UTT is the only organization in America empowering: (1) Police with investigative strategies to proactively identify jihadis, map out local jihadi networks, and take these networks down using the full force of the law; (2) Citizens with tools to map out the jihadi networks in their communities, and actions to take to engage local leaders in order to render the jihadis and their network ineffective; and (3) State/local leaders with strategies to dismantle the Islamic & Marxist Counter-States.
Since 9/11/01, the federal government and the U.S. security apparatus has failed to fulfill its most basic duty – to secure the safety and liberties of the American people. Because the civil government and U.S. military leaders failed to identify the enemy based on U.S. war-fighting doctrine, the enemy’s strategy is succeeding.
Here are a few examples of the federal government’s catastrophic failure as a result of its refusal to know the enemy:
- The United States lost the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq despite the fact our military boldly crushed Al Qaeda and other jihadi groups on the battlefield.
- In 2005, the U.S. Department of State wrote the constitutions for Iraq & Afghanistan creating Islamic States under sharia, thus achieving Al Qaeda’s stated goals there.
- Out of the four (4) leaders in the world keeping the Muslim Brotherhood and sunni jihadi organizations at bay – (Iraq – Saddam Hussein; Libya – Muammar Gaddafi; Egypt – Hosni Mubarak; Syria – Bashar al Assad) – the United States killed two (Hussein and Gaddafi), worked with the Muslim Brotherhood to remove one from power (Mubarak), and is working to remove another one right now (Assad). The Muslim Brotherhood calls this “civilization jihad” by OUR hands. They get our leaders to do their bidding for them.
- U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies are focused solely on violent actions by “extremists” while our enemy unequivocally identifies itself as “muslims waging jihadi to establish an Islamic State under sharia,” and operates primarily in the non-violent warfare realm.
- The man who was the senior Islamic advisor to President Clinton and in the White House more than any other muslim during the Clinton administration, created the Muslim Chaplain Program for the Department of Defense, and was a “Goodwill Ambassador” for the U.S. Department of State (Abdurahman Alamoudi), turned out to be a senior Muslim Brotherhood leader and financier for Al Qaeda who was involved in a plot with Al Qaeda operatives to kill Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah who became the Saudi King. Alamoudi is in federal prison.
- The U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s internal documents identify the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) as a “member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood” and a “nucleus” for the Islamic Movement which directly funds the designated Foreign Terrorist Organization Hamas. ISNA’s former President Mohamed Magid: (1) served on the Department of Homeland Security’s Advisory Committee and held a secret clearance; (2) was given an award by the Special Agent in Charge for Counterterrorism and the Assistant Director of the FBI’s Washington Field Office in 2005; (3) worked closely with President Obama’s administration; (4) was given the FBI Director’s Award in 2016 by FBI Director James Comey; and was publicly praised at Magid’s mosque by the Deputy National Security Advisor the President Denis McDonough.
In fact, a letter signed by a former CIA Director, former DIA Director, Inspector General for the Department of Defense, and the former Deputy Under Secretary for Defense reads, in part:
“We want to strongly encourage you to host a National Security Presentation by Understanding the Threat (UTT), including the 3-day “Understanding and Investigating the Jihadi Threat” program. While all four of us were in senior positions in the U.S. Intelligence Community and should have been aware of this information – we were not. We first heard this critical information from the primary presenter. The information is of utmost importance to the security of the United States, is critical to formulating National Security Strategies, and is vitally important to local and state law enforcement and intelligence professionals. The primary presenter, John Guandolo is a national treasure. He is courageously crisscrossing America sounding the alarm about the realities of the most significant threat to the nation today…Every citizen in this country should hear what he has to say. The facts he presents speak for themselves and require no commentary. For local and state law enforcement and intelligence officials, this information is critical to identifying, understanding, and thwarting threats in your locale. UTT gives specific details on how to practically implement this information in your area, which directly affects your community and your families.”
The full letter can be read here.
These leaders recommend Understanding the Threat (UTT) because UTT has a proven record of success. Here are just a few examples:
- UTT’s President John Guandolo worked with Senator Jeff Sessions prior to the 2016 election and provided Mr. Sessions information identifying a man working inside Mr. Trump’s campaign as a jihadi. Because of this information and UTT’s efforts, that jihadi was removed from the Trump camp, and a second jihadi was prevented from getting in.
- Attendees of UTT training programs – including FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force agents/officers – report to UTT at the end of training courses they (1) were NOT aware of the information prior to the program, yet (2) the information is “critical” for protecting their communities.
- According to prosecutors and law enforcement officials in Arizona and Louisiana, two cases involving jihadis were initiated and prosecuted as a direct result of UTT’s training and consultation in the last two months (mid-January to mid-March 2019). Additionally, UTT’s training/consulting are responsible for an Al Qaeda operative being located, the prevention of new jihadi organizations being established, and a greater awareness of the Islamic threat throughout the United States.
By knowing the doctrine driving the enemy – sharia (Islamic Law) – and by understanding the Islamic network in the United States, their modus operandi, how they communicate their intentions, and how they interact with their Marxist collaborators, professionals can conduct predictive analysis and understand real-world events in ways nobody else can.
It is like watching a 3-D movie without the glasses, and then having UTT hand you a pair of glasses.
UTT educates many Americans and shares this critical information through many avenues. UTT publishes two (2) articles a week, provides a significant amount of free resources on our Research & Resources page of our website, produces a weekly 30-minute radio show, produces a high-quality TV show aired at WVWTV.com, has 6 DVD’s related to this threat available at the UTT online store, the book Raising a Jihadi Generation, and an upcoming book It’s All About Sharia.

In August 2014, 75 jihadi and Marxist organizations sent a letter to President Obama’s Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor, Lisa Monaco, calling for the administration to silence UTT President John Guandolo and shut down UTT’s training programs.
The enemy knows how effective UTT is.
UTT is also the target of lawsuits meant to drain UTT of its precious resources.
Members of Understanding the Threat’s team and their families are regularly threatened with physical violence in hopes UTT will, out of fear, stop speaking truth and defending liberty. We will not.
Please help us help YOU and this nation by doing one or more of the following:
- Join UTT’s FREEDOM 25 campaign by donating at least $25 per month for one year so UTT can continue putting rounds on target against the enemy and continuing to bring you high quality products like our TV show as we build a permanent support base. Your donations will go to the non-profit Americans for America, and 100% of what you give comes to UTT. TEXT UTT4USA to 56512
- Share the work of UTT with others. Share our website UnderstandingtheThreat.com. Bring UTT training to your town (see “Capabilities” page on our website). Sign up for our Newsletter or visit our Blog page on our website. Purchase our books/DVD’s to learn and understand the threat. Use our free online resources. Listen to our weekly 30 minute RADIO show at www.WorldviewWeekend.com/radio, and share it with others. Watch our TV show at WVWTV.com and share it with others. Follow us on twitter @UTT_US, subscribe to our YouTube Channel (Understanding the Threat), like us on Facebook (UnderstandingtheThreat).
- Purchase a copy of Raising a Jihadi Generation and give it to your pastor, police chief, sheriff, school board members, city council, mayor, state legislator, and anyone else you believe is open to hearing it!
- Attend UTT’s 1-week Train the Trainer program. This is the only program of its kind in the West and will give you the ability to teach about these threats and what can be done. See UTT’s “Capabilities” page here for more information.
- Pray for the UTT team, our Advisory Board and our mission. UTT has a lot coming at us and we need your prayers.
As one sheriff shared with the UTT team and attendees of a 2-day UTT program in Texas last week, “Everyone needs to know the information you (UTT) have.”
Join UTT as we take the fight to the enemy and put FREEDOM back on the offensive where it belongs!
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