Being a proud Atheist, and a freedom loving INFIDEL AKA "KUFFAR", WE are threatened by the primitive pidgeon chested jihad boys in the medieval east.
FRACK YOU!! SAY US ALL!! Don't annoy the Pagans and Bikers,, it's a islam FREE ZONE!!! LAN ASTASLEM!!!!
Last July,
Circanada wrote a piece about Toronto Imam Said Rageah , who
spoke about the sinfulness of music. He is quoted as saying; "When you play music all
the shayateen [devils] are welcome to your house."
In August of this
year, Said Rageah was a guest speaker of the Salaheddin Islamic
Centre in Scarborough, Ontario. This same Islamic Centre will host
its annual Winter Conference on
December 24-25, 2018. We have written a recent article
about a controversial speaker to attend this conference who speaks in
a denigrating manner about non Muslims.
Mr Rageah has been
known to speak disparagingly of non Muslims as well, and is a strong
proponent of sharia. Among other things, he is a believer in the
death penalty for apostates.
Rageah at Salaheddin Islamic Centre Aug 2018. Photo: Salaheddin
Islamic Centre Facebook page
Islamic Centre hosted Imam who implies Israelis are behind 9/11
by: Rachel Ehrenfeld, ACD
In recent years
Shaykh Said Rageah voiced opined on Israel/Jews, race relations,
infidels and conspiracy theories among other issues. Here are
excerpts from Rageah’s statements:
Said Rageah: “Hire only Muslims”; “Do business only
with Muslims”
The following are
excerpts from a Friday sermon deliveredby Sheikh Said Rageah at
Abu Hurairah Centre in Toronto on February 6, 2009:
“With four, five
[hundred] thousand Muslims you can create the most powerful lobby in
Canada… with that number of Muslims you can create one of the
strongest Muslim business in Toronto… If you just put our resources,
if we put our resources together, if we can work together as an Ummah
[Muslim nation] we can change a lot… As Muslims, we are scattered all
over the city. You have people living in Brampton, you have people
living in Mississauga, you have people living in Whitby, you have
people living in Richmond Hill. Imagine if we all get together in one
area. In the City of Edmonton, the Sikh, Sikh, they live in one
neighbourhood and nothing can be changed or done without their
approval. We here we may as well benefit from the system that they have
here. What can you do with unity? A lot. You can change a lot. You
can change the foreign policy of this country. You can change how the
Muslims think. You can even when need help, when you need help you
call Muslim for your need you will help the Muslim community…
Brothers in the masjid [Mosque] right now, they are coming up with
the magazine or newspaper called Ummah Times. What Ummah Times is
that? Ummah Times is advertising all your businesses all the Muslim
businesses [are] Ummah. All you need to do – I will never advertise with a kafir [unbeliever,
infidel], there you go. I
hear some advertisements giving to 680 News $5,000. Before your
Muslim brothers $50 and $80 or $100 we think twice before we do it.
Unless we work together, the day we need a truck driver we know where
to find truck drivers. The day that I need a cab I should have a number of a
Muslim cab it’s ok, pick me up. When I want
to see a doctor, only Muslim doctor. When I want
to hire someone only Muslim worker. Then we can strengthen ourselves. This is the way
and this is the only way we can exist in the society, living
according to Islam. When the Sharia [Islamic Law], when the
government of Toronto, Ontario gave us a break and said: deal your
internal affairs based on your Sharia [Islamic Law] we did not go and
say: Those few people are Ismailis and Ahmadis, they are not even Muslims. Why would they speak on behalf of Muslims. But, we
say no, we keep quiet and see and watch what happens, and then the
result was that they said… we will never allow you to rule
yourselves, your internal affairs based on the Shariah… My brothers
in faith [اخوتي في الله], anything that happens in your Muslim
community, in the City of Toronto, anything that can be done, five
hundred thousand Muslims that is a great number, large number, you
can do a lot, work together. Let’s be an Ummah [nation]… Take your
children to Islamic schools. Take your vehicle to Muslim owned business. If you buy a
vehicle make sure there is a Muslim business or car dealer that sells
cars. If you want to do anything just ask if that individual
is a Muslim or not. If he is not, then look for a Muslim, because I’m sure
you’ll find a Muslim. I’m sure you’ll find a Muslim in that field… O Allah, Raise the standing of Islam and the Muslims
[اللهم اعز الاسلام والمسلمين], and humiliate the disbelievers and the polytheists. [اذل الكفرة والمشركين]”
Said Rageah: “I don’t believe Muslims did Charlie
Hebdo attack”
Here is an excerpt
from Rageah’s speech (published on
January 28, 2015) at Sakinah Community Centre (26:03-27:51):
“The United Nations
received 55 thousands images of what happened to some of the Muslims
in Syria, but they didn’t do anything about [it]. But one person,
three people, eight people, 12 people, all the people die [in Charlie
Hebdo attack], you have 50 presidents, 50 coming together, locking
arms, marching. Is that for humanity? No (لا). I don’t believe, by
the way, for the record, I don’t believe Muslims did that [Charlie Hebdo
attack]. It does not make
any sense and it is not for you to accuse us. It is not for the
Muslims to say: we did it. I don’t believe a bit that Muslims have
anything to do with that, because, Glory be to Allah (سبحان الله),
September 11 [2001], the building melted, but they found a Saudi
passport, Allah willed it (ما شاء الله). What a miracle! You know
here [in the case of Charlie Hebdo attack] they kill, you know,
people, but miraculously the guys are so intelligent to assassinate
12 people, but he was so dumb to leave his document in the car? Allah
willed it (ما شاء الله), May Allah bless you (تبارك الله). I mean,
the amateur, you know, thief knows how to clear his mess and it is so
unique that the media has files of these people, that the President
of the country [France’s François Hollande], 45 minutes, he’s on the
scene. He is not afraid that some of these cars are already bombed,
you know, you know, is he not afraid? Is does not make any sense. But
I dare a Muslim to say: we did it, because we did not.”
Said Rageah: “What happened in September 11 [2001] was
not a work of Muslims”
Here is an excerpt
from Rageah’s speech at the Islamic
Awareness Week in 2008:
“You should stay
away from it, you should stay away from it, because if you open that
subject it is an argument, it is a crazy argument, and I think that
at this point most of the people in the West, in the West, most of
them understand that what happened in September 11 [2001] was not a
work of Muslims.”
Said Rageah implies Israelis are behind the 9/11
Responding to a
question regarding the claim of responsibility for the 9/11 attacks
taken by an Islamic organization, Rageah said:
“Well, in this case,
actually, you can always refer them to websites, like which are done
and designed by non-Muslim Americans like,
[conspiracy website accusing Israelis of 9/11 attacks] the other
side, they will explain to them in a way that maybe to hear from you
they will not accept it. That what I did with my father in law. My
father in law and the brother in law and especially the mother, they
think that Muslims are terrorists and this, and when they hear from a
non-Muslim explaining the situation that the plane in the Pentagon is
not a work of a plane, they’re thus accepting this, but they did not
accept this from me, nor from their daughter. they accept it from
someone else. So you can always refer that to the websites that they
made and the history that they talked about it way before it
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its Role in Enforcing Islamic Law
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The gravity of the existential threat we face from Islamic Jihad is truly of epic proportions. It is essentially a battle pitting free-civilized man against a totalitarian barbarian. What is at stake is the struggle for our very soul - namely who we are and what we represent. The lives that were sacrificed for individual rights and freedoms that we've come to cherish are being chiseled away from right under our noses by the stealth jihadists. And many of us are in denial and totally clueless.
The left's appeasement and pandering to evil is nothing new. What makes their utopian delusions so infuriating and unpardonable is that it is not only they who will have to pay the consequences, and deservedly, so, they are thwarting and undermining our best efforts at resistance and are thus dragging us down in the process as well.
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