Steven Emerson,
Executive Director
March 13, 2019
Jersey Pols Blind to Travel Agent's Radical Connections
by John Rossomando
IPT News
March 13, 2019
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Shedeed with U.S. Sen.
Cory Booker before the 2016 State of the Union address.
A New Jersey travel agency owner tied to a business network with alleged
terrorist financing has become a go-to Muslim for top New Jersey
politicians including Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker. Ahmed
Shedeed's agency, Dar El-Eiman Travel, included late al-Qaida terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki as a
guide in 2001 and again in 2002 while he was under investigation for his
connection with two of the 9/11 hijackers – an inquest that was not
publicly reported at the time – and people with Hamas ties, the
Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has found.
Shedeed, who works with anti-Semitic U.S.-based Muslim Brotherhood
activists who support terrorist attacks in Egypt, also was appointed to the New Jersey Attorney General's Muslim
Outreach Committee by former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, while current
Gov. Phil Murphy hosted
him last year at the governor's Ramadan iftar dinner.
Shedeed's highest profile moment came in 2016 when Sen. Booker, D.-N.J.,
made Shedeed his guest
at the State of the Union address.
Jersey City politicians honored
Dar El-Eiman Travel last year with a small business service award.
"Throughout his life Mr. Shedeed has spoken out for religious
tolerance and mutual understanding," Booker said
in explaining why he chose Shedeed as his State of the Union guest.
"His life and his work are examples of how the diversity of America
makes us all better."
But an annual Egyptian flag raising ceremony at Jersey City Hall on Jan.
28 showed how Shedeed can fool area politicians. The event attracted Jersey
City Mayor Steven Fulop, and Shedeed introduced him. Fulop described Shedeed as a model
No one mentioned anything controversial and by all appearances, it was a
routine event aimed at honoring a minority community.
Ahmed Shedeed and others
flash a pro-Muslim Brotherhood gesture in Jersey City's City Hall.
After the politicians left, however, Shedeed and his friends took pictures holding up
four fingers in the City Council chamber, a gesture that came to represent
the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. The group also placed a photo of imprisoned
former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi on a podium, proclaiming that he is
the country's legitimate president. Morsi was the Muslim Brotherhood's
candidate who was deposed by the Egyptian military in July 2013.
Traveling with Terrorists
Evidence about Dar El-Eiman Travel's terrorist connections was publicly available when Booker invited Shedeed to the
State of the Union and when local officials honored Dar El-Eiman. The
agency's stated purpose is to take Muslims on hajj and umrah pilgrimages to
Saudi Arabia.
Dar El-Eiman's 2002 brochure lists
Ghaddour Saidi and Fawaz Mushtaha as Shedeed's business partners. Saidi and Mushtaha were members of the Muslim Brotherhood's
Palestine Committee, evidence from the 2008 Hamas-financing prosecution of
the Holy Land Foundation shows. The Brotherhood established the Palestine Committee to support Hamas in the U.S., which was headed by top
Hamas leader Moussa abu Marzook.
Mushtaha also was a board member of the defunct Islamic Association for
Palestine (IAP). Marzook funded the IAP, which provided a propaganda outlet for
Hamas and helped organize fundraisers.
The Brotherhood founded IAP in 1981 "to serve the cause of
Palestine on the political and the media fronts," an internal
Palestine Committee document entered into evidence in the Holy Land prosecution
The 2002 Dar El-Eiman pamphlet lists al-Awlaki as participant on the hajj trip to
Mecca. Al-Awlaki was under investigation by the FBI at that time for his
relationship with 9/11 hijackers, two of whom he knew both in San Diego and
in Virginia.
There is no evidence that Shedeed was aware of Awlaki's terror
connections when his company booked the tour.
Al-Awlaki wasn't the only terror-linked individual listed by Dar
El-Eiman Travel as a participant in its 2002 hajj tour. Others included:
· Muslim Brotherhood leader
Sheikh Salah Soltan, who once
expressed his desire "To live happily. To die as a
martyr" on his online resume. He issued a
2011 fatwa sanctioning the murder of Israelis on Egyptian soil.
In 2013, Soltan accompanied
Muslim Brotherhood ideologue Yusuf Qaradawi when he met then Hamas Prime
Minister Ismail Haniyeh during a trip to Gaza. Qaradawi has lamented that Hitler
didn't finish the job during the Holocaust and endorsed
suicide bombings.
· Sheikh Muhammad el-Mezain, former board
chairman of the Holy Land Foundation and a former
member of the Palestine Committee's Central Committee, and Marzook's
cousin. He also served
as HLF's director of endowments and is serving a 15-year sentence for his
involvement in the group's "financial support to the families of Hamas
martyrs, detainees, and activists knowing and intending that such
assistance would support the Hamas terrorist organization."
Anti-Semitic, Pro-Terrorist Associations
Shedeed's relationships with influential political figures have limits.
This was true when Booker scolded Shedeed in December 2017 after his
imam, Aymen Elkasaby, at the Islamic Center of Jersey City went on an
anti-Semitic rant following President Trump's decision to recognize
Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Jews "are the most cowardly of
nations," Elkasaby said, adding that "so long as the Al-Aqsa Mosque
remains under the feet of the apes and pigs, this nation will remain
Shedeed is the mosque's president. Booker called on Shedeed to disavow
Elkasaby's statement so they could continue to cooperate.
"... [I]t is your responsibility to make clear that there is no
room in your mosque for the hatred of Jews and for the incitement of
violence against them," Booker wrote in a letter to Shedeed.
Shedeed condemned Elkasaby and announced the imam was being
placed on leave for a month without pay.
Nonetheless, Shedeed did not distance himself from his anti-Semitic
friends afterward.
Shedeed and Elkadi on
March 3.
Shedeed appears in multiple photos with Hani Elkadi, a noted Muslim Brotherhood supporter, including an August
2017 photo where both
displayed the Brotherhood's four-fingered salute. The two were together again earlier this month for a rally against
the Egyptian government's execution of opponents, many of whom belong to
the Muslim Brotherhood. That same day, Elkadi invoked the memory of a Ninth Century caliph who
expelled Jews from medieval Mesopotamia.
"You mean going back to the time where a Jew defiled a (Muslim)
woman's garment, she screamed Help O Mu'tasim, Mu'taism led his army and
kicked the Jews out of land, but today, we see women being raped and our
rulers are happy with it!" Elkadi wrote in a Facebook post.
Shedeed's radical roots date back to the 1990s, when he served as president of the Muslim Arab Youth
Association (MAYA) and managed its 1996 regional convention in New Jersey.
MAYA also held joint conferences with IAP.
MAYA conferences were hotbeds of anti-Semitic propaganda. Hamas
military wing leader Muhammed Siyam spoke at the 1995 New Year's convention
in Los Angeles. "Finish off the Israelis." he said. "Kill
them all! Exterminate them! No peace ever! Do not bother to talk
politics." Copies of the notorious forgery Protocols of the Elders
of Zion were sold in the bazaar at the same conference, and Soltan
invoked it in the same conference hall.
"We can achieve this by concluding a pact with God, for Jihad and
martyrdom. We have to change our lifestyle, and we have to protect our
children from not being prisoners for Jewish products and from the sex that
Jews are spreading everywhere based on the Protocols of the Elders of
Zion," Soltan said.
Mezain, the HLF fundraiser who was on Shedeed's 2002 hajj trip, then
raised more than $200,000 for "the cause," an FBI memo said. Other terrorists who attended MAYA conferences in
the late 1980s and early 1990s included Osama bin Laden mentor and father
of modern jihadism Abdullah Azzam, top Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, and Qaradawi. Al-Awlaki spoke at the
1998 MAYA conference, but what he said is unavailable.
Ties to Muslim Brotherhood Fronts
Egypt's El-Watan newspaper identified
Shedeed as a Brotherhood member in 2013. His connection with
institutions spawned by the Palestine Committee continues. The Council on
American Islamic Relations (CAIR) New Jersey chapter listed Shedeed as a board member on its 2016 IRS tax
filing. CAIR was listed
as a Palestine Committee organization in an internal 1994 document.
Shedeed is the registered agent for Egyptian Americans for
Democracy and Human Rights (EADHR) in 2013 New Jersey incorporation
documents. EADHR later identified
itself as an affiliate of International Coalition for Egyptians Abroad
(ICEA), which is part of the London-based International Organization of the
Muslim Brotherhood. ICEA confirmed
that EADHR is a subsidiary in a 2015 letter to then-U.N. Secretary General
Ban Ki Moon.
EADHR held a 2014 rally at the Saudi consulate in New York, where
members yelled anti-Semitic chants saying that the Saudis were
"dirtier than Jews."
Shedeed offers a glimpse into the life of a two-faced world of the
Islamist activist who pretends to be a moderate in front of politicians but
who maintain a double life as an extremist when no one is looking.
Publicly, he's the model citizen. Privately, he's a man who associates with
terror supporters and visceral anti-Semites.
Related Topics: John
Rossomando, Ahmed
Shedeed, Dar
El-Eiman Travel, Muslim
Brotherhood, Steven
Fulop, Cory
Booker, Anwar
al-Awlaki, Fawaz
Mushtaha, Ghaddour
Saidi, Palestine
Committee, Hamas,
Elkasaby, Hani
Elkadi, MAYA,
Americans for Democracy and Human Rights
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