ISLAM’S DISMANTLEMENT Necessary To Save Western Civilization: A Blueprint…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
AS such, ad infinitum, this site has proven that Islam is a lethal enemy to western civilization. Hence, by extrapolation, so too are its committed followers, whether in the here and now or in the future. Yes, the following policy paper, “Islam and Blood”, documents all the factual evidence required to prove said thesis. Sans a scintilla of a doubt, it was a distinct honor and privilege to assist its author, Professor Paul Eidelberg (in 2012), with related finishing touches.
MOST significantly, the facts within “Islam and Blood” are not up for debate. As such, there is not a damn thing that any apologist for Islam can say to convince otherwise, either via their leftist mouthpieces or ISLAMISTS themselves. Let them save themselves the time and trouble….falling on deaf ears.
BUT for those who are newly aboard, here are some additional brief underpinnings to lean upon, if you choose to join our righteous struggle. If not, just get out of our way and keep your head down. Indeed, in no uncertain terms, if America and Israel fall sway to Islam, the rest of the west will topple like dominoes. Post haste.
AS noted within this investigative journalist’s most recent interview, one of the questions (within part two) rendered a foretaste:
Happy to fill the void created by Mr. Obama’s unconscionable decision to completely withdraw the American military from Iraq and his misguided campaign of destruction in Libya, the Twelvers of Iran now control Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, and Gaza. The Ayatollahs who rule Iran with an iron fist are quite content to be the world’s leading financiers of Islamic terrorism as they make speeches calling for the total destruction of Israel and the annihilation of the Jewish people……(read the whole thing….)
MORE specifically, to extend the thought process even further, isn’t it a fact that Islam’s march into America poses a precipitous danger, as well as to the west at large? Yet, if flying heads – plus every other barbarism housed under Shariah Law’s banner - isn’t enough to spur westerners into action, then what else is there left to say? Nite…nite…alas, don’t expect to have sweet dreams!
MOST inherently, behind every Islamic danger hides a tentacled Shariah Law’s banner. This truth cannot be swept under the rug, nor double-talked. You gotta deal with reality, discomfiting as it is.
STILL, as onerous as it is, there has to be a starting point. Therefore, let’s begin by unmasking Islam, and we can proceed from there. Why is this necessary? Well, once the (mental) band-aid is ripped off, not only will it get easier to do what must be done, but it will allow westerners to realize that stepping up is a matter of national security. Concomitantly, the above unveiling (delineated at the link) has zero to do with prejudice or bias, as assorted jackals are wont to scream. Besides, you can always invest in earphones or resort to your childhood ditties: call me this, call me that…sticks and stones…so, express yourself…liberating…
ONCE this task is accomplished, the next step is to understand, then to admit, just how embedded Islam/Shariah Law is within America’s power centers. Absolutely, sans Shariah Law, Islam would cease to function. Exist. A blessing.
NEVERTHELESS, despite the uphill battle there is no other option, but to ensure that Shariah Law is gutted from America’s courts (refer to attached pdf), schools, financial centers and everywhere that affects America’s security.
IN this regard, especially when Muslims refuse to abide by America’s laws, the gutting, its lessons, must commence. Shariah Law violates the Constitution, the law(s) of the land. That is that.
YET, for a visual rendition, it is incumbent upon Americans (westerners at large) to understand the whys and the wherefores of Islam’s actual wrecking balls; the west’s cultural and heritage edifices! It is NOT for nothing. Moreover, it is not simply a manifestation of ISIS and its offshoots, they just happen to be the ones in a position to lay certain cultural/heritage foundations to waste, as exemplified by Muhammad’s jihad throughout his tenure of barbarism.
“In their self-promoting video of their wanton destruction, an ISIL spokesman says: “The prophet ordered us to get rid of statues and relics, and his companions did the same when they conquered countries after him.”
PREVIOUSLY, this investigative journalist reported on a “kill list” and it can be found here. Besides, it has become quite personal….
IN any case, they upped the ante, if you dare imagine. They have published the complete details of their “kill list”, relative to military folks in America and their personal info is in full jihadi view.
The online document contains names and photos along with some of the addresses.
“[W]e have decided to leak 100 addresses so that our brothers residing in America can deal with you,” the group warned, The Blaze reported.
“Kill them in their own lands, behead them in their own homes, stab them to death as they walk their streets thinking that they are safe,” the “Islamic State Hacking Division” added…..
AGAIN, no one should believe that ISIS operates as a “lone wolf” ISLAMIC terror org, far from it. It operates with the full backing of its Brotherhood parent, from which its Al-Qaeda in Iraq origins sprang!
IN this regard, as promised, a BLUEPRINT:
By Professor Paul Eidelberg
“The Only Rational Goal for America and Israel: Dismantle Islam”
Since Islam has declared war against America and Israel, PM Benjamin Netanyahu and a new American President should organize for their respective countries a strategy board whose purpose is to formulate and implement an 8-pronged strategy for dismantling Islam by (1) Political, (2) Diplomatic, (3) Psychological, (4) Economic, (5) Military, (6) Electronic, (7) Clandestine, and, above all, (8) Theological means. Here is what each nation should do according to its respective capabilities:
1. Table a Resolution in the UN General Assembly demanding the expulsion of Iran from the UN. For this purpose the Resolution should cite Iran’s many violations of (a) the UN Charter; (b) the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; (c) the anti-Genocide Convention, citing Teheran’s malediction “Death to America,” its vow to “Wipe Israel of the map”; and (d) its sponsoring mosques that advocate jihad and foster hatred of America and Western Civilization.
2. Pressure various nations that receive American aid to sever diplomatic relation with Iran.
3. Establish a counterpart to the Voice of America to publicize the vicious policies of Iran.
4. Disseminate the writings of former Muslims critical of Islam.
5. Disseminate information concerning Islam’s denial of man’s creation in the Image of God.
6. Disseminate the critiques of Islam by eminent statesmen, philosophers, and theologians.
7. Disseminate information about the crimes committed by Muslims against non-Muslims.
8. Distribute by air drops to Iranians flyers denouncing Iran’s mistreatment of women.
9. Intercept and disrupt by electronic means Iranian communications with its agents abroad.
10. Do not permit Iranian government officials to enter the United States.
11. Institute a selective blockade of Iranian ships on the high seas.
12. Intercept Iranian supplies to its clients such as Hamas and Hezbollah.
13. With few exceptions, do not take jihadists alive.
14. Do not release Muslim terrorists.
15. Prosecute Muslims and Muslim institutions in the U.S. that preach jihad.
16. Employ clandestine operations to disrupt Iran’s military research and operations.
17. Publicize Iran’s global ambition is to stifle freedom of conscience in general, and of Christianity and Judaism in particular.
18. Aid Iranian freedom fighters.
19. Establish in the United States a program of advanced education for Iranian dissidents.
20. Establish in America community schools for teaching American Exceptionalism, focusing on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. These schools should also teach students about Islam’s bellicose doctrines and history.
THE preceding should not be regarded as exhaustive of what must be done to dismantle Islam. It is extremely important to undermine the basic ideological and institutional sources of Islam, which has rightly been called the greatest murder machine in history.
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