Judith Bergman • March 29, 2019 at 5:00 am
- The
only comment that keeps being repeated is the right of the ISIS
terrorists to return to the West because they happen to be in
possession of Western citizenship. The real victims were the many
people whom ISIS terrorists had happily volunteered to rape,
torture, behead, drown, burn alive, crucify and shoot to death for
sport. Yet, the horror of these victims -- Yazidis, Christians,
Druze and the 'wrong kind' of Muslims -- is barely mentioned in
public debates about returning ISIS fighters.
- The
problem is that these same representatives of the political
establishments have not shown remotely similar concern -- if any
at all -- for the real victims of the ISIS terrorists; they appear
to have been completely forgotten.
- Across
the Western world, the political and media classes put on a daily
show of pretending to care about human rights, while letting down
persecuted minorities -- including many Muslim women. It is long
overdue for everyone to start calling out this posturing for the
moral narcissism it is and to demand from their politicians and
the establishment media, who seemingly never tire of proclaiming
their commitment to human rights, to begin providing some to the
countless real victims waiting to be helped.

Nadia Murad, the Yazidi human rights
activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, who was one of thousands of
Yazidi women taken prisoner by ISIS and held as a slave until she
managed to escape, recently wrote, "My greatest fear is that if
the world still fails to act, my community – the Yazidi community –
will cease to exist". (Photo by Erik Valestrand/Getty Images)
The debate in Western Europe about the rights of
returning Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists reflects a disturbing
sentiment: There appears to be tremendous concern for the well-being of
people who decided to leave their native or adopted countries to pledge
allegiance to ISIS, the followers of which perpetrated some of the most
gruesome crimes committed in this or any century.
Now that the US-supported forces in Syria have taken the
last ISIS stronghold in Syria, Baghouz, and ISIS in Iraq and Syria has
been defeated, its terrorists and their brides apparently long for the
West again.
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