Thursday, March 27, 2014

We Must Expose This Outrage!

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With the president's reckless foreign policy, Obama's disturbing and chilling move to turn over control of the Internet to the UN, Americans should be speaking up loudly – while they still can – without being sued for hate crimes by the UN. This move will allow the OIC, Saudi-dominated bloc of 57 Islamic nations along with the Shariah doctrine to which it adheres, to suppress free speech on a global basis via control of the Internet.

ACT For America isn’t going to take this lying down. If the Internet is silenced, liberty will be silenced. If those who oppose tyranny are prevented from delivering their message, it is the same as being bound and gagged.

We need your help to expose this. Can you help us reach our emergency fund goal of $250, 000 in the next 4 weeks?

Please click here to make a tax deductible donation of 25, 50, 100, or more today.

Below is the email sent two days ago in case you missed it.

Thank you again for your support.



Once again President Obama is putting you and your family at risk by giving power to the United Nations (UN) to control the Internet and muzzle YOUR freedom of speech, putting you at a risk of legal action just for expressing your view on the Internet.

If you’re a politician in Washington, and you want to bury bad news, you release an announcement late on Friday afternoon.

On Friday, March 14
th, at 3:30pm, the Obama administration announced that America was surrendering control to the UN over key aspects of the Internet (control that America had because we built it in the first place).

Unfortunately, the largest voting bloc in the UN is the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a Saudi-dominated bloc of 57 nations that has waged an aggressive campaign against free speech, freedom of the press and free expression.

For an American president to betray the American public, our founding fathers, our Constitution, and throw our freedom of speech at the feet of tyrants to decide what we can and cannot say under the threat of a law suit for hate crime is unconscionable – shameful – reckless and stretches the boundaries of betrayal.

Our founding fathers are turning in their grave.

We at ACT For America believe that truth is invincible. The truth cannot be silenced. We believe that if we can reach enough people with our message in defense of our security, our liberty and our values, America will prevail over those who want to destroy our way of life.

But in order to reach millions and keep at our work, we need your help. ACT for America needs to raise an emergency fund of $250, 000 in the next 4 weeks and we need your help to reach that goal.

Will you follow this link to make an emergency tax deductible donation of 25, 50, 100, or more right away?

We know that the Jihadists not only have our country, our values and our citizens in their crosshairs, but the truth itself. And Jihad is based on the belief that the truth must be hidden, bent and broken.

It is disturbing and chilling that the Obama administration could allow the OIC, along with the Shariah doctrine to which it adheres, to suppress free speech on a global basis via control of the Internet.

Up to now, American oversight of the Internet has ensured that it has run with efficiency and openness, without political pressure.

Authoritarian governments, such as those in Saudi Arabia and Iran, have already been working to control the Internet and now they will no doubt move to fill the power vacuum caused by America's unilateral retreat.

In the future, domains could be banned and new ones not approved for groups deemed undesirable by the OIC or its members.

Let us never forget all that our founding fathers sacrificed so that we can enjoy the democratic freedoms we have today. Let us not forget how so many of them gave their lives for this and that many of them died destitute. They were willing to give everything they had. We cannot let them down. We must stand up, fight this, and inform Americans about what our president has just done. Please help us get this message out by following this link right away to make the most generous tax deductible donation you can afford.

Barbaric regimes from Khartoum to Tehran, and Damascus to Riyadh, have cut off their own citizens' Internet access in the past, but they have been unable to undermine general access to the Internet, where no one needs any government's permission to launch a website. This hallmark of Internet freedom is now endangered.

Dictators and tyrants, who have always silenced their critics and suppressed independent media, have long had a goal of “international” control over the Internet. Now the stage is set for them to achieve that goal.

UN members have called for a UN agency called the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to replace America’s authority and challenge an open Internet. One critic calls the ITU “the chosen vehicle for regimes for whom the free and open Internet is seen as an existential threat.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, many UN member-nations want the ITU to outlaw anonymity on the Web (which would make it easier to identify dissidents) and to add a fee charged to providers when people gain access to the Web “internationally.” This, in effect, would create a tax on U.S.-based sites such as Google and Facebook. The unspoken aim is to discourage global Internet companies from giving everyone equal access.

ACT For America isn’t going to take this lying down. If the Internet is silenced, liberty will be silenced. If those who oppose tyranny are prevented from delivering their message, it is the same as being bound and gagged.

We must continue to confront the enemies of freedom at home and abroad.

This is why ACT For America is fighting back: in the court of public opinion, in the halls of Congress and in state legislatures from coast to coast. We continue to fight back by promoting important legislation like the Free Speech Defense Act and by spreading the word like a modern day Paul Revere about threats to our constitutional rights.

We have been in these trenches all along and we are prepared to fight this battle again and again. If we allow truth and liberty to be suffocated, lies and tyranny will rule us. We cannot allow that to happen.

Can I count on you to prevent liberty and truth from being silenced? Can our founding fathers count on us to protect what they have created? I say yes!

This is urgent. Please follow this link to donate 25, 50, 100 – whatever you can afford – to ACT for America.

Thank you for everything you do to support of ACT For America.

Always devoted,

Brigitte Gabriel
Founder & President


ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

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