The Political Warfare model uses “splinters” – elements of the same enemy appearing to work against each other while actually propelling the broader joint-objective forward.
Islam gives American leaders many different views of itself to give the impression there are “many interpretations” and “many versions” of Islam, while always moving towards an Islamic State under sharia.
For the purposes of this discussion UTT is using a five (5) headed hydra with each different head often appearing to work against the others while actually all support the same goal – keep the body (Islam) alive and dominant.

A second head represents violent jihadis, such as fighters from the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hizbollah, Al Shabaah, Boko Haram, Islamic Jihad, and many others. When put in front of a camera, these people often speak raw truth about doctrinal Islam. Sometimes you will hear them condemn the suit-wearing jihadis for not picking up weapons and fighting. Sometimes these condemnations are legitimate per sharia, but for the non-muslim public witnessing these disagreements, it gives suit-wearing jihadis room to distance themselves from those who have the same objective as them – an Islamic State under sharia.
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) leaders wear suits and meet with Members of Congress, the FBI, Chambers of Commerce, and others. MB leaders point to Al Qaeda and the Islamic State and condemn them for crucifying people and stoning them to death, even though they actually support these actions because they are lawful under sharia. Relative to the Islamic State and Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood leaders in suits appear “more moderate” and they use this to get non-muslim officials at the local, state and federal level to draw them in for “advice.” Yet, MB leaders are speaking more freely these days because they believe they are close to victory.
As Muslim Brotherhood leaders speak more truthfully about Islam and sharia, more Americans are becoming aware of the Muslim Brotherhood’s modus operandi and their threat to local communities. Astute citizens now realize leaders from the Islamic Society of North America, CAIR, Muslim Public Affairs Council, Muslim Advocates and others are hostile to America’s laws and founding principles. So “moderate muslims” – the 4th head of this hydra – are coming out of the woodwork.
Relative to the deceiving Muslim Brotherhood leaders, “moderate muslims” appear more…moderate. “Moderates” who are getting air time in “conservative circles” include people like Shireen Qudosi, Raheel Raza, Reza Aslan, Qanta Ahmed and others.
Qanta Ahmed is exhibit A.
This past weekend while appearing as a guest on Judge Jeanine Pirro’s show, Qanta Ahmed said, “(Anti-semitism) is also profoundly against Islam, which reveres the Torah and Judaism.”
Unfortunately, Judge Jeanine, normally strong on national security issues, nodded her head in agreement.
Even a cursury study of basic Islamic teachings reveals Qanta Ahmed’s statement is objectively false.
See UTT’s recent article on Jew-hatred/anti-semitism in Islam here.
“Moderat muslims’ comments about Islam are often objectively untrue and have no basis in fact. Therefore, professionals must ask themselves, “Are these people intentionally lying or just ignorant?”
UTT believes the practical reality is that in either case, no one should be relying upon these people for advice on how to fight and win this war.
The fifth and final head of this hydra are former muslims. To be clear, UTT works with former muslims, but we offer this as a caution. There is a reason Coptic Christians in Egypt do not let muslim converts have positions of leadership in their church for decades. Even in the U.S. people posing as former muslims have turned out to be working for the cause of Islam.
In all of these cases the line of demarkation is the truth about Islam/sharia.
Since U.S. Islamic schools teach muslim children the same information Al Qaeda teaches about Islam and the duties of all muslims, people who say “Islam does not stand for violence/Jew-hatred/conquest” are either ignorant or lying, and in either case, mature responsible adults should not give them the time of day in a war which we are losing badly right now.
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