Monday, December 17, 2018

Here’s the Real Truth About the Illegal Alien Invasion, And America Needs To Hear It

Here’s the Real Truth About the Illegal Alien Invasion, And America Needs To Hear It


The Dec. 10 New York Times featured two illegal immigrant women – Victorina Morales and Sandra Diaz – who worked since 1999 at the Trump Golf Club in New Jersey.

Although they admitted the president never knew their status – they applied using forged papers – and both women say they were treated kindly and generously by the president and his family – the clear intent is to portray Mr. Trump as a hypocrite and bully.

Morales is offended by his public statements, claiming she can no longer keep silent in the face of his abuse; she contemplates a lawsuit against the man who often tipped her $100 for cleaning his condo. Seriously?

The jury is in on a lot of things; the invasion of illegals is one such.

Sure, use of the word “invasion” is inflammatory, but how else would a rational person characterize what has been happening on our southern border, now and for decades?

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We know who they are, for openers. The migrant caravan is 90 percent single men despite media efforts to paint a movement of poor women and children.

Caravan participants carry the flags of Honduras and Guatemala as they advance; they crashed across Mexico’s southern border and have made multiple attempts to enter the U.S. in the same way, including violent attacks on border patrol officers.

It’s an invasion.

Tragically, there are some women and children in the caravan; they have been ruthlessly exploited by organizers, traffickers, and media – this is well documented.  Many families have returned home to escape the caravan and its predators. Hundreds of hardened criminals have been identified by Mexican and American authorities; they are not headed home.

Polls show seven of ten Mexicans want the caravan gone; Americans are not alone in opposing it.
The jury is also in on who is behind the caravan.

The principal organizing agency is the Marxist Pueblos Sin Fronteras – People Without Borders – their avowed aim destruction of national boundaries. UNICEF and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees are openly subsidizing and supporting the caravan; only mainstream media seems unaware.

Most members who have been interviewed say they either heard about the march on television back home or were recruited with claims that entry into America would be easy; jobs and benefits (or welfare) would flow on arrival – there was never anything spontaneous about this march, but the biggest victims are those marchers who believed their troubles would end when they boarded the bus.

One more question is long resolved to the satisfaction of any rational jury. American federal law requires a border barrier be built. The law has been on the books for more than a decade. Funding was not included – typical of Congress. Wall opponents lack the courage to advocate for repeal of the law while supporters lack the stomach to ram through funding while the House of Representatives remains in Republican hands. Contempt for law resides on both sides while the president is shredded for seeking to uphold it.

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That same contempt lives in people like Morales and Diaz.  They gained access to a foreign country through forgery and fraud; they now bite the hand that fed them well, demanding sympathy from those they conned.

What would real compassion look like? Truth told, life in Honduras and Guatemala is horrific. Reality is most of the marchers are indeed seeking a better life, albeit they are not as advertised.  So what would constitute authentic compassion?

We need to reform our own immigration laws so we do not repeat our current quagmire in which all suffer, beginning with legitimate aspirants for entry.

Spending some of our resources to train and develop – not subsidize – the poorest nations in our hemisphere would be a terrific go-spot for us. That is less expensive and more in keeping with American values.

Finally and foremost, we need to repent of the absurd attitude that it only takes more of other people’s money on the one hand, or other people’s courage on the other, to solve the problems on the border – or anywhere else.

The concept of “We the People,” from the Constitution to the Gettysburg Address to Making America Great Again is not about the right to demand a just government, but rather the shared responsibility to create and maintain a just society.

Once we recover that understanding we will likely re-discover the radical God Who gave us such a revelation. This will begin a really good day for Americans and immigrants alike.

The views expressed in this opinion article are those of their author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by the owners of this website.

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