Omar's Allies Mum Following 'Black Hawk Down' Controversy
by John Rossomando
IPT News
April 26, 2019
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U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar
has faced a series of controversies over her statements about Israel, Jews
and even the 9/11 attacks. Each time, allies were quick to rally to her
side and argue the statements weren't hateful exhibitions of ignorance.
But they've been largely silent this week after the Investigative
Project on Terrorism's (IPT) revelation that she cast U.S. soldiers as the bad guys
in the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu, better known as the "Black Hawk
Down" incident.
In response to a Twitter post calling the Mogadishu battle the
"worst terrorist attack" in Somali history because 19 American
soldiers were killed and 73 wounded, Omar falsely claimed that the United
States killed thousands.
"In his selective memory, [the writer] forgets to also mention the
thousands of Somalis killed by the American forces that day! #NotTodaySatan,"
Omar wrote in 2017,
while still a Minnesota state legislator.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Public
Affairs Council (MPAC) and fellow Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, and Islamist activist Linda Sarsour have said nothing.
The Women's March held a #WeMarchWithIhlan Twitterstorm on Tuesday in
Omar's defense, but it was arranged before the IPT exposed the "Black
Hawk Down" tweet. Those who posted, including Sarsour and CAIR San
Francisco Bay Area Executive Director Zahra Billoo, made no effort to defend
that specific post.

"The silence from Congresswoman Omar's identity Left in the
Democratic Party is deafening," said Zuhdi Jasser, president of the
American Islamic Forum for Democracy. "Maybe it's just because there
is no way to publicly dismiss Americans and by association Muslims who love
our military heroes."
Jasser served as a Navy doctor on the U.S.S. El Paso at the time of
"Black Hawk Down."
"For them to face that will mean breaking their silence on her repulsive
position on Operation Restore Hope," he said, referring to a U.S.
mission to open humanitarian aid routes to Somalis facing a humanitarian
crisis. Local warlords had been intercepting the aid. The Battle of
Mogadishu started when the U.S. tried to apprehend warlord Gen. Mohammed
Farah Aidid.
In previous cases, allies tried to rebut criticism about Omar's statements by
claiming she said nothing wrong, or that the controversies were contrived
and driven by Islamophobia, racism, and sexism.
The IPT story generated plenty of attention on social media and was covered
by news outlets including, The Daily Mail, The New York Post, and The International Business Times.
Media Matters published an article April 10 defending comments Omar
made at a CAIR California banquet. Many people felt her statement that
"some people did something" in the 9/11 attacks
that resulted in Muslims facing civil rights threats both grossly minimized
the significance of the al-Qaida attack on America and the national
security response.
"The controversy surrounding this line ... is based on
misinterpreting what she said as downplaying the 9/11 attacks – something
that she never did," Media Matters' Parker Molloy wrote.
Thus far, Media Matters has been silent about Omar's unearthed
"Black Hawk Down" comments.
"Black Hawk Down" veterans denounced Omar.
Retired Chief Warrant Officer Mike Durant, the only surviving pilot from
the "Black Hawk Down" operation criticized Omar, telling the IPT that she completely ignored the
humanitarian nature of the American mission in Somalia in 1993 and the fact
U.S. troops were forced to defend themselves.
Fellow Battle of Mogadishu veteran Sgt. Maj. Kyle Lamb backed up Durant.
He said he took Omar's tweet personally because he and his colleagues saw
their friends' bodies dragged through the streets of Mogadishu.
"We were trying to take out Aidid because he was a clan leader ...
that had kind of taken over [Mogadishu]," Lamb said on Fox
News. "They were taking the food, any of the aid that we were giving
to Somalia, also weapons and they were running drugs ... He needed to be
A Somali official estimated 133 Somali militiamen died in the fighting
with U.S. Rangers and Delta Force soldiers. Journalist Mark Bowden, author
of the definitive account of the Battle of Mogadishu, Black Hawk Down: a
Story of Modern War, estimated 500 Somali deaths. Others put the
Somali death toll closer to 1,000. A 2000 Rand Corporation report estimated 300 noncombatants were killed.
No credible estimate is anywhere close to Omar's "thousands."
The Minnesota Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) also condemned Omar, saying
the tweet indicates a high degree of anti-Americanism.
"Personally, I find what she said appalling," Minnesota VFW
Commander Tom Hanson told the IPT. "I have real difficulty with her
saying what she says about our military."
Dov Hikind, a former Democratic New York State Assemblyman, shares the
VFW's view that Omar has "a real problem with this country" and
what it stands for.
"She's going to continue to do things and say things that cross the
line," Hikind said. "The big shame as far as I'm concerned as
someone who has been a Democrat all of my life and a member of the New York
State Legislature ...I'm embarrassed and shocked by the way the Democratic
Party is behaving with all of this.
"There's this incredible double standard when it comes to
For reasons that aren't yet clear, her allies weren't ready to try to
bail her out again.
Related Topics: John
Rossomando, Ilhan
Omar, Battle
of Mogadishu, Black
Hawk Down, Mohammed
Farah Aidid, social
media, Mike
Durant, Operation
Restore Hope, 9/11,
Jasser, CAIR,
Tlaib, Linda
Sarsour, Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, Media
Matters, Kyle
Lamb, Dov
Hikind, VFW
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