Brotherhood-Russian-Iranian Axis = Direct Nuclear Threats On U.S. Soil! What’s Going On? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

WHEN it comes to a particular level of criminality, the most prudent course of action is to “follow the (laundered) money.” Even more so, when dealing with Islamic terrorism and their political partnerships, well, it becomes the definitive (missing) link to connect up. Trust, been there. Done that.
MOVING right along, when the destruction of America is the ultimate goal, the “axis of (red/green) evil” – regardless of the intra-Islamic struggle for hegemonic control – clasp hands like sweethearts in the courtship phase. Kissy-face alike. Yes, recently, Assad the butcher hugged it out with Putin, since he saved the Syrian (Iranian controlled) regime from ultimate destruction.
NOW, before we get to the nuclear thrust and betrayal, pertinent geo-political markers, backgrounders, must be in plain view.
RESULTANT, readers must internalize that Putin’s latest foray into the Middle East was hardly the offshoot of a bromance with this or that dictator. Rather, it was two-pronged; one of which secured mega financial deals, while the other was to reassert Russia’s (lost) power in the Middle East – after three decades of being relegated to the sidelines. And it was with this resurgence that an equally intrinsic goal became doable; chasing the U.S. out of the region. Thus, the hyper-power’s influence in this vital corner of the world will diminish. A two-fer.
INEXTRICABLY, during the Pyromaniac-in-Chief’s eight (tortuous) years in power, it was through his purposeful fires in the region that Putin, his red ally, regained the foothold that he long craved.
TO wit, back in August 2016, the following was asserted, and it was not for nothing: “HUSSEIN’s Mid East Designs Come Full Circle: Hands Over Reins To Russia, Iran & Turkey!” Lo and behold, the “done deal” came to fruition last week, as Putin summoned Assad (Iran’s cat’s paw) to execute his marching orders. In tandem, Iran’s (Shia) henchmen & Turkey’s Brotherhood Mafia leader, Erdogan, were in attendance too. Indeed, the new “axis of evil!”
WHO recalls this “hot mic” moment? Hmm. While HUSSEIN was busy arranging the Mid East decks for Putin’s advantage, he was also ensuring that upwards of 20 per cent of America’s uranium (we will get to that) landed in Russia’s hands, even though Demsters and media mouthpieces were (and still are) busy performing a shuck and jive show via back pedaling – now that the cat is out of the bag!
HOWEVER, if the expectation was that Trump & Co. would put a halt to said Middle East wildfires, well, think again! But for the fact that U.S. boots were in cahoots with training Iran’s proxy forces to push back ISIS, one could be forgiven for thinking that Trump Inc. is little more than Obama-redux.
IN this regard, not only did the administration betray the Kurds (a U.S. ally, and the only reliable bulwark on the ground within Syria and Iraq), but endangered its long-standing ally, Israel. So much so, that even PM Netanyahu – Washington’s perennial lap-dog – knows that the jig is up, that is, that Trump has ZERO intention of ceasing Iran’s forward-thrust onto Israel’s border! Effectively, his admin acted as their handmaiden – dancing with the Shia devil to oust its hegemonic competitor, ISIS. One must rightfully assess: How does this benefit U.S. interests, when it is Iran’s Hitlerite regime which endangers America, let alone the entire west, ISIS’s eradication notwithstanding?
INCONTESTABLY, it is with these backgrounders in mind that nuclear threats – present and future – on U.S. soil were aided and abetted by dirty (uranium) machinations via Clinton & Obama Inc. Ominously, pay-to-play operations benefited – and continue to – the Brotherhood-Russian-Iranian “axis of evil!”
EVEN so, before we begin the latest updates, know that this site (as a jumping-off point for countless re-blogs) warned of the dangerous collusion between the above Presidential cartels – yes, they were akin to criminal (laundering) syndicates – countless times. So, as a foretaste to the latest, take a peek.
- Back in June 2015, the following catapulted to Joe For America: “Clinton Inc. Sold Out America To The Brotherhood Mafia.” As excerpted: In a nutshell, the following (Dec. 2013) should suffice on the Brotherhood end, nevertheless, do not consider these revelations exhaustive by any means, as “Hillary Clinton & Her Mobbed Up Brotherhood Terror Associates” destroy the nation. Alas, it is into the aforementioned arena that Clinton Inc.’s sell-out to the Brotherhood Mafia via the port deal with Dubai…aka the “GULFTAINER GROUP”… must be examined.So, the question became: Did the Clinton’s pay-to-play arrangement hand over port container operations inside a national security nexus to Arab Muslim associates in the UAE? Port Canaveral in Florida is a critically sensitive, strategically important port that plays an integral role in America’s national security infrastructure, is laden with military and government installations, and will now be run by a foreign entity, rendering it an invitation to Islamic terrorism……
- Similarly, in Aug. 2016, with additional proof in hand, another expose’ was featured: “Clinton Inc. & The (Continuous) Pile Up Of Dead Bodies: Hill & Bill’s Criminal Cartel & Brotherhood Nexus.” Self explanatory.
- Still yet, only a month onward, Sept. 2016, the two crime families were joined-at-the-hip – evidence-wise: “The Criminal Ties That Bind Obama Inc., Clinton Inc. & The FBI’s Comey To HSBC’s Launderers/Banksters.” Where are the indictments??

ONTO the latest connect the dot venture, but this time via the inestimable Center For Security Policy and its dogged investigators. In tandem, it is mandatory to listen to a highly critical video which is supportive of the same evidentiary trail. It is entitled: “Are Russian Made Club-K Cargo Container Cruise Missile Launchers In The U.S.?” Indubitably, it addresses the most urgent query: How did this happen?
(Washington, DC): A new Center for Security Policy Occasional Paper being released today picks up where our earlier December 2016 paper, “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” left off. Additional research by the dogged and fearless team of Alan Jones and Mary Fanning now reveals exactly what could go wrong, with potentially catastrophic consequences for U.S. national security.
The original Occasional Paper broke the news that the family of Iraqi nuclear physicist Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar – known as Saddam Hussein’s nuclear bombmaker – along with the Emir of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE), had been awarded a 35-year lease for cargo container operations at Port Canaveral, Florida after two years of secret talks with the Obama administration. Jones and Fanning continued their research over the following months and now present their updated and even more alarming findings with this new report: “Perfect Storm: Project Pelican’s Gulftainer, Russia’s Club-K, KGB’s Primakov, North Korea, and the Architects of the Islamic Bloc and the Iran Nuclear Deal.”
There is a U.S. government inter-agency review board called the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) whose responsibility is to conduct a thorough review of any commercial acquisition of U.S. infrastructure or property by a foreign entity that may have national security implications. Unfortunately, during a five-year period from 2009-2014, the CFIUS staff chairperson was Aimen Nabi Mir, the son of a Pakistani immigrant from Kashmir with family connections to the Pakistani intelligence service and the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood. As we now know, it was during this time-frame that both the Gulftainer lease and the Uranium One deal were permitted to go forward by CFIUS.
Thanks to the remarkable investigative efforts of Mr. Jones and Ms. Fanning, it has now come to light that the implications of the CFIUS failure appropriately to review the Port Canaveral Gulftainer deal go far beyond original concerns about this Middle East-based ports company acquiring such strategic access to all the container operations at this key port along Florida’s Atlantic coast. Indeed, Port Canaveral is near a number of important U.S. facilities—including the Navy’s East Coast ballistic missile submarine base, two U.S. Air Force Space Command bases and NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Additionally, Port Canaveral and its container facilities are connected directly to rail and road lines that provide ready transportation access to the entire country.
“The Perfect Storm: Project Pelican’s Gulftainer, Russia’s Club-K, KGB’s Primakov, North Korea, and the Architects of the Islamic Bloc and the Iran Nuclear Deal” now reveals that the danger to U.S. national security may be exponentially more critical. Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar worked closely with the Russians on Iraq’s full range of Weapons of Mass Destruction programs, including the nuclear one. He succeeded in designing a miniaturized nuclear warhead similar to the model that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un posed with earlier in 2017. Worse yet, Gulftainer, the Iraqi-UAE company that was allowed to obtain the Port Canaveral container facility lease, has entered into a joint venture with the Russian state-owned firm which owns 100% of the shares of Rosoboronexport, the exporter of the Club-K system.
The Club-K is a cruise missile launch system concealed in a container whose external appearance looks identical to standard ISO intermodal commercial cargo shipping containers. Inside each Club-K container, however, are four missiles which can carry biological, chemical, conventional, Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP), or nuclear warheads. The genius of the Club-K system is its ability to evade detection among the millions of shipping containers carried on ships, trains, and trucks all over the world, including inside the U.S. Now, the Russian maker of the Club-K has partnered with the Iraqi-UAE company headed by the nuclear mastermind who designed a nuclear warhead specifically to fit on the nosecone of the Club-K cruise missile. Also, Ras al-Khaimah (RAK), one of the seven UAE emirates, runs a shipping company in partnership with Iran, which essentially controls RAK’s main shipping port. And a broken and possibly corrupt CFIUS just gave them all access to a 35-year lease on the container facilities at one of America’s most critical ports.
A Perfect Storm, indeed.
The Center for Security Policy presents this extremely important Occasional Paper in hopes that those with responsibility to protect U.S. national security will awaken—and quickly—to the mortal peril this confluence of threats poses to our country.
In unveiling the Center’s new Occasional Paper, its president, Frank J. Gaffney, observed:
“This transaction is such an obvious threat to U.S. national security that it must be suspended, if not canceled outright, pending a fresh evaluation of its merits, a rigorous re-evaluation of the CFIUS decision-making process that allowed it to be approved, and an informed and thorough debate on Capitol Hill.”
“The Perfect Storm” is available for free in PDF format.
INDEED, more than a “perfect storm”, one which wouldn’t have the ability to blow up, that is, if criminal elements were not running U.S. foreign policy! Enraging. Stupefying. Dizzying….
BUT there’s more. Atop the above national betrayals, John Kerry (an avowed globalist and an Arabist, a lethal combination to U.S. national security), in furtherance to the empowerment of the Iranian side of the “axis of evil”, appealed to banksters for their ability to launder mega amounts of currency. Mind you, even HSBC found it a (laundering) bridge too far. Inexorably, the “House of Bribes” was more than on target. As an adjunct to all the national wreckage, was it any wonder that, Obama Inc., under the cover of night, resorted to loading up pallet after pallet to pay off Iran’s genocidal mullahs to “accept” the deal??
SO, what does this all mean, aside from the fact that top American leadership are corrupt to the core?
MOST significantly, much of what is unfolding in the fiery Middle East lies within Islam’s bloody underpinnings, Sharia Law, supported by Putin’s firepower. But this in no way absolves U.S. leaders from their direct participation! Far from it.
FOR the record, if not for their (greedy, as well as ideologically-bent) machinations, the thugs in the region would be so bogged down in protecting the survival of their regimes that gaining a nuclear foothold on U.S. soil would be near impossible. Instead, life preservers were given to them by U.S. actors – not only did they survive, but thrived!
MOST ominously, the Russian Club-K Missile System wouldn’t have its precision-guided nuclear umbrella housed under the Brotherhood Mafia’s stewardship at Florida’s Port Canaveral, Gulftainer: “Teeming with U.S. Navy nuclear submarines, NATO-ally nuclear submarines, and record numbers of cruise ships, and situated close to Kennedy Space Center, will be controlled by a foreign company from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with close ties to former President Bill Clinton.”
WITHOUT a shadow of a doubt, the above tells the (nuclear crisis) tale – with few and far between Americans the wiser!
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{re-blogged at TheHomelandSecurityNetwork} click “Archives” to read, dated Nov. 29, 2017
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