Trudeau on anniversary of Ottawa jihad attack: “Diversity makes our country strong”
Most worrisome is that prior to carrying out their attacks both perpetrators were known to Canadian law enforcement authorities. In fact, Rouleau was included in the list of 90 Canadian nationals considered at ‘high risk’ for possible involvement in terrorist activities; yet at the time not considered sufficiently serious to warrant tighter surveillance of his activities, surveillance that might have prevented his attack.The anniversary of the jihadist attack on Canadian Parliament is no occasion to applaud diversity. The West has allowed an indiscriminate form of “diversity,” Islamic supremacism, to undermine democracy and terrorize Western citizens.
The heroic act of Canadian Parliament’s head of security, sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers, saved the day. Vickers risked his life to take down Michael Zehaf-Bibeau in a “dramatic hail of gunfire,” right after Zehaf-Bibeau — an Islamic convert who had joined the Islamic State — shot dead a Canadian soldier. Vickers even “changed my impression of Canada,” according to Josh Marshall, editor and publisher of the far-Left political website Talking Points Memo, which “decreed” Vickers “Lord High Badass of Canada.”
The humble Canadian hero received global, deserved accolades; one was in the Israeli Parliament, where he stated: “This is not about me. This is about the team of Commons security services.” He went on:
Safety is community based.Vickers’ message of everyone working together to ensure the safety of society is important; sincere democracy-supporting Muslims should be at the forefront of facilitating such efforts, not shouting “Islamophobia.”
This is not an issue just for security, this is everybody’s issue and how we deal with this is by everybody, all the citizens, working together with their local police, their national police to ensure we have a safe society.
Israel is a most suitable place for Vickers to have been honored, as it was under jihadist attack long before the modern jihadist incursion into the West. We also know that Israel is a very diverse country, from which Trudeau can take lessons as Prime Minister of a multicultural state; beginning with the facts that Raffa Abu Tareef, a Druze writer, researcher and 25-year veteran of the Israel Defense Forces, points out:
Islamism is a movement that regards the sovereign Jewish state as an existential battle between Islam and Judaism…..Islamic supremacism – through lies about victimhood and “Islamophobia” — has made deep inroads into Europe under the cover of “diversity,” and is well on its way in North America to doing the same, a territory that is perceived by Islamic supremacists as “dar al Harb” (House of War) that must be subjugated under “dar al Islam” (House of Islam). It is a similar premise to the “Islamization” of geography that Tareef describes, in which Western countries are deemed “colonialist victimizers,” a term that corresponds to “the Zionist entity”; but jihadists conceal their own history of bloody conquest, modern day abuses and ongoing slavery of blacks by Muslim Arabs. There is no respect for “diversity” or pluralism in the vocabulary of the Islamic supremacists who have infiltrated us.
the movement has fostered the “Islamization” of the geography and history of the Land of Israel. In an attempt to provide a framework for dealing with what it sees as the occupation of Palestine by the Jews, Islamists have rewritten the history of the Land of Israel.
As Trudeau denies this reality, he continues to smile and indiscriminately worship “diversity,” even on an inappropriate occasion.

“Trudeau says reaction to Ottawa attack shows that diversity ‘makes our country strong’”, by Jonathan Halevi, CiJ News, October 22, 2016:
Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, issued on Saturday, October 22, 2016, a statement on the two-year anniversary of the attack at the Cenotaph and Parliament Hill with no word on the perpetrator’s motive and ideological affiliation. Trudeau described the attack as “brutal”, “vicious” and “deadly” emphasizing that “Canada will not be intimidated by hatred and violence.”
He further said that the reaction to the attack demonstrated yet again that “diversity and collective love of democracy are what make our country strong and our nation great.”
The following is Trudeau’s statement:
“Two years ago, Canadians were shocked by the brutal attack that took place in and around Parliament that claimed the life of Corporal Nathan Cirillo and injured others.
“This vicious attack, at the very heart of our democracy, sought to frighten and divide Canadians. Instead it had the exact opposite effect, drawing us closer together and making us stronger. In the wake of this deadly assault, parliamentarians and Canadians united in condemning terrorism and further embracing our diversity.
“The whole country honoured first responders – Senate and House of Commons Protective Services, the RCMP, former House of Commons Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers, medical personnel and others – for their bravery and their willingness to put themselves in harm’s way for Canadians of all backgrounds and faiths.
“It showed the world that Canada will not be intimidated by hatred and violence, but will meet these acts with strength and conviction. This also showed me yet again that our diversity and collective love of democracy are what make our country strong and our nation great.
“I join all Canadians today in mourning the loss of Corporal Cirillo and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent – who was killed two days earlier in an attack in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec.
“These two members of the Canadian Armed Forces made the ultimate sacrifice for the country they loved. The most fitting tribute that we can pay them is defending the values that they so personified.”
On October 20, 2014 , Martin Ahmad Couture-Rouleau, a convert to Islam, deliberately drove into two Canadian Forces soldiers in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, near Montreal, killing Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent before he was shot dead after a police chase. Faisal, his Facebook friend, told CBC that Couture-Rouleau was a supporter of the Islamic State (aka ISIS, ISIL, IS, Deash, Caliphate). He posted on a Facebook page that was allegedly affiliated with him the black flags of the Islamic State. Months before the attack, the Police was aware of Couture-Rouleau’s radical statements on social media and arrested him in July 2014 foiling his plan to board a plane to Turkey, probably in his way to Syria. To watch CBC report on Martin Ahmad Couture-Rouleau click HERE.
On October 22, 2014, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, Canadian born and a convert to Islam, shot dead a soldier and was killed after opening fire inside the Parliament in Ottawa. Zehaf-Bibeau saw himself as a “mujahid”, meaning a fighter in the path of Allah, and said that “Canada’s officially become one of our [Muslim mujahideen] enemies.”
A Short time before he went to the attack at Parliament Hill, Zehaf-Bibeau recorded his last message to the world in which he told his motives:
“In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful. All praises to Allah, the lord of the universe. We seek his help and ask for his forgiveness. Lord, open for me my chest, ease my task for me and remove the impediment from my speech. In the name of Allah the most gracious and the most merciful.
“To those who are involved and listen to this movie, this is in retaliation for Afghanistan and because Harper wants to send his troops to Iraq.
“So we are retaliating, the Mujahedin of this world. Canada’s officially become one of our enemies by fighting and bombing us and creating a lot of terror in our countries and killing us and killing our innocents. So, just aiming to hit some soldiers just to show that you’re not even safe in your own land, and you gotta be careful.
“So, may Allah accept from us. It’s a disgrace you guys have forgotten God and have you let every indecency and things running your land. We don’t, we don’t go for this. We are good people, righteous people, believers of God and believing his law and his Prophets, peace be upon them all….
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