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- The discourse of "Islamophobia," and this petition, are nothing more than a continuation of the efforts of Islamists to silence their critics as they advance their own political agenda.
- The Liberal Party of Canada appears to have been infiltrated by a variety of individuals who are supporters of Islamist extremism. This is beginning to look like a classic case of political entryism.
- In 2016, Prime Minister Trudeau chose not to observe any official 9/11 memorial ceremony to honour the Canadians who died that day. However, the very next day, he attended the Ottawa Main Mosque which has multiple links to extremism. This despite recent stories in Canada about extremism in mosques and schools in Canada.
- It was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan Banna, who stated that "It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated; to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet."
Samer Majzoub self identifies as being part of multiple Islamist (extremist) organization in Quebec, including the (in)famous Al-Rawdaw Mosque[1] and the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC).
MAC itself states that they follow the teachings of Hassan Banna and the Muslim Brotherhood. If there was any doubt, a senior member of MAC, Dr. El-Tantawi Attia, made it clear when he stated: "Here we follow the teachings of the Muslim Brotherhood."
The Muslim Brotherhood is listed as a terrorist group in many countries in the Middle East, while a recent UK government report states that the Muslim Brotherhood
"have a highly ambiguous relationship with violent extremism. Both as an ideology and as a network it has been a rite of passage for some individuals and groups who have gone on to engage in violence and terrorism."The Muslim Association of Canada itself has been identified in Canadian Senate testimony as being a Muslim Brotherhood front group.
Accusations of racism and "Islamophobia" are the sword and shield of extremist Islam in the West. It makes excellent use of the concept of perpetual victimhood. The motto of the Muslim Brotherhood is:
"Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."The term "Islamophobia" was popularized by the mullahs in Iran after the 1979 Revolution. Women who would not willingly wear the veil were attacked by the government and accused of being "Islamophobic" for not submitting to the will of the (male) mullahs. Richard Stone was one of the authors of a letter to The Guardian in 1994 that used the term; he was also on the Runnymede Trust, which put the term into broad circulation in 1996. Trevor Phillips, of Britain's Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), who commissioned the Runmymede Report, has now admitted, in a damning new report on integration, segregation, and how the followers of Islam are creating "nations within nations" in the West, that he "got almost everything wrong" on Muslim immigration.
It is not unusual for a Liberal Member of Parliament to support efforts by extremists. Canada's Parliamentary Secretary for Global Affairs (Junior Foreign Minister) is an open supporter of Islamic sharia law. Several other Liberal Party members have close links to extremism as well. Additionally, in 2016, Prime Minister Trudeau chose not to observe any official 9/11 memorial ceremony to honour the Canadians who died that day. However, the very next day, he attended the Ottawa Main Mosque, which has multiple links to extremism. This despite recent stories in Canada about extremism in mosques and schools in Canada.
2016 Prime Minister Trudeau chose not to observe any official 9/11
memorial ceremony to honour the Canadians who died that day. However,
the very next day, he attended the Ottawa Main Mosque which has multiple
links to extremism. (Image source: Rebel.media screenshot)
Canada's Minister of Democratic Reform, Maryam Monsef, is another Liberal Party member creating waves around her place of birth and Islamist belief system. She campaigned on a narrative of how she, as an Afghan refugee, could do great things in Canada -- until it became clear she was born in Iran. She was reported to have tried to return to Afghanistan to take a job there in 2014, but now it seems she spent the time in Iran instead. More notably, she claims to find sharia law "fascinating."
It was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan Banna, who stated that "It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated; to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet." The discourse of "Islamophobia," and this petition, are nothing more than a continuation of the efforts of Islamist to silence their critics as they advance their own political agenda.
[1] The mosque is also a part of the Muslim Association of Canada. Among many other problems, the mosque held a lecture in which the very concept of martial rape was mocked.
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