Friday, June 12, 2015

Citizen Activists Protest Dirty Clinton Deal Handing Over Port to Terror

Citizen Activists Protest Dirty Clinton Deal Handing Over Port to Terror


hillary clinton
You may remember the Dubai Ports World controversy, but while that deal became a high profile controversy because it happened under Bush, another UAE company has moved in on an even more significant port.
Beginning next month, ocean shipping container operations at Florida’s deep-water Port Canaveral, teeming with U.S. Navy nuclear submarines, NATO-ally nuclear submarines, and record numbers of cruise ships, and situated close to Kennedy Space Center, will be controlled by Gulftainer, a foreign company from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with close ties to former President Bill Clinton.
Port Canaveral is home to critical national security operations and infrastructure. A plethora of space and defense installations and programs, many of them highly classified, are situated either inside the port or within the immediate vicinity:
The Democrats who objected to the DPW deal have kept quiet and waved it through.
Treasury Secretary Lew granted approval to the Port Canaveral Gulftainer deal, without a national security review, on September 26, 2014, almost exactly six months after Bill Clinton and Crescent Petroleum CEO Majid Jafar stood on stage together at the Global Education & Skills Forum 2014 in Dubai.
Questions have been raised about the role of the Clintons in the deal and the company’s role in Islamic terrorism. Now some citizen activists have come out to protest.
Keeping pressure on the Clinton Crime Family and exposing its international connections is vital right now.

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