Thursday, June 11, 2015

Terror suspect let back in to UK because of Human Rights Act – so when will we scrap it?

Terror suspect let back in to UK because of Human Rights Act – so when will we scrap it?

A TERROR suspect who was banned from Britain and deemed a "serious threat" to security has been allowed back in – because of the Human Rights Act.

Radical preacher Abu Qatada and UK justice statueEXPRESS
ZZ is thought to have links to Abu Qatada

The 56-year-old man, known as ZZ, was excluded from the UK in 2005 after leaving for a short trip and has been trying for nine years to get back in.

The dual Algerian-French national was once in a North African terror cell and had links to hate preacher Abu Qatada.

An Arabic weapons manual was also found in his Camden garage when it was searched by authorities, security sources told the Special Immigrations Appeals Commission.

But because his wife and eight children have lived in the UK for their whole lives, he has been allowed to stay under the controversial Human Rights Act.

ZZ has been allowed in despite being "not frank" in his evidence to the panel.
The ruling comes amid fierce debate around the future of the Human Rights Act, which gives European judges the power to overrule British laws.

Attempts to deport the Muslim cleric Abu Qatada were repeatedly thwarted by human rights laws before he returned to Jordan in 2013.

Last month a judge ruled an alcoholic Libyan criminal with 78 different convictions cannot be deported because alcohol is banned in his homeland.

The European Court of Human Rights has also ruled against the UK's ban on voting for prisoners.
Earlier this week it was revealed that David Cameron is defying senior colleagues to insist Britain stay signed up to the European Convention on Human Rights.

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