Op-Ed: PM Justin Trudeau: Are You Changing the Face of Canada Forever?
As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes his way to Israel in order to attend Shimon Peres’ funeral, Iranian human rights activist Shabnam Assadollahi addresses an open letter to him, voicing her concerns regarding his policies: “Your policy is being interpreted as gullible, mistaken and a golden opportunity for the radical Islamic movements to change the face of Canada forever.”The rapid influx of so-called refugees out of camps in Lebanon is also causing angst because of the manner in which this operation is being carried out (perhaps as many as “pre-qualified immigrants” are).
Canada is a multicultural society made up of many expatriates from troubled areas who came to Canada to escape tribalism, oppressive regimes and threats to their personal freedom and safety. Now in Canada, we see a government that appears to be encouraging the kind of cultural changes and the promotion of ideologies of dictatorial regimes and regimes governed by sharia law—things those who fled had hoped never to experience ever again.
Changes to the immigration laws pose a threat to women and allow the possibility of abuses and loopholes that the former conservative government had been trying to close. Changes to citizenship laws also invite abuses to family reunification laws and security.
With your opening the floodgates to those whose politics clash with liberal democracies and whose stated purpose is to change our way of life rooted in Judeo-Christian heritage, the pro-democracy and secular Canadians are rightly concerned about the impact and possibility of 50,000 people bringing their old way of life and the grievances associated with it to this relatively peaceful, freedom-loving nation – especially when as many as 94% of refugees prefer to stay in their own country and Canada can support 12 refugees in Lebanon for the same cost as they can support one refugee in Canada.
Americans, too, are concerned about the Canadian border and the fact that the rapid citizenship process will allow many of these “refugees” to cross into the United States with a simple visa or in some cases no visa at all.
Equally concerning is the reopening of the Islamic Republic of Iran's embassy, which will allow their diplomats and spies to enter Canada where they have political immunity and walk freely in our communities. In the past, these personnel created an atmosphere of horror and fear among the Iranian Canadian nationals. This is in addition to the fact that an Iranian embassy in Canada opens a door to infiltration of Canada’s own security apparatus.
Moreover, it is inconceivable that Canada has normalized relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran and its current government without regard to Islamic Republic's daily human-rights violations, executions of juveniles, Iran regime's war /fatwa against women, and Christians for their simple religious duties, state sponsorship of terrorism—disregarding Iran’s international law violations and the welfare of the regime’s own population and those in it seeking reforms and greater freedoms.

PM Trudeau, at the same time, in addition, Canada is increasing its support of terrorist organizations and abandoning those who are looking to Canada for support– like Egypt and Israel.
PM Trudeau, in a video message to the annual “Reviving the Islamic Spirit convention” held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, you said, “The Reviving the Islamic Spirit convention … is also about celebrating our shared beliefs in justice, fairness, equality of opportunity and acceptance. The work you do in communities across the country is what builds and strengthens our multicultural fabric.”
PM Trudeau, you have won the hearts and minds of Muslims in Canada by joining the Maghrib Prayer in Ramadan, visiting an Ottawa mosque led by an Imam who is a member of an organization lead by the radical Islamist Yousuf Qaradawi, defending women's right to wear the niqab, portraying Islamic values as Canadian, opening Canada's doors to massive Muslim immigration and stating that your mission is to educate Canadians that Islam is compatible with Western secular societies like Canada while at the same time, ICNA Canada and a Canadian Imam contradict your statement and publicly state that “Islam and democracy are contradictory, absolutely incompatible.”
PM Trudeau, no wonder you were called by a leading Canadian imam the Najashi of our era. (Najashi was the emperor of Aksum known for giving refuge to the numerous companions of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad).
American lawmakers are worried. Your policy is being interpreted as gullible, mistaken and a golden opportunity for the radical Islamic movements to change the face of Canada forever.
Prime Minister Trudeau, as a Canadian of Iranian origin, I feel I am without a state and have lost my Canadian identity since you have come to power and ruling over Canada without considering the views of Canadian citizens like myself. There is growing radical Islam in Canada, and some of the policies being considered by your government can further enable Islamist radicalism, homophobia and attack on women's rights. As someone who was tortured in Evin prison as a teenager by the Islamic Republic of Iran, I want assurance by the Government of Canada that my interest, security and freedoms will be protected.
Sincerely and respectfully,
Shabnam Assadollahi
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Shabnam was arrested and imprisoned at age 16 for 18 months in Iran's most notorious prison, Evin. After her release, and during Iran-Iraq war, at age 18, she moved to Turkey with her family where she attend university and obtained her degree. In the late 80's, Shabnam worked for the Turkish Ministry of Culture as a student researcher with a focus on minority and language rights. While at this post, she also assisted refugees with their cases and represented them at the office of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). For over 25 years she has worked in various Canadian government- funded multicultural programs, helping newcomers, particularly women, to overcome challenges of settlement and integration. Shabnam has also served as an active executive board member and the treasurer of the Immigrant and Visible Minority Women of British Columbia, sat on Collaborative Committees on Multiculturalism, Immigrant Integration Coordinating Committees, as well as Antiracism and Human Rights boards.
She has worked in the world of radio broadcasting since 1992. At TransWorld Radio Canada, she produced over 200 international children and youth programs and translated 8 Christian children's books into Persian and broadcast them to Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. From 2003-2011, she was the program producer and host of Ottawa's Multicultural radio's Persian Program Hamseda. During this time, she delivered speeches at numerous venues on human rights violation in Iran, discussed the role of social networking and the media in influencing democracy building in Iran and presented at a UN parallel conference.
Shabnam has successfully demonstrated leadership by counseling new and prospective human rights activists from all over the world. Her name has been selected among 1000 most important women of the Middle East and The Arab world in a book published by Times Square Press in New York .
In 2011, Shabnam received a "Hero Award" in the United States, presented by Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, in recognition of her human rights work. In 2012, she received "The Leading Women Building Communities Award" by The Honourable Laurel Broten, Ontario Minister Responsible for Women's Issues. The same year, she also received two Recognition Awards, given by MP, Royal Galipeau and Ottawa Deputy Mayor, Bob Monette, for her Human Rights Advocacy and for Extensively Helping Newcomers and Refugees Resettle in Canada. She is also the recipient of "2012 TESL Ontario Sparks of Excellence Award" which recognized her outstanding educational experience in teaching and mentorship that went above and beyond the day to day duties of her job.
Shabnam's selfless service and dedication to women's rights, equality and justice are emblematic of her compassionate activities and programs on behalf of women struggling for freedom and equality in Canada and around the world. She is a strong believer in education being the basic foundation for building a better, democratic and free society. This is the core principle that drives her work both as an educator and a human rights advocate. Having resettled in Canada herself from Iran, Shabnam understands the importance of compassion and understanding while adapting to another culture and language. Shabnam lives in Ottawa with her husband.
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