Who's Afraid
of Campus Watch? Stanford Prof Joel Beinin
by Cinnamon Stillwell
American Thinker
March 30, 2015
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[AT title: "Radical Middle East Studies Establishment Does Not Like
Thirteen years after Campus Watch
(CW)'s inception in 2002, radical, politicized Middle East studies
academics remain indignant
that an organization
dared confront them with the horror of outside criticism, which they falsely
equate with censorship, McCarthyism, and other paranoid clichés.
Case in point: at a recent Stanford University lecture featuring Steven
Salaita (which CW
covered), respondent Joel
Beinin -- Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History and Professor of
Middle East History and a past president of the Middle East Studies
Association (MESA)
-- concluded a lengthy treatise on his "generation of Middle East
scholars" by deploring CW's ascension in the "post-second
intifada-9/11 environment" and mischaracterizing its purpose:
This gave rise to an organization that still exists, a neo-McCarthyite
organization called Campus Watch, whose purpose was to supervise the
discourse of people who taught Middle East studies on campuses.
To the contrary, CW, a project of the Middle
East Forum founded by Daniel
Pipes, is hardly in a position to "supervise" anyone's
discourse and wouldn't want to if it could. CW simply critiques a
subsection of coddled academics unused to being held accountable for what
they say or write.
Beinin then declared of CW, "I am proud to be one of the first five
people on their list," when, in fact, no such "list" exists
(unless he was referring to the "Solidarity with Apologists" list, which does not
include his name, or the now-defunct dossiers, which were
removed from the website after being up only two weeks).
However, Beinin has been a frequent subject of CW's attention, and for
good reason. His long history
of anti-Israel, anti-American bias
-- not to mention his engaging
in the last
bastion of desperate
Middle East studies academics:
false death threat allegations
against critics -- is well-known. Indeed, he boasted at the Stanford
lecture, "I have no problem with anybody calling me a radical,"
although his strenuous
objections to external criticism indicate otherwise.
Maintaining the false bravado, and bashing another critic of higher
education in the process, Beinin added:
David Horowitz published a book
called The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America.
I'm on that list too. I'm really proud of that.
Robert Crews, director of Stanford's Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in
Islamic Studies, chimed in by noting jokingly:
I am not as dangerous as Joel, my colleague in history. I'm not on any
101 list. I am on
Campus Watch. I'm working on it. We can all have goals.
Crews recently drew CW's notice for his participation in a Stanford panel discussion on
the Charlie Hebdo attack that consisted largely of apologetics and
obfuscation. Given his contention during the present lecture that, "I
think we largely reject the idea that historians write with objectivity. .
. . It's not a case that what I teach [Islamic studies] has two discrete
points of view," or the fact the Crews, along with Beinin, is a signatory
to the Stanford Undergraduate Senate's recently passed "resolution to
divest from the occupation of the Palestinian Territories," he may yet
attain his goals.
As it appears has Beinin, who can claim credit for the decline of Middle
East studies into politicization and radicalism "in the late
1980s," when, as he put it:
[A] whole series of people whose opinions on Israel/Palestine were not
the approved one by the powers that be in this country were elected
president of the Middle East Studies Association, people like [Columbia
University Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies and mentor to President
Barack Obama] Rashid
He lauded Stanford for "having hired me in the first place"
prior to this shift, "when my views on Israel/Palestine were on the
record and then even doing the crazy thing of tenuring me."
Nonetheless, according to Beinin, he and his cohorts "felt . . . embattled
and weak" during this period. That is, until their rise to MESA's
leadership and the implementation of their post-Zionist "historical
scholarship . . . seemed to end the discussion," leading him to
conclude smugly that, "the argument was over."
Yet, in Beinin's telling, the pesky upstart CW then emerged to threaten
the radicals' hold on the field. Undeterred, he concluded by declaring with
the confidence of a fanatic that, "in the historical trajectory of
things, we are winning."
If "winning" means that rigorous scholarship on the
Arab-Israeli conflict -- among other topics -- is now dismissed by a
thoroughly politicized
MESA, and that scholars who refuse to toe the anti-Israel, anti-Western
line are marginalized,
then it is a Pyrrhic victory that rewards biased academics while cheating
their students -- and the nation at large -- of accurate, useful
scholarship on a vitally important region. CW and others will continue to
critique and report on the gate-keepers of Middle East studies as long as
politicized professors are in charge.
Cinnamon Stillwell is the West Coast Representative for Campus Watch, a project
of the Middle East Forum.
She can be reached at stillwell@meforum.org.
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