Wednesday, June 19, 2019

IPT Reporting, New Dossier, Show the Global Bonds Islamists Share

June 19, 2019

Featured Stories

Muslim Brotherhood Supporters, Jihadists, Label Morsi a "Martyr"

by John Rossomando  •  June 19, 2019  •  IPT News FacebookTwitter
Former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's death Monday during a court hearing triggered immediate, often predictable reactions.

Study: Radical Muslim Inmates Rule UK Prisons

by Patrick Dunleavy  •  June 18, 2019  •  IPT News FacebookTwitter 
One group, radicalized Muslims, dominates the UK prison system, Britain's Ministry of Justice found in a study into prison gangs released earlier this month.

IPT Report Exposes ICNA's Radical Domestic Agenda

by Abha Shankar  •  June 17, 2019  •  IPT News FacebookTwitter
Most religious groups exist to provide fellowship for their members and help them with spiritual needs.

CAIR Oddly Silent About Hamas-linked Activist's Deportation Fight

by John Rossomando  •  June 14, 2019  •  IPT News FacebookTwitter
The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been unusually silent about the attempt to deport Hamas-linked activist Abdelhaleem al-Ashqar.

CAIR Targets Disney With Odd Islamophobia Accusations

by Hany Ghoraba  •  June 13, 2019  •  Special to IPT News FacebookTwitter
What happens when you take a classic story created by a Syrian writer, modernized with a multi-ethnic, multi-national
cast, that tops the box office from the United States to the
Middle East?

Alleged Israeli Strike a Reminder of Hizballah's Syrian Terror Operations

by Yaakov Lappin  •  June 12, 2019  •  Special to IPT News FacebookTwitter
Hizballah remains highly active in Syria, despite the fact that civil war there is drawing down, and it is actively trying to turn the south of the country into a launchpad for terrorist attacks against Israel.

Terrorism Forgotten: Why America Lacks Interest in the Ongoing Jihad Threat

by Brig Barker  •  June 11, 2019  •  Special to IPT News FacebookTwitter
If, one year after 9/11, an individual originally from India drove a van full of propane tanks into the front gate of a California Air Force base, burning himself to death in the process, it would have been deemed an act of terrorism. In fact, it would have received extensive media coverage
and quickly reverted society back to being concerned about
another attack. Additional consequences would have included
an enraged society, a collective call by citizens to find a motive,
and an easing of political correctness.

Featured Videos

IPT Exclusive Video: Anti-Semitism on Display in Brooklyn

ISIS Plotted to Use Illegal Immigration Crisis to Send Terrorists into US

The IPT Blog

  • Sarsour's Group Calls Brown Copt a 'White Nationalist'
    Being a "white nationalist" doesn't mean having European ancestry in Linda Sarsour's world. Her group, MPower Change, joined the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) Philadelphia chapter in charging that Raymond Ibrahim, an American Copt of Egyptian ancestry, whose people have been severely discriminated against under Islamic rule for centuries, is a "white nationalist."

Also in the News

Pompeo Says Iran is Responsible for Tanker Attacks

June 14, 2019  •  The Wall Street Journal FacebookTwitter
The U.S. blamed Iran for attacks on two tankers in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday, saying the assaults were the latest in a series of hostile actions meant to disrupt the flow of oil.

Islamic State – The British Connection

June 13, 2019  •  The Jerusalem Post FacebookTwitter
In 2006, the trenchant British political commentator Melanie Phillips published a volume that quickly became a best seller on both sides of the Atlantic. Titled Londonistan, it was the first major attempt to explain how and why the UK had become what Phillips termed "the epicenter of Islamic militancy in Europe" – a hub for recruiting, financing and promoting Islamic terror and extremism.

Jury Finds Second Benghazi Militant Guilty in 2012 Attack

June 13, 2019  •  The Hill FacebookTwitter
A federal jury on Thursday found a second militant guilty in the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, The Washington Post reported.

War College Cancels Speaker on Islam

June 12, 2019  •  Washington Times FacebookTwitter
A Muslim activist group has pressured the U.S. Army War College into postponing a speech by Ray Ibrahim, an expert on the historical roots of Islamic terrorism, after the group falsely labeled him as a racist and "Islamophobe," he said.

A Famed French-Jewish Philosopher is Afraid to Leave His Home

June 11, 2019  •  Jewish Telegraphic Agency FacebookTwitter
As a French celebrity philosopher, Alain Finkielkraut belongs to a tiny group of VIPs who get to lead normal, paparazzi-free lives despite having film star-like recognizability here.
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