The lies by Pelosi are staggering but they could only continue because a corrupt and deceitful media support them
The Wall is Waterloo for Pelosi

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Americans just experienced the most extended government shutdown because Democrats altered their assessments as to the importance of border security they now say is not a crisis and a waste of taxpayer funds.
In the recent State of the Union address, President Trump maintained his position that America’s safety demands a physical barrier. Methodically laying out the precise reasons why a wall is essential was received by Democrat members of Congress with hostile stares.
Where else but the Twilight Zone or Washington D.C. politics could an irrational statement go unchallenged by the media? Not a single newspaper reporter or cable network crew has ever asked Pelosi the fundamental question as to how exactly is a border wall immoral?
If Pelosi sees barriers as immoral, then it would stand to reason that she would demand that all current barriers be torn down much in the same way the Berlin Wall was demolished.
In fact, Pelosi must declare that Schumer and any of her fellow Democrats that voted for a wall are also immoral. And if by immoral Pelosi means that because its purpose is to help stop people from entering the country illegally, then to use her reasoning all methods, including sophisticated detection systems, sensors, and drones, no matter how advanced or inconspicuous, would also be immoral.
The lies by Pelosi are staggering but they could only continue because a corrupt and deceitful media support them.

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