Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Obama’s Brotherhood Plans Revealed: “Directive 11″ To Overturn Mid East! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Obama’s Brotherhood Plans Revealed: “Directive 11″ To Overturn Mid East! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

EVER since this site’s inception, one of its main goals has been to connect the insidious effects of the red/green alliance, as attested to within the last paragraph of the aforementioned “About” link. Concomitantly, it became mandatory to put in place building blocks which would prove that HUSSEIN Obama is working on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. By any yardstick, this has not been an easy task, albeit more than necessary. Nevertheless, the ultimate collaboration of the reds and greens must be seen for what it is, despite a total blackout by the so-called mainstream media.

RESULTANT, let’s start with the “spontaneous” eruption of the “Arab Spring”, more aptly, the Arab Nightmare. Without any doubt, it absolutely had to “erupt”, to take root, to usher in the main objective: the installation of Islamist regimes (as opposed to nationalist) which would fully adhere to Shariah Law, and without any exceptions. Know this: busting apart Libya was key. Wait and see.

INDEED, the overarching goal – HUSSEIN Obama’s and the Brotherhood Mafia’s – is to sweep the region with one “successful” overturn after another, thus, giving a tailwind across the globe.  End point: the Islamic Caliphate خَليفة .

THE proofs are manifest:

LET’S hark back to what was prognosticated when HUSSEIN Obama shrieked to Egypt’s Mubarak: GO NOW! Alas, this should have been the general public’s first warning of the “winds of change” to sweep across the region.

SPECIFICALLY, Aug. 2012, it was noted: “Coming Full Circle: The Planned Empowerment of The Muslim Brotherhood Mafia Under Obama’s Guiding Hands.”


SO due to the alarming nature of the region’s (purposeful) shifting, a piggyback commentary was blared two weeks later: “Every Alarm Bell Is Ringing, Tying Obama’s Hands To The Brotherhood Mafia.”

YET, in between several other postings, the one cited in Nov. 2012 summed up the cataclysm gripping the Mid East: “The Islamist-in-Chief Helped Install Morsi, The Brotherhood’s Point Man For Egypt.”

STILL, underpinning the above necessitated a core action plan; the blowing up of Libya. Yes, it required certain “delicate” arrangements. In this regard, Samantha Powers was a featured poster girl at this site, but not due to any physical attributes. Rather, it was her cooked up scheme via “R2P” (Responsibility To Protect, an oxymoron, since said “protection” led to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands!) that drew this investigative journalist’s attention: “Benghazigate Leads Straight Back To Obama’s Door.”


EFFECTIVELY, the above knowledge base left no doubt as to what led to “Benghazigate’s Stink Bombs Creeping To The Fore”, without which the (“regular”) fiery Mid East would have remained “manageable.” No longer.

IN other words, while others will be oh, so shocked – by the revelation that Obama Inc. fielded a secret Islamist plan to “transform” the Mid East – it was understood, at this end, that this was the case, even in the beginning of 2011.

ONTO “Directive 11″… and its “revelations” from Frontpage Magazine this week … 
Behind the rise of ISIS, the Libyan Civil War, the unrest in Egypt, Yemen and across the region may be a single classified document.

That document is Presidential Study Directive 11.

You can download Presidential Study Directive 10 on “Preventing Mass Atrocities” from the White House website, but as of yet no one has been able to properly pry number 11 out of Obama Inc.
Presidential Study Directive 10, in which Obama asked for non-military options for stopping genocide, proved to be a miserable failure. The Atrocities Prevention Board’s only use was as a fig leaf for a policy that had caused the atrocities. And the cause of those atrocities is buried inside Directive 11.

With Obama’s typical use of technicalities to avoid transparency, Directive 11 was used to guide policy in the Middle East without being officially submitted. It is possible that it will never be submitted. And yet the Directive 11 group was described as “just finishing its work” when the Arab Spring began.

That is certainly one way of looking at it.

Directive 11 brought together activists and operatives at multiple agencies to come up with a “tailored” approach for regime change in each country. The goal was to “manage” the political transitions. It tossed aside American national security interests by insisting that Islamist regimes would be equally committed to fighting terrorism and cooperating with Israel. Its greatest gymnastic feat may have been arguing that the best way to achieve political stability in the region was through regime change.

What little we know about the resulting classified 18-page report is that it used euphemisms to call for aiding Islamist takeovers in parts of the Middle East. Four countries were targeted. Of those four, we only know for certain that Egypt and Yemen were on the list. But we do know for certain the outcome.

Egypt fell to the Muslim Brotherhood, which collaborated with Al Qaeda, Hamas and Iran, before being undone by a counterrevolution. Yemen is currently controlled by Iran’s Houthi terrorists and Al Qaeda.

According to a New York Times story, Obama’s Directive 11 agenda appeared to resemble Che or Castro as he “pressed his advisers to study popular uprisings in Latin America, Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia to determine which ones worked and which did not.”

The story also noted that he “is drawn to Indonesia, where he spent several years as a child, which ousted its longtime leader, Suharto, in 1998.”

The coup against Mubarak with its coordination of liberals, Islamists and the military did strongly resemble what happened in Indonesia. The most ominous similarity may be that the Muslim mobs in Indonesia targeted the Chinese, many of whom are Christians, while the Muslim mobs in Egypt targeted Coptic Christians.

Both were talented groups that were disproportionately successful because they lacked the traditional Islamic hostility to education, integrity and achievement. Islamist demagogues had succeeded in associating them with the regime and promoted attacks on them as part of the anti-regime protests.

Chinese stores were looted and thousands of Chinese women were raped by rampaging Muslims. Just as in Egypt, the protesters and their media allies spread the claim that these atrocities committed by Muslim protesters were the work of the regime’s secret police. That remains the official story today.

Suharto’s fall paved the way for the rise of the Prosperous Justice Party, which was founded a few months after his resignation and has become one of the largest parties in the Indonesian parliament. PJP was set up by the Muslim Brotherhood’s local arm in Indonesia.

His successor, Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, was more explicitly Islamist than Suharto and his Association of Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) conducted a campaign against Christians, Hindus and Buddhists. It helped purge non-Muslims from government while Islamizing the government and Indonesia’s key institutions.

Habibie had been the Chairman of ICMI and ICMI’s Islamists played a key role in moving Suharto out and moving him in. It was obvious why Obama would have considered the Islamization of Indonesia and the purge of Christians under the guise of democratic political change to be a fine example for Egypt.

While we don’t know the full contents of Directive 11 and unless a new administration decides to open the vaults of the old regime, we may never know. But we do know a good deal about the results.
In its own way, PSD-10 tells us something about PSD-11.

Obama’s insistence that human rights be made a core national security interest paved the way for political and military interventions on behalf of Islamists. Obama had never been interested in human rights; his record of pandering to the world’s worst genocide plotters and perpetrators from Iran to Turkey to Sudan made that clear. When he said “human rights”, Obama really meant “Islamist power”.

That was why Obama refused to intervene when the Muslim Brotherhood conducted real genocide in Sudan, but did interfere in Libya on behalf of the Brotherhood using a phony claim of genocide.

Positioning Samantha Power in the Office of Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights at the National Security Council was part of the process that made over the NSC from national security to servicing a progressive wish list of Islamist terrorist groups that were to be transformed into national governments.

Power, along with Gayle Smith and Dennis Ross, led the Directive 11 project.

Secret proceedings were used to spawn regime change infrastructure. Some of these tools had official names, such as “The Office of The Special Coordinator For Middle East Transitions” which currently reports directly to former ambassador Anne Patterson who told Coptic Christians not to protest against Morsi. After being driven out of the country by angry mobs over her support for the Muslim Brotherhood tyranny, she was promoted to Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs.

“The Office” is still focused on “outreach to emergent political, economic and social forces in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya” even though counterrevolutions have pushed out Islamists in Egypt and Tunisia, while Libya is in the middle of a bloody civil war in which an alliance of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda controls the nation’s capital.

But even as Morsi’s abuses of power were driving outraged Egyptians into the streets, Gayle Smith, one of the three leaders of Directive 11, reached out to the “International Union of Muslim Scholars”, a Muslim Brotherhood group that supported terrorism against American soldiers in Iraq and which was now looking for American support for its Islamist terrorist brigades in the Syrian Civil War.

The men and women responsible for Directive 11 were making it clear that they had learned nothing.
Directive 11 ended up giving us the Islamic State through its Arab Spring. PSD-11’s twisted claim that regional stability could only be achieved through Islamist regime change tore apart the region and turned it into a playground for terrorists. ISIS is simply the biggest and toughest of the terror groups that were able to thrive in the environment of violent civil wars created by Obama’s Directive 11.

During the Arab Spring protests, Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit had told Hillary Clinton that his government could not hand over power to the Muslim Brotherhood. “My daughter gets to go out at night. And, God damn it, I’m not going to turn this country over to people who will turn back the clock on her rights.”

But that was exactly what Hillary Clinton and Obama were after. And they got it. Countless women were raped in Egypt. Beyond Egypt, Hillary and Obama’s policy saw Yazidi women actually sold into slavery.

Directive 11 codified the left’s dirty alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood into our foreign policy. Its support for Islamist takeovers paved the way for riots and civil wars culminating in the violence that birthed ISIS and covered the region in blood.

And it remains secret to this day.

IN no uncertain terms (cited ad infinitum), in order for HUSSEIN Obama’s Libyan “action plan”, the illegal invasion, to take effect in March 2011, the “Arab Spring” had to serve as its catalyst. Consequentially, it “com-busted” in Dec. 2010 in Tunisia, spreading like wildfire across the Mid East and back into North Africa. As is said, the rest is history! The body count is in the many hundreds of thousands, and rising at an exponential rate. Hmm.

CONCLUSIVELY, it takes a solid grounding in geo-politics and Mid East dynamics, coupled with an understanding of the underpinnings of both political Islam and basic Koran dictates, to be able to expose the connecting dots, “the plan.”

THUS, considerable heavy-lifting is done at this site, but it is a labor of love for America and Israel. The fact that the rest of the west is aided in the process is a bonus.

MOST significantly, the findings within have yet to miss their mark. They are at your disposal. Utilize them!

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