Car Jihad (Etc.) + Cultural Jihad Via Western Madness = Dead Infidels. Mohammedans & Leftist Fascists Collaborate – Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

AS is said, it takes two to tango. Indeed, when it comes to Islamic Jihad, there are two main “dancers” who enable the death and destruction to continue apace. After all, reds + greens view the destruction of the west as the “noblest” cause. Thus, where is the incentive to cease and desist? Rhetorical.
IN fact, the locale of true believers is neither here nor there. Resultant, the evidence is endless and insurmountable throughout this site. So, except for the willfully blind, it can no longer be denied – despite the best efforts of jive-talking apologists. Incontestably, Jihad is sanctioned.

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that speak of war with non believers, usually on the basis of their status as non-Muslims. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.
Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, most verses of violence in the Quran are open-ended, meaning that they are not necessarily restrained by historical context contained in the surrounding text (although many Muslims choose to think of them that way). They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Quran….continue the educational process….
NOW, as repeatedly stated, frontal Jihad is obvious to all. On the other hand, the more pernicious kind, Civilizational Jihad, flies under the radar. Stealth-like.

MOST recently, per the kiddies, the following (out of a continuous list) indoctrination is beyond instructive. Demonstrative.
- Oh joy, Barbie, an iconic American doll, is currently sporting a hijab! Mind you, countless who don hijabs are absolutely “down with” Jihad! But never mind, “normalizing” Islam is an end product of the reds and greens. And don’t be lulled into the multi-culti, kumbaya mantra, yes, those wearing hijabis are every bit American as other groups. Hogwash. Besides, if some opine she needs an “extreme makeover” due to her big breasts, sheesh, Mattel could give her a reduction, ya think? Alas, if Barbie isn’t safe from their clutches, well……
- Therefore, is it at all surprising that Nike got in on the act too, and Time Magazine (one of the many organs of the left) gang-banged: Nike’s Hijab is on the “25 Best Inventions List of 2017!” Well, let’s just admit that it is another nail in the leftist (read: red-side) media’s collusion with the greens, as Mohammedans are, once again, held up as role models. For crying out loud!

- On an overarching basis, a key element to overrunning America is through targeting the kiddies. On the red side, capturing their minds is the main goal, much of which is accomplished through a public school system premised upon indoctrination, as opposed to teaching core disciplines. Thus, on the one hand, they are drilled into collective-style “thinking.” On the other, they are ripe for enslavement – be it to Allah or governmental control. The point being, the founding of America via Judeo-Christian principles are uprooted, as well as individualism – a goal upon which the greens and reds are in total agreement.
- More specifically, back in March 2013, the (green) dangers to the kiddies were exposed at “The Donning of Burqas At U.S. Schools; Its Pernicious Effects Ala The Red/Green Alliance.”
- Not only that, only a few months down the line, Nov. 2013, the following hair-raising saga ensued in Germany, no doubt, the same illegal harassment which has since been mirrored in the U.S.: “Homeschoolers Were Nabbed As Authorities Stormed In: The Overreach Of Totalitarian Roots – America’s Left Watches & Waits.”
- Similarly, again, in Nov. 2013, this too required disinfectant: “FOX’s Psychiatrist-In-Residence Diagnosed: The Radical-In-Chief Is Toxic To America’s Children. The Purposeful Deconstruction Of America’s Exceptionalism.” Ain’t that the truth.
- Moving right along to May 2014, additional prima facie emerged, thus, backing up evidence to the thesis at hand re capturing the kiddies: “Leftists Campaign For Adult-Child Sex Through The Deconstruction Of The Traditional Family Unit.”
- Well, the proofs kept piling on, and May 2014 demonstrated more than its share: “Obama’s America: Freedom Of Speech DOA. Parent Arrested, Former Prosecuting Attorney, At School Board Meeting. What’s Going On?”
- Yup, May 2014 was a busy month, relative to reporting on this and that: “Obama’s Gay Lobby & Their Vise-Grip Over Traditional Families.” What a shock….
- Now, only 2 months later, July 2014 was an eye-opener too: “Leftists & Islamists Join Forces: Dumbing Down The Kiddies Via Common Core & More.”
- And guess what? July 2015 had more bad news, and can be read at “U.S. Schools Implanting IUD’s In 12-Year-Olds! What Are They Up To?”
AS already determined, Jihad is sanctioned, be it in NYC through an Allahu Akbar shrieking car/truck terrorist, in Vegas, or anywhere in between. Sayfullo Saipov, a 29-year-old native of Uzbekistan, is a legal resident of the U.S. who entered through the diversity visa program. He is charged with providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization.
OF course, the kiddies are a primary target!

SIMILARLY, as asserted, “the locale of true believers is neither here nor there”, and this is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak.
IN this regard, take note of last week’s car Jihad in Toulouse, France, as it aimed straight for the kiddies!
The now identified Muslim driver (Abdellah B.) is believed to have deliberately slammed into students, injuring at least three, two of them critically.The BFM news channel said the man was known to police for previous non-terror crimes and officers were checking reports he suffered from major psychological problems. There was no immediate indication of the driver’s motive.
EVEN so, the opening statement, “it takes two to tango”, is not for nothing. If not for the coverage and shield given by the fascist-left, know that the following (among a continuous list of similarly egregious situations) would be as likely to happen as the moon being made of green cheese. That likely.
- Consider: whether in Europe or elsewhere in the west, what are the chances that a violent Mohammedan who has been jailed 13 ! times would receive anything but harsh punishment, if not for a fascist-left judge “in sympathy” with his “plight?” Hmm, the poor dear was kept in detention too long while awaiting deportation, hence, he had to be compensated!
- But if the above isn’t shocking enough, what about the fact that Linda Sarsour – a Sharia Law inciting anti-American and virulent anti-semite – is hailed as a heroine by the fascist left, let alone by Islamists?

- More tellingly, academia is part and parcel, and this has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Indubitably, they have been bringing down America for decades. So, hang on tight – lest you upchuck your last meal – when the following is read: “The New School Invited Linda Sarsour and Jewish Voice for Peace (read: a self-hating faction of the fascist left) to a Panel on Anti-Semitism!” Talk about foxes in the hen house….
How things change: Later this month, the university will co-sponsor a panel on anti-Semitism that will feature, among others, Linda Sarsour, who opined that “nothing is creepier than Zionism,” praised Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and believes one cannot support the right of Jews to a homeland of their own and still be a feminist. Alongside Sarsour will be Rebecca Vilkomerson, who heads the odious Jewish Voice for Peace. The group, as an ADL report aptly put it, “uses its Jewish identity to shield the anti-Israel movement from allegations of anti-Semitism and to provide the movement with a veneer of legitimacy.” Among JVP’s recent achievements are the enthusiastic support of Rasmea Odeh, a Palestinian terrorist convicted of a bombing attack on a Jerusalem supermarket that left two young students dead and who was recently deported from the United States after lying about the incident on her immigration forms. The group is also a frequent supporter, despite its allegations to the contrary, of Alison Weir, an activist robustly promoting modern-day blood libels against Jews.
It goes without saying, sadly, that the event—which is co-sponsored by prominent progressive institutions like the radical magazine Jacobin—features not a single actual scholar of anti-Semitism, nor one voice that doesn’t belong comfortably in the deep left. In supporting this pathetic farce, then, the New School betrays its mission and its heritage twice: First by inviting some of the leading purveyors of anti-Jewish prejudice to discuss anti-Semitism, and second by failing to invite to the panel anyone who might disrupt the torrent of invective with dispassionate facts and real expertise.
“At its founding,” the invitation to the event concludes, “The New School offered a refuge and funding for nearly 200 Jewish scholars during Hitler’s purge of Jews from Germany. The New School Creative Publishing and Critical Journalism program has allowed us to humbly step into a long tradition of combatting antisemitism.” What a sick joke.
BEYOND tragic. Orwellian.
OMINOUSLY, Islamic wolves are free to pursue their prey – be it through civilizational jihad or frontal. No doubt, their collaborators are the fascist left.
BACK to the kiddies.
FOR the record, Mohammedans have admitted – while “under interrogation” – that they are the ultimate target, as excerpted within the following tag-team interview.
David Gaubatz: As we all know children are the future of the world. Sadly most Muslim children are being taught hate and violence from an early age. Most people think Muslim children are only being taught this ideology in Palestine and throughout the Middle East. The vast majority of mosques in America teach hate and violence. There are several references in the Quran that inform Muslims to never take Christians and Jews as protectors and friends. The Sunni manual Tafsir Ibn Kathir is an excellent reference to what children are being taught in Islamic schools.
When I was in Iraq I had the opportunity to interview several captured Al Qaeda members. I asked them what type of future attacks America would endure. The answer over and over was that the hearts of Americans would be attacked. They explained that this meant the American children would be attacked because they are the hearts of the American people. These terrorists said the attacks would not necessarily be physical attacks, but rather a slow indoctrination in U.S. public schools and universities. The indoctrinating would include the Islamic ideology is peaceful and even as non-Muslims they support Islam and the Muslim people…..continue reading….
QUESTIONS, anyone?

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