Posted: 27 Oct 2016 03:14 PM PDT
Russia and the West are fighting to decide whether Syria will be
run by Sunni Islamists backed by Saudi Arabia or Shiite Islamists backed by
Iran. This insane civil war has burned up countless lives, not to mention
plenty of dollars, rubles, euros and pounds. The only certain winners of this
war, once the dust has settled, will chant “Allahu Akbar” and call for the
death of the infidels.
this is nothing new. Russia got the PLO started before Bill Clinton decided
to become its sugar daddy. Smuggling weapons to the Mujahedeen to fight the
Russians got us into Afghanistan. Except these days it’s the Russians who,
through the Iranians, are funneling weapons to the locals to fight us.
Between us and the Russians, we’ve put wagonloads of weapons into the hands
of Jihadis in Iraq and Syria. The consequences will be felt in Moscow, New
York, London and Paris.
The West and the Warsaw Pact countries used to fuel foreign wars. These days
the war is at home.
Russia and the NATO countries suffer from low birth rates and rising Muslim
demographics, but are in a senseless competition to determine which emergent
Caliphate will be able to draw its borders in territories it can’t populate.
It’s a battle over a pittance taking place in a burning building.
Moscow has around 2 million Muslims. London has over 1 million. Both sides
are at risk of losing their own capital cities to real invasions. The EU and
Putin’s Eurasian dreams are both built on the Roman notion that the
barbarians can be integrated and will make good foot soldiers and laborers.
France’s President Hollande has called for the creation of an “Islam of
France”. Putin suggests that the Russian Orthodox Church has more in common
with Islam than Catholicism. Obama preaches that, “Islam has always been part
of America”. But such efforts at integration will always fail.
The popular European excuse is that Islamic terrorism represents a failure to
integrate the terrorist. Islamic terrorism is indeed caused by a failure to
integrate. The mistake is assuming that integration on a civilizational scale
is possible. It’s not. You can integrate a few people. You can’t integrate a
There is a long history of Europeans using Islamic raiders and invaders as
weapons against each other. Most of us know that our first international
conflict was the First Barbary War against Muslim slavers and pirates. But it
was the British who found it useful to use the Barbary pirates to clear
rivals from the water. Louis XIV of France played a similar role in the
Battle of Vienna. For that matter the Muslim conquest of the Middle East
heavily depended on their exploitation of Christian rivalries.
Our modern malaise is simply a failure to learn anything useful from history.
The Cold War has become reborn as a strange farce in which two failing power
blocs are fighting an old war that no longer has any purpose or meaning.
Russia has reinvented its brand, but not its ambitions. Its clumsy alliance
with Iran will fall apart once the Shiite terror state has gotten what it
wanted and boots the Russians out of its backyard. America’s alliance with
Saudi Arabia may one day be described by historians as the cause of our
The West and Russia are reliant on Muslim demographics to power faltering
empires whose ideological ends stand in sharp contrast to their Islamic
means. Putin claims to want to protect Christendom with an army that is
increasingly Muslim. The EU asserts that it is defending secular democracy,
but it’s betting its future on a citizenry whose Islamic religion mandates
theocratic Sharia jurisprudence.
A Muslim citizenry will not maintain secular democracy. A Muslim army will
not protect Christians. The West used to be dependent on Muslim oil. It has
since become addicted to the much more dangerous supply of Muslim
demographics. Societies with low birth rates are relying on Muslims to make
up the gap in manpower and maintain nations that are not expanding or even
replacing their own numbers.
Oil dependency was dangerous. Demographic dependency is lethal.
Russia and the West can make jets that casually break the sound barrier. What
they aren’t doing is making people. European welfare states and Russian
expansionism are built on Muslim populations.
As imperial strategies go, that’s a suicide pact.
But instead of addressing this core civilizational threat, the West and
Russia are squandering blood and treasure to decide whether Sunnis or Shiites
should dominate Syria. Billions of dollars are being spent to lend an air
force, weapons and some measure of ground troops to Iran and the Saudis in
their spat.
Russian S-300 missiles now protect Iran’s Fordow nuclear fuel plant. Fordow
is located near the Shiite holy city of Qom because Iran’s nuclear plans are
inextricably tied to its theology. Last year, Putin offered Iran’s Grand
Ayatollah Khamenei a copy of the Koran that had been gifted by Lenin to
Uzbekistan. Putin might have done better to keep it and read it before
looking at a map of Greater Iran.
The United States has been dragged into several wars by Saudi Arabia. We have
spent trillions of dollars defending the Saudis, Kuwaitis, Qataris and their
assorted brethren from their enemies while fighting Sunni terror spread by
them. The tentacles of Sunni terror now regularly reach deep inside our
homeland while we continue defending the homelands of the financiers of Sunni
Islamic terror.
Syria is an imperialist war. But it’s not our imperialism. It’s barely even
Russia’s imperialism.
Russia and the West are there as pawns of their Islamic allies. Putin and
NATO aren’t protecting their influence because the influence goes entirely
the other way. The West does not dictate anything to the Saudis nor does
Russia get to tell Iran what to do. Instead the old empires are called in
when the wannabe caliphates want a power with a big military machine to do
their dirty work for them.
Russia and the West are obsessed with a factional struggle in the face of a
civilizational struggle. Their failure to recognize the civilizational threat
of the caliphate is the greatest threat to their future.
Familiar wars and familiar enemies are easier to fight. It is easier to
recreate the Cold War as farce than to recognize that a far older war has
come around again. Russia and the West are replaying the tragic history of
the Byzantine–Sassanid wars whose ultimate victors were the Mohammedan
The only thing that the wars between the Byzantine Empire and the Persian
Empire accomplished was to weaken them enough to allow Islam to conquer both
of the proud empires. Both sides courted the Arab tribes and made use of them
in their conflict with each other. They did not consider the possibility that
the prolonged conflict would not end with either a Persian or Byzantine
victory, but that the barbarians they had been using as pawns would end up
claiming everything. It’s a familiar story replaying today.
Civilizations that fail to learn from history become the object lessons of
history. It would be a tragedy if Europe went the way of the Byzantine Empire
and a shame if Russia went the way of Persia.
It might be time to rethink what there is to be gained in Syria and lost in
the besieged cities of the West.

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