Steven Emerson,
Executive Director
May 29, 2018
Show IRUSA Chairman's Muslim Brotherhood Support
by John Rossomando
IPT News
May 29, 2018
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Lamada, second from the
left, displays the pro-Muslim Brotherhood salute with Waleed Sharaby
(wearing the yellow scarf), a leader of the Brotherhood-linked Egyptian
Revolutionary Council, in
January 2015.
Photos shared on Facebook by Islamic Relief USA's (IRUSA) board chairman
and others give credibility to Egyptian press reports
tying him to the Muslim Brotherhood. They show Khaled Lamada with people
who have known Brotherhood loyalties, all displaying Brotherhood salutes
and symbols. In 2013, Egypt's El-Watan newspaper identified
Lamada as an American member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Lamada denies affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood "in
any way."
This matters because IRUSA's parent organization, Islamic Relief
Worldwide (IRW), also has faced accusations of Muslim Brotherhood ties. The
United Arab Emirates (UAE) included IRW on a 2014 list of terror groups.
The UAE list describes IRW "as 'Islamic Relief Worldwide of the
Global Muslim Brotherhood,' alleging that the organization is a Muslim
Brotherhood member or affiliate," IRW wrote last fall in a report to the U.S. Congress.
"This is an untrue and unfounded allegation that is categorically
denied. Again no evidence has been provided to substantiate the
Israel and Bangladesh also accuse IRW of supporting terrorism. Bangladesh barred IRW from working with Rohingya refugees from
next-door Myanmar due to concerns it would radicalize them. In 2014, Israel
banned IRW from working in Gaza due to evidence it
employed Hamas members as aid workers, a claim currently being fought in
Israeli courts. European banks Credit Suisse, HSBC and UBS refuse to do business with IRW due to terror finance
Islamic Relief USA does not give money to anyone suspected of
involvement in terror, Lamada told
the Egyptian newspaper Al Masry Al Youm. He claimed that IRUSA works
through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA) in Gaza, which
has employed Hamas workers in the past.
IRUSA is the largest Muslim charity in the U.S. and provides nearly 25 percent of IRW's budget. It also partners with the State Department's USAID program.
American politicians have opened their doors to Lamada, who displayed photos of
himself at the Obama White House's Ramadan iftar dinner in 2016.
Social media activity makes Lamada's Muslim Brotherhood support hard to
He posed in a 2015
photo with Brotherhood Shura Council member Gamal Heshmat and exiled Pro-Brotherhood
Egyptian Judge Waleed Sharaby. Heshmat and Sharaby belong to an Istanbul-based group of exiled Morsi-era
parliamentarians and Brotherhood-linked politicians called the Egyptian
Revolutionary Council (ERC).
Each man in the picture held up four fingers, a gesture representing the
Muslim Brotherhood's resistance to its 2013 ouster from power by Egypt's military.
Lamada and Sharaby posed for other pictures, too.
Heshmat and Sharaby have openly supported terrorism.
Egyptians should give Palestinians weapons to go fight against Israel,
Heshmat told NPR's Deborah Amos in 2002. Heshmat met in Qatar in 2014
with Khaled Meshaal, then a top Hamas official. He ridiculed the U.S.
classification of Hamas as a terrorist group in a February 2015 Facebook
"What happened when America sanctioned Hamas as a terrorist
organization? We saw heroism," Heshmat wrote.
Sharaby similarly supports Hamas. In a 2014, post on a
pro-Brotherhood website, Sharaby praised Hamas terrorist attacks against
Israelis as a "blessed movement."
"From throwing stones at the enemy, to stabbing him with a knife,
to the sniper shot, to the IED, to martyrdom operations in the heart of the
Zionist Entity, to the short-range missiles, to the long-range missiles to
attack Israeli military units which made the people of Israel go into
bunkers!!!" Sharaby wrote.
Khaled Lamada, circled,
poses with exiled Egyptian Judge Waleed Sharaby to his left and
Brotherhood Shura Council member Gamal Hesmat to his right, along with
EAFJ members in 2015.
Leaders of the pro-Brotherhood group Egyptian Americans for Freedom and
Justice (EAFJ), who have endorsed Brotherhood-linked terrorists in Egypt,
also appeared in the
photo with Lamada. They included EAFJ President Hani Elkadi; EAFJ spokesman
Mahmoud ElSharkawy; EAFJ co-founder Aber Mostafa; and EAFJ members Said
Abbasy and Yahya Almontaser. This group photo originally appeared on
Almontaser's Facebook page.
Egypt's Youm 7 news site alleges EAFJ is tied to the International Organization
of the Muslim Brotherhood. Elkadi made an official trip on EAFJ business to Istanbul in
May 2017 where many of the Brotherhood's international leaders are based,
and met with
Brotherhood-linked figures like Sharaby.
Other pictures on Lamada's Facebook timeline indicate he has a close
relationship with EAFJ leaders. He spoke at its July 2016 Ramadan iftar dinner. A group photo from that
night shows Lamada with Elkadi, Abbasy and EAFJ co-founder Sheikh Mohamed
Elbar, imam of Brooklyn's Islamic Society of Bay Ridge, where Lamada formerly served
as a board member. Elbar, who belongs to Muslim Brotherhood ideologue Sheikh Yusuf
Qaradawi's International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), called for Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi's
head in 2016.
"[O]nce people pledge allegiance to a Muslim ruler, it is forbidden
to struggle against him and remove him, and if anyone removes him, he
should be beheaded," Elbar said at an EAFJ gathering in Arabic. "Do you know
who ought to be beheaded? Who should be stricken with the sword or hanged
or detained? He who came to fight, and not the legitimate president
Earlier this year, Elbar called for violence against Israel even if Palestinians
are outgunned.
Before EAFJ was created, Lamada described
himself as the founder of a group called Egyptian Americans for
Democracy and Human Rights (EADHR). Its New York-New Jersey chapter described EADHR as
part of an umbrella group created by the London-based
International Organization of the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt's El-Balad
newspaper in January 2017 accused Lamada, ElSharkawy and Abbasy of helping
finance Brotherhood-linked terrorism in Egypt after their names appeared in
several cases in Egyptian courts.
All of the EAFJ leaders who appeared in the January 2015 photo with Lamada mourned the 2016 death
of Mohamed Kamal, who died in a shootout with Egyptian security forces.
Kamal had established a Brotherhood-linked terrorist
infrastructure in Egypt following the Brotherhood's 2013 ouster.
Kamal received support from the Muslim Brotherhood's Shariah Committee,
which wrote an ebook blessing his terror effort against the
Egyptian government, former George Washington University Muslim Brotherhood
researcher Mokhtar Awad found. Kamal's faction created terrorist entities called the Revolutionary
Punishment Movement (RPM) and Popular Revolutionary Movement (PRM).
Elements of Kamal's terror network evolved into Hassm and Liwa al-Thawra, which were added
to the State Department's terrorist list in January. PRM claimed joint responsibility with ISIS's Sinai Province
for a May 2016 attack near Cairo that killed eight police officers.
Facebook posts also suggest IRUSA board members Mohamed Amr Attawia and
Hamdy Radwan have Brotherhood loyalties.
Attawia's Facebook page includes photos from an EADHR rally held in New
York in December 2013. Lamada appears in one of Attawia's photos from the rally.
Also, like Lamada El-Watan reported
that Attawia was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Attawia's name appears
in a 1991 Muslim Brotherhood phone book together with then-Hamas
Political Bureau chief Moussa abu Marzook.
Marzook created the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee to
support Hamas in America.
Radwan, an open Hamas supporter, is Facebook friends with many of the EAFJ members and
includes Heshmat's personal blog among his likes.
These photos and Facebook likes make it harder to dismiss the
connections between IRUSA's board members and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Lamada's EAFJ connection should raise questions due to that group's support
for terrorism.
Related Topics: Terror
Financing, The
Muslim Brotherhood | John
Rossomando, Islamic
Relief USA, Islamic
Relief Worldwide, Khaled
Lamada, Gamal
Heshmat, Waleed
Sharaby, Mahmoud
ElSharkawy, Egyptian
Americans for Freedom and Justice, Hani
Elkadi, Egyptian
Americans for Democracy and Human Rights
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