall of sound. In this way, the killers drive the dolphins from open sea into a small cove. Many thrash themselves against the rocks in their desperate attempt to flee the painful noise. Once driven into the cove, the dolphins are netted off. If the family caught is of a "money dolphin" species (e.g., bottlenose), trainers from the nearby Taiji Whale(ing) Museum and associated dolphin profiteers are called in. They select the most attractive animals, for which they pay top dollar (a Live dolphin is worth $10,000 USD; a trained dolphin, $150-300,000 USD or more. A dead dolphin is only worth ~$700. Taiji is the largest exporter of captive dolphins in the world). After the family is robbed of their young and attractive loved ones, the killers herd the remaining dolphins toward shore and the sick, slow killing begins. The screams and thrashing sounds of the agonized dolphins can be heard as the killers move from one to the next, driving a metal spike by hand behind the head of each deeply traumatized animal, purportedly to sever their spinal cord and "kill them instantly" -- only accurate if one defines "instantly" to mean as much as TWENTY MINUTES or more. This sickening technique is called pithing, and done by hand, slowly and ineffectively, it is nothing short of pure torture for the victims. Dolphins have been seen suffering as long as 20 minutes or more; Pilot Whales, over an hour and still moving on the way to the butcherhouse.

The Academy Award-winning film, "The Cove," addresses the Taiji dolphin slaughters and the issues surrounding them. The killings are still happening, right now. Please join the fight to END this cruel, senseless, inhumane and unethical practice!

MUSIC: "Thousand Eyes" by 'Of Monsters And Men'

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