Free Trial Copy of The Gathering Storm eBook ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Gathering Storm eBook, with an Introduction by ex-terrorist Walid Shoebat, contains 300 pages of hyperlinked information, pictures, cartoons and videos that will detail the intimidation, infiltration and disinformation tactics and the multiple types of jihads that Islamists are using to advance their goal of the Islamic rule of the world under Shariah law.
Get a FREE TRIAL COPY of the The Gathering Storm eBook which includes the Forward by Walid Shoebat, Introduction, and first 50 pages of The Gathering Storm eBook.
This Week's Political Cartoon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Weekly Think Piece ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Ummah As a Supra-National State
What all pundits on the Left and most political analysts on the Right miss is the relationship between Muslims and the Ummah. Both can't seem to get it through their knobby heads that Muslims see themselves belonging not to the nation the live in whether it be Islamic or non-Islamic, but to the Ummah - the world-wide community of Muslims or the nation of Islam.
This belief is no secret. Muslims openly admit that theirs is a supra-national identity that demands loyalty beyond any nation state.
Addressing the closing session of the 34th Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, Prime Minister (Shaukat Aziz of Pakistan) asked the Ummah to show solidarity and unity to respond to the challenges facing them on all political, social, economic and cultural issues.
He said the conference was held "at a critical period for the entire Muslim Ummah" when collectively and individually as countries, it was facing a range of grave challenges and risks. The Muslim world, he said, not only faces challenges but also has numerous opportunities and needs unity and commonality of purpose to work for collective good of the Ummah.
Prime Minister Aziz said there was also a need to reconcile differences among Islamic States and peoples. "We shall oppose all schemes to divide the Muslim Ummah," he emphasized.
Remember - this is the same conference that stated that Islamaphobia was the "worst form of terrorism in the world today" which they further defined as any criticism of Islam. When even their leadership sees the Ummah as a supra-national state dictated by the law of Sharia, it's easy to understand that it's us against them. Democracy against totalitarianism, freedom against tyranny.
Intimidation Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Assassinations On The Rise In Afghanistan
NPR - USAHe says the attacks and other efforts at intimidation haven't scared him away from his work. He receives frequent threats on his cell phone from men who ...
neuromante: The Spanish and the Portuguese - Once and Future ... By rui mig The reaction of the Nordic countries to mass immigration and Muslim intimidation, with the exception of Denmark, has been pathetic. I'm certainly not proud of it, but at the very least countries such as Norway, Finland and the Baltic ...
Christian women face unknown world in Pakistan « Women News ... By lysanzia When a 2006 University of Birmingham, UK study was conducted among a wide span of Christian minority women in Pakistan, all women did mention that they had experienced what they called Muslim "name calling. .... Blasphemy laws, that sanction anyone criticizing Islam also inflicts intimidation under the sentence of death by stoning. Stoning as a sentence in Pakistan's courts has been used as punitive measures in quarrels against neighbors and against religious minorities. ...
Infiltration Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Infiltrating Egypt - Edmond,OK,USA
Hezbollah is not the only group Iran is using to infiltrate Egypt. Iran has long had informal ties with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, an extremist group that ...
By Pamela Geller
... of 'teaching' its Muslim 'students'). Any byproduct of Islam is to be avoided as well as, needless to say, Islam itself (like the plague--which it is). Although the Bush Administration was lax about Islamic infiltration of the uS, ...
Assaying the Terrorism Threat: The Next Five Years
Right Side News - Kennesaw,GA,USA
I document this infiltration in my latest book, Holy War on the Home Front: ... Radical Muslim groups have long used the Internet to suggest violence in the ...
Disinformation Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
America's Pakistani Apologists (Mostly In Government!)
International Analyst Network - NY,NY,USA
... worst kind of disinformation campaign mounted exclusively by the American media, ... This insurgency is using Islam to gain sympathizers and recruit the ...
American Congress for Truth- » Media Disinformation: Reframing the ...
By Brigitte
The kicker is that in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan apostasy is punishable by death. Any Afghan socialist could be 'legally' executed on the grounds she or he has converted from Islam. Moreover, the Afghan Supreme Court ruled ...
Report from Honolulu, Part Two: Continuing questions about "Who is ... (Pressemitteilung) - Wien,Austria
... have never admitted that Obama was raised as a Muslim until the age of ten. ... as David Mendell of the Chicago Tribune to deliver his disinformation. ...
Appeasement & Apologist Tactics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The word on Iran from APPEASERS... 'they are not interested at all ... WSJ: Can the United States and its European allies peacefully prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons? And if not, would Israel try to do so militarily, even if doing so greatly angered President Barack Obama?
American Congress for Truth- » Three Hundred Jews in Yemen are ... By Brigitte Growing intimidation and violence are pushing the 300 Jews left in the Arabian Peninsula country to flee to Israel or the U.S. Four months ago, a Muslim extremist gunned down Jewish- studies teacher Moshe Yaish Nahari, a father of nine, ...
US Army Burns Bibles in AfghanistanPolitics Daily - Washington,DC,USA If either book was burnt as a means of intimidation or an attempt to belittle the beliefs of others, then I would think it is wrong to do so. ...
The Winston Churchill Golden Balls Award ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Golden Balls Award goes each week to the most flagrant Appeaser or Apologist or those that outright lie that has done most to undermine our defense against Islamists. This weeks Golden Balls Award goes to:
Barack Obama
Obama seeks reconciliation with Muslim world, and Israel will pay the price
Now that Benjamin Netanyahu has visited Washington and the White House and is back home, we can sum up the current situation, through the rumor mill for the time being: We are in trouble.
As opposed to almost all American presidents in recent generations, Barack Obama views himself as one who is guiding his country and the free world towards a new history, far beyond what we can see. Obama wishes to shape new universal discourse, which seeks to replace the confrontation with the radical Muslim world emerging before our eyes in recent times. Obama leads a line of reconciliation vis-à-vis this hostile world, and the price - whether we'd like it or not - will be paid by the State of Israel.
Israel has already started paying. Very soon, Obama will arrive in Cairo, and there, in a speech to more than one billion Muslims worldwide, he will take the first step out of a million steps of reconciliation. Obama still believes, apparently, that the Pakistani nuclear bomb and the Iranian nuclear bomb and other bombs expected from this terrible and hostile world can be neutralized by appeasement and accommodation.
No more. To their credit, Netanyahu and Obama did not even try to hide the deep disagreements between Washington and Jerusalem. They placed everything on the table, and according to all the talk and indications, two days ago we saw in the US capital the prologue to the play: At this time, the orchestra is playing the opening tune. Soon we will see the appearance of the gun in the first act; the one that will fire in the last act.
Read the rest.
Congratulations to Barack Obama! You can check in and claim your award at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay.
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