In this mailing:
- Soeren Kern: Germany: Surge in
Migrant Attacks on Police
- Judith Bergman: Sweden's New
Government Censorship
- Lawrence A.
Franklin: Egypt: Saving the Sinai
by Soeren Kern • November 29,
2017 at 5:00 am
- "The police
cannot win a war with the Lebanese because we outnumber
them.... This applies to all of Gelsenkirchen, if we so choose."
— Lebanese clan in Gelsenkirchen, Germany.
- Observers surmised
that the real reason for the judge's leniency was that he
feared his family might be subjected to retribution from the
- Freddi Lohse, the
Vice Chairman of the DPolG German Police Union in Hamburg,
said that many migrant offenders view the leniency of the
German justice system as a green light to continue delinquent
behavior: "They are used to tougher consequences in their
home countries. They have no respect for us."
police in Leipzig, Germany, March 18, 2017. (Photo by Jens
Schlueter/Getty Images)
Violent attacks against German police have reached
epidemic proportions, and Chancellor Angela Merkel's open-door
migration policy is to blame, official statistics show.
The Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt,
BKA) reported 36,755 attacks against German police in 2016 — or
an average of 100 per day, a significant increase over previous
Violence — including verbal and physical assaults,
and even murder — against police is rampant in all 16 of Germany's
federal states. According to the BKA, the epicenter of the problem
in 2016 was North Rhine-Westphalia (8,929 incidents), the state
with the largest migrant population, followed by: Bavaria (4,930);
Baden-Württemberg (4,355); Berlin (3,154); Lower Saxony (3,030);
Hesse (1,870); Saxony (1,573); Rhineland-Palatinate (1,537);
Hamburg (1,339); Thüringen (1,228); Schleswig-Holstein (1,237);
Brandenburg (1,009); Saxony-Anhalt (899); Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
(658); Saarland (521); and Bremen (486).
by Judith Bergman • November 29,
2017 at 4:30 am
- In the report,
placing the word "refugees" in quotation marks, as
well as "unaccompanied children," is supposedly an
expression of "hate". (Many, if not most, migrants
classified as "unaccompanied children" have turned
out to be grown men).
- Government agencies
are going out of their way to protect the
"integrity" of possible jihadists out of concern for
a "democratic society" -- the society that these
jihadists want to subvert and destroy -- and are using their
government platform to smear non-mainstream media for matters
as small as the use of quotation marks. What about the
"integrity" of Swedish citizens and their right to
not be blown up?
- Why is a
municipality sponsoring an organization that supports
terrorists and even awarding it prizes? It appears that
glorifying terrorism is acceptable in Sweden, so long as its
victims are the Israeli children. Far from countering
"hate", Sweden appears to be doing all it can to
strengthen Muslim extremism.

government agencies in charge of national security are going out of
their way to protect the "integrity" of jihadists --
people like Mikael Skråmo, a Swedish convert to Islam and jihadist
who went to fight for ISIS in Syria, and urged Muslims in Sweden to
bomb their workplaces.
The Swedish government is now officially questioning
free speech. A government agency has declared so-called Swedish
"new media" -- news outlets that refuse to subscribe to
the politically correct orthodoxies of the mainstream media -- a
possible threat to democracy. In a government report, tellingly
called "The White Hatred" written by Totalförsvarets
forskningsinstitut (Total Defense Research Institute), a
government agency under the Swedish Ministry of Defense, Swedish
new media such as Samhällsnytt (formerly known as Avpixlat),
Nyheter Idag and Nya Tider are lumped together with
neo-Nazi media such as Nordfront.
by Lawrence A. Franklin •
November 29, 2017 at 4:00 am
- Egypt could use the
help of American desert-warfare Special Forces advisors, as
well as actionable intelligence from trusted Bedouin desert
trackers. Egypt might also improve relations with the Sinai's
principal Bedouin tribes and other locals by building, perhaps
with US support, schools and health clinics.
- Unless Egypt adopts
a more effective military and political strategy against its
jihadists, it could lose the entire Sinai, and the
all-important Suez Canal, a prospect which would shake the
foundations of both the regime and the region.
Bedouin tribesmen in the Sinai Peninsula. (Photo by Dan
Kitwood/Getty Images)
Egypt is no longer sovereign in the Sinai Peninsula.
Islamic State terrorists, moving freely throughout the Sinai's
Northern Province, have been delivering stinging defeats on Egypt's
military and police convoys. The November 24 mass murder of Sufi
Muslim worshippers by radical Sunni terrorists in the Northern
Sinai Province underlines the Egyptian government's loss of control
in the area. If Cairo changes its tactics and strategy, however,
the Sinai can be saved.
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