Monday, December 10, 2018

Omar Khadr Says He’s “Suffering,” Wants Permission To Travel To Saudi Arabia & Speak To His Pro-Al-Qaida Sister

Omar Khadr Says He’s “Suffering,” Wants Permission To Travel To Saudi Arabia & Speak To His Pro-Al-Qaida Sister


How about NO.

Apparently, Omar Khadr’s $10.5 MILLION taxpayer-funded gift from the Trudeau government wasn’t enough.
In fact, he claims he’s still “suffering,” and is demanding a loosening of his bail conditions.
He wants permission to travel to Saudi Arabia, and wants to be able to speak to his sister Zaynab Khadr.
Zaynab Khadr has made statements in support of the Al-Qaida terrorist group.
Amazingly, Khadr – despite being free to travel in Alberta, despite being out of jail, and despite being given $10.5 million – claims he’s “suffering.”
As noted by Global News, “An affidavit by Khadr filed with the court says the impact of his bail conditions are mainly psychological — a daily reminder of what he went through.
“I feel like the indefinite and potentially endless detention that I suffered in Guantanamo Bay is continuing,” he wrote. “I hope that there will be some end to this process, but there is none in sight.”’
This is totally absurd. Despite everything he’s been given – when he should have been given nothing at all – it’s never enough for Khadr. He wants more and more and more.
And knowing how weak the Trudeau government is, Canadians wouldn’t be surprised if he gets even more of what he’s demanding.
Spencer Fernando

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