MALCOLM: Trudeau's immigration approach brings us to a breaking point

During his round of year-end interviews — an unpalatable love-in between Liberals in politics and the media — Trudeau lashed out at Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives for their opposition to his reckless immigration policies.
He accused the Conservatives of spreading falsehoods about immigration and fear-mongering about the UN Global Compact on Migration — the global scheme that seeks to censor media outlets and make migration a universal human right.
- Boosting the number of permanent residency visas given to foreign seniors, allowing them full access to our healthcare and social systems without ever having paid into the system.
- Scrapping an asylum seeker triage system that fast-tracked the deportation of fake refugees coming from safe countries.
- Eliminating sections of the Citizenship Guide telling immigrants to follow Canadian laws and that barbaric cultural practices like honour killings and female genital mutilation are not tolerated in Canada.
- And, finally, boosting the overall number of annual immigrants, without a plan to resettle or integrate large numbers of newcomers into Canadian society.
I wrote that public support for immigration would plummet, and Canada would lose the positive consensus on immigration it once enjoyed.
Over the past two years, Trudeau has pushed even more reckless immigration policies — inviting the world’s refugees to come to Canada on social media, refusing to secure our borders, eliminating health standards for immigrants, and championing the UN global compact — all while telling the New York Times magazine that Canada has “no core identity, no mainstream.”
If anyone dared to criticize Trudeau, he and his henchmen would unleash a coordinated attack.
I know, because I’ve been at the centre of them. A top Liberal figure demanded that I be fired from the Sun for reporting the truth about a Syrian refugee beating his wife. Another Trudeau cabinet minister called my opinion column “fake news” because she disagreed with my analysis.
Trudeau is too vain to see it, and the media are too biased to report the truth.
But Canadians see it. Trudeau is tearing our country apart.
His disastrous policies and his arrogant disregard for the future have led us to a breaking point. Just look at any recent public opinion poll, which show that more and more Canadians want the borders closed and immigration heavily restricted.
This is the backlash I predicted, and Trudeau has no one to blame but himself.