The Collapse of Western Civilization – The Death of Free Speech, Tommy Robinson Style. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Fascists and Islamists understand that the cornerstone of a free society lies within the most basic freedom of all – freedom of speech. Effectively, if one’s voice is squashed, one is rendered silent. By extrapolation, every other so-called freedom becomes moot. Ceases to exist.
And so it is around this cornerstone that the fascist-left and Mohammedans (mostly ala the canard of “Islamophobia“) merge forces and coalesce their efforts, bent on uprooting its basis. Yes, like-minded totalitarians via the ubiquitous red-green alliance!
In this respect, the above TV AD amply illustrates that Europe – the heretofore epicenter of western civilization – is dead and buried. For when German women are encouraged (overtly or subliminally, and in countless ways) to become Islamicized (along with others across the region), what else is required as proof of the same? Ipso facto, Europe can no longer be considered the guardian of western civilization. If anything, the continent must be viewed as its death keel. America, watch out…..
More specifically, as evidenced within “Banned: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad“, CEO Mark Zuckerberg gifted a mega tailwind to Islam by promising to stifle negative stories of “migrants” and assured Muslims he would make his site a welcoming place for them. Intrinsically, social media in general and Facebook in particular operates with a double standard that not only enables militant Islamic Jihad, but, as a knock-on effect, aids in stifling free speech and destroying western civilization.
Resultant, when Facebook, the largest social media site on the planet – the defacto Internet since nearly every site connects to it – teams up with traditional (leftist-driven) media to censor (tendentiously termed) “hate speech“, is it any wonder that Tommy Robinson was illegally scooped up in the UK for the “crime” of reporting on a long-standing epidemic of national proportions – Jihadi rape-gangs, a/k/a groomers, all of whom happen to be Mohammedans? Ask yourselves: when a UK judge covers up a Soviet-style disappearance of a journalist; when officialdom silences the press through a gag order, how exactly is the UK (guaranteed, the rest of Europe will follow suit) any different than a third world dictatorship? Rhetorical.
Alas, all of which brings the underpinnings of the west’s collapse to a well-documented warning – an “I told you so” trail, one among many.
To wit, time and again, ever since the fall-out from Islam’s wreckage on 9/11/01, I have been called upon to analyze the knock-on effects of Jihad on America. In tandem, an emphasis is placed on the whys and the wherefores – as well as how a freedom-based society must respond in order to survive its onslaught.
So when freedom-oriented Dutch politician Geert Wilders went on trial (November 2016) for speaking out against the threat that Islam poses to his country, a shout-out in this direction was answered via “Experts: Criticism of Islam May Be Banned In U.S.” It is excerpted as follows:
Adina Kutnicki, an Israel-based intelligence analyst and author of “Banned: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad,” noted that particular Lynch speech was given at a conference sponsored by the Muslim Advocates, a Muslim Brotherhood front group.
Kutnicki told WND Dave Gaubatz, a premier counterterror investigator, infiltrated a May 2014 conference of the Islamic Society of North America and overheard a Muslim Advocates representative assure the audience that Facebook is essentially in their pockets. In other words, Muslim Advocates and other front groups are working closely with social media sites to shut down accounts of users critical of Islam.
All of this leads Kutnicki to conclude things are taking a turn for the worse in America.
“Conclusively, free speech is no longer a constitutionally protected right,” she told WND. “Concomitantly, it is only a matter of (a short) time before trials begin, and not only against politicians. The above is manifestly clear: all Americans are in the crosshairs of the nation’s totalitarian speech-minders…..”
Even so, if Americans (in general, westerners) still believe that none of the above has anything to do with their daily lives, well, so be it. But the fact is that the writing has been on the wall for years, even though illegible for many. Regardless, the fascist-left, in concert with Islamists, is laying the groundwork. The proofs are beyond manifest.
Finally, a “thought experiment”: if the oft described “Deep State” gets away with subverting the entire Constitutional basis and fabric of America, how long will it take to totally deny each and every citizen (whatever ones ideological and political viewpoint) the right to the most inherent freedom of all – freedom of speech and expression?
And in furtherance of the above, how long will it be before America’s fascists attempt to scoop up yours truly (and others, who dare to criticize Islam by exposing the danger it poses to western civilization), that is, once I set foot back on American soil??
Not very….
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- If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know. Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!
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