Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Terrorists in the “Best Small Town in America”

Denton, Texas was ranked the Number 1 “Best Small Town in America” by Rand McNally and USA Today in 2012.
Today, Denton and Denton County are home to several terrorist front organizations, including the Islamic Society of Denton.
The Islamic Society of Denton was formed in 1980 and opened its doors in the summer of 1981 as a subsidiary of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

The By-Laws of the Muslim Brotherhood state they were created to “establish Allah’s law (sharia) in the land” and “fight the tyrants and enemies of Allah as a prelude to establishing the Islamic State.”
In other words, the Muslim Brotherhood has the same objective as Al Qaeda and the Islamic State.
The Islamic Society of Denton’s website has a section entitled “Human Rights in Islam.”
In this section, the Islamic Society of Denton states, “It is important to point out here that enforcement of the laws about human rights in a Muslim society is linked inextricably with the sincere commitment to the implementation of Islamic laws and principles in letter and spirit.  Some people take only what serves their own interests. Others may just pretend that they are implementing some Islamic teachings and principles but, in reality, are trying to destroy or distort and manipulate Islam from within, and hamper just implementation of Islamic laws. They are not examples of the defense of the human rights in Islam.
In other words, the Islamic Society of Denton defines “human rights” as the implementation of sharia (Islamic Law), which is contrary to the International Declaration of Human Rights, the U.S. Constitution, U.S. Federal Code, and Texas state laws.
Furthermore, under the section “The Judicial System in Islam” the Islamic Society of Denton publishes the entire Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam, in which “human rights” is also defined as the implementation of sharia (Islamic Law).
The last two articles of the Cairo Declaration read:
Article Twenty-Four:   All rights and freedoms listed in this Declaration are comprehensible within the framework of Shari’ah laws and principles.Article Twenty-five:  Shari’ah laws and principles are the only source for the interpretation or clarification for any article of this Declaration.”
The Islamic Society of Denton is making clear to muslims that human rights is only viewed through the lens of sharia (Islamic Law).
With this in mind, here are a few of the items directly from authoritative Islamic Law:
“Jihad means to war against non-muslims…jihad is a communal obligation (o9.1)…jihad is personally obligatory (09.2)…” [Reliance of the Traveller, Islamic Sacred Law, o9.0, published in Beltsville, MD] 
“When a person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed.” [Reliance of the Traveller, o8.0]
“Beheading. This is execution by decapitation and is applied in hudud to persons convicted of apostasy.” [Islamic Criminal Law: The Hudud, p220, Malaysia, Sidahmad]
“The following are not subject to retaliation (4) a father or mother for killing their offspring or offspring’s offspring.”  [Reliance of the Traveller, o1.2]
“Crucifixion. This is to put to death by nailing or binding the offender’s hands and feet to a cross.” [Islamic Criminal Law: The Hudud, p225, Malaysia, Sidahmad]
“Permissible Lying…it is permissible to lie if the goal is permissible and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory.”  [Reliance of the Traveller, r8.2]
The Islamic Society of Denton, like the thousands of other Muslim Brotherhood organizations around America teaches sharia is obligatory for all muslims to follow, including the command that war must be waged against the non-muslim community until sharia is the law of the land.
Like many Muslim Brotherhood organizations around America, some muslims who receive this message act on it.
The Boston Marathon Bombers were supported by the Islamic Society of Boston as well as the Muslim American Society.
Nidal Hasan, who killed 14 people and wounded 32 others at Fort Hood, Texas, was supported by the Dar al Hijra Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia. The Muslim Brotherhood’s Dar al Hijra also served as home base for two of the 9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Hani Hanjour.
The Islamic Society of Chattanooga produced Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, who killed four (4) Marines and one (1) Navy sailor in Chattanooga, Tennessee on an attack at recruiting depots there.
The Muslim Students Association has produced numerous terrorists not the least of which is its former National President Abdurahman Alamoudi who now sits in federal prison as a former financier for Al Qaeda.
All of these terrorists (“jihadis” in Islam) all believed they were commanded by allah to wage war against non-muslims, which is exactly what Muslim Brotherhood organizations teach.
The Islamic Society of Denton is no exception.
In 2016, one of its trainees, Peshwaz Azad Waise, made “terroristic threats” at a local hospital and courthouse in Denton, Texas.
While the long-standing leader of the Islamic Society of Denton, Imam Mohamed Fouad, tried to distance himself and the mosque from Waise’s terrorism, Fouad did say that “unlike Christianity, Islam does not allow just anyone to preach scripture. Those who teach Islam are supposed to be scholars trained extensively in the religion.”
So Fouad knows sharia and knows it is obligatory to lie if it advances Islam. Fouad also knows jihad is obligatory and, therefore, what Waise did was lawful in Islam.
All Muslim Brotherhood organizations like the Islamic Society of Boston, the Muslim American Society, the Muslim Students Association, the Islamic Society of Chattanooga, the Dar al Hijra Islamic Center, and the Islamic Society of Denton all have three (3) things in common: (1) they all teach it is obligatory for muslim to wage war against non-muslims; (2) they all have had jihadis violently act out on their teachings; and (3) they are all still operating in American communities.

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