The Gathering Storm Newsletter May 16, 2009 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Here's a synopsis of the most important weekly news revealing the intimidation, infiltration and disinformationtactics used to soften-up the non-Muslim world for domination and the appeasers and apologists that support them because the Islamists are correct in believing the following:
Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called 'religious rights.'
As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone.
At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.
From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal and work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law.
When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats.
After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning.
At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare.
From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing, use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels.
After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide.
100% will usher in the peace of 'Dar-es-Salaam' - the Islamic House of Peace - there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim.
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UPCOMING SHOWS May 22: Midnight Rider May 29: Koran debate
As that great leader and Statesman Winston Churchill said, "It's not the government that makes war in a democracy, but the people - and the people are asleep in the free democracies today, lulled into inaction by a 'softening up' process of our enemy."
Free Trial Copy of The Gathering Storm eBook
The Gathering Storm eBook, with an Introduction by ex-terrorist Walid Shoebat, contains 300 pages of hyperlinked information, pictures, cartoons and videos that will detail the intimidation, infiltration and disinformation tactics and the multiple types of jihads that Islamists are using to advance their goal of the Islamic rule of the world under Shariah law.
Get a FREE TRIAL COPY of the The Gathering Storm eBook which includes the Forward by Walid Shoebat, Introduction, and first 50 pages of The Gathering Storm eBook.
This Week's Political Cartoon
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Weekly Think Piece ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recipe for an Islamist Global Insurgency A simple recipe for the success of the global Islamist insurgency is one part intimidation, one part infiltration, one part disinformation and two parts of the appeasing and apologizing of the 'useful idiots'.
But Foehammer's Anvil has one just as good. 1 ) Create an atmosphere of fear. 2 ) Squash free speech through that fear. 3 ) Alienate Western democratic governments from their own people through the paranoia surrounding terrorist events and the culture of fear. 4 ) Alienate the Jews from the world until such time that Israel can be destroyed, especially through "world" bodies like the United Nations and by fomenting anti-Semetism in the West. 5 ) Squash the will of the American and European people to fight the jihad longterm by using the "Death by 1000 Cuts" strategy in Iraq and wherever else it can be maintained perpetually using martyrs, Al Qaeda, etc. Use terrorism, sectarian violence, open jihad and "good cop, bad cop" strategies. 6 ) Populate all nations with as many Muslims as possible and slowly usurp their populations, especially in low-Western birth nations throughout Europe. Increase the Muslim birthrate whenever possible and especially marry non-Islamic women and "revert" them as a priority. 7 ) Lobby for changes to laws in all nations to better serve the jihad through the perpetuation of myths like "Islamophobia." Ally with the far Left to accomplish this whenever prudent. Fabricate and instigate media events in order to sway public opinion also (i.e. the US Airways Imams). 8 ) "Revert" first the lowliest elements in Western nations like their criminals and ill-educated, then once the "culture of fear" sets in, perpetuate further "reversions" to Islam through political overtures like those used by Ahmadinejad in his letters. Use college campuses, too, and prey upon the young, liberal idealists who are especially ignorant of the teachings of the Qur'an but will quickly drink up the fight for the "enlightened barbarians" from the Middle East. 9 ) Kill as many of the stubborn "polytheists" that are left over as necessary in order to further the ends of 1-7 and especially #8. Use of WMDs, poisons, outright murder - as long as the "good cop, bad cop" strategy can be maintained by the ruling Islamic leaders to keep the world entangled in political red tape, it's all fair. 10 ) Mix well and repeat. 11 ) Be patient. 12 ) Islamic victory.
Intimidation Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Rally For Human Rights Takes On Radical Islam
Five Towns Jewish Times Online - Cedarhurst,NY,USA
Muslim women are being sexually stalked by 'wilding' parties in Egypt and Algeria, and gang-raped and then lashed almost to death in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, ...
Infidel Bloggers Alliance: Another Muslim complains of "religious ...
By Andy Armitage
Given the way our country is forever appeasing encroaching Islam and its alien ways, he'll probably win his case. ______. Related links: Muslim sues Tesco over booze · Whingeing Muslim loses employment case. Labels: Islam in the UK ...
Muslim chef sues Britain's largest police force, claiming ...
By Somatikos
LONDON // A Muslim chef is suing Britain's largest police force, claiming he suffered religious discrimination because he was expected to cook bacon and pork sausages for breakfast. .... Global Warming, Gun control, Hezbolah, Hezbollah, Holland, Honour Killings, Human Rights Commission, Ikhwan, India, Infiltration, Iran, irrational leftism, Islam, Islam in Africa, Islam in Australia, Islam in Europe, Islam in Prisons, Islam in the Americas, Islam on campus, Israel, Jihad ...
Infiltration Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Islamization Watch: Taliban Extorts Protection 'Jizya Tax' From ...
By Cole
The jizya tax is imposed by fundamentalist Muslims on members of other religions who refuse to convert to Islam and has been used by Muslim governments for centuries. The aim of the jizya tax and other similar restrictions is punishment ...
The Three Types of Jihadists « ACT Northern Virginia/Richmond/DC ...
By waltjr
This group acts like a parasite, infiltrating and attaching themselves to regional conflicts, enlisting them in the global radical Islamic offensive. Posing as forces fighting occupation or oppression, this enables them to parade as nationalists in an attempt to ... In the case of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Western networks are sometimes used to support overseas "near enemy jihadists" like Hamas, highlighting the overlap among the three types of jihadists outlined here. ...
Terrorist Threats in the Horn of Africa
American Enterprise Institute - Washington,DC,USA
... capabilities: infiltrating existing insurgencies throughout the Islamic world .... vulnerable their own Muslim populations are to jihadist infiltration. ... |
Disinformation Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jihad Watch: Bridge For Sale Alert: Muslims in the UK are loyal ...
By director@jihadwatch.org
Muslim immigrants are the first ever to bring with them a ready-made model for society and governance that their religion teaches them is superior to the one they find in their new country. ... senior analyst at Gallup, said: "In the aftermath of the horrific London bombing, Britain's multicultural approach to integration came under fire from pundits in Europe and the United States, who saw it as an appeasement of unreasonable demands and promoting parallel societies. ...
Free Speech Alive and ACT!ive in Texas part II
Right Side News - Kennesaw,GA,USA
Some other examples of disinformation designed by the Muslim Brotherhood are: "Islam means peace"-even Muslim Web sites define Islam as submission. ...
Gen.: Taliban Hit Civilians, Blamed US
CBS News - New York,NY,USA
... that the Taliban and Al Quada are masters of disinformation and propoganda? ... make their living conditions "nice" to continue the fight for Islam. ...
Appeasement & Apologist Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Cheney: Obama endangers the nation / Couldn't Be More Correct With ...
By chicagoray
Not to mention he's been a voice of truth in regards to the war against Terror as we normal individuals refer to it, as opposed to the mealy mouthed appeasing liberals who will now refer to war as "man caused disasters" . ... He tells it like it is and in this onslaught against Obama and his Muslim apology tour he's embarked on since his inauguration offends the living hell out of me and his dissing of Christians since his inauguration angers me to no end considering he ...
Tabloid Watch: Gaunt defends free speech - but only for some
By MacGuffin
He wrote of Gillian Parker: 'As chief constable of the Bedfordshire force, her act of appeasement [just to add another Nazi reference] to Muslim fanatics by allowing them to demonstrate and ruin what should have been a proud day for the ...
Compass Direct News - Santa Ana,CA,USA
Mayor Nur Mahmudi Ismail asked the church to cease construction temporarily to appease the protestors. After church leaders and the Muslim group vied for a ... |
The Winston Churchill Golden Balls Award ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Golden Balls Award goes each week to the most flagrant Appeaser or Apologist or those that outright lie that has done most to undermine our defense against Islamists. This weeks Golden Balls Award goes to:
Palestinian Islamic Jihad
The Islamic Jihad Movement condemned Monday the remarks of Pope Benedict XVI in Jordan, where he spoke of historic conciliation between Jews and Christians.
In a statement, the movement said that in his statements, the Pope overlooked the feelings of Muslims and the fact that the land he spoke of was occupied and belonged to the Palestinian people and not Jews.
It accused the Pope of trying to appease Jews at the expense of the Palestinian people, and demanded an apology.
Pound sand Palestinians. This Pope is tired of your whining and complaining.
Congratulations to Palestinian Islamic Jihad! You can check in and claim your award at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay.
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