Sultan of Brunei requests “tolerance” from EU leaders for his implementation of Sharia stoning of gays
As bizarre as such a letter may sound, Bolkiah is merely echoing the principles of Western “tolerance.” Westerners have come to tolerate the intolerable for the sake of “diversity” and “multiculturalism.” After all, not to tolerate Islamic doctrine is considered to be “Islamophobic” in the West. Bolkiah is merely asking that EU globalists extend their “tolerance” to accept the Sharia stoning of gays in Brunei as he makes efforts for his country to be more Islamic.
As is, many Western leaders and citizenry have turned a blind eye (for the sake of tolerance) to barbaric practices, jihad murders/persecution, and the supremacist doctrines sanctioned in Islam, and have supported open borders, which have allowed in many adherents of these practices. Stoning gays, chopping off heads and limbs, torturing and raping infidel women, etc. — all of these and more have been committed by jihadists, some of whom are now running free in Western countries, thanks to the “tolerance” of globalists.

“Sultan of Brunei Sends Letter to European Union Urging ‘Tolerance’ of Death Penalty for Gays,” Breitbart, April 23, 2019:
In a bizarre move, the Sultan of Brunei has written to the European Union to defend his recent decision to impose strict sharia law punishments in his country.
The Sultan has recently imposed harsh new laws in the Kingdom of Brunei, including death by stoning for anyone convicted of homosexuality, as well as amputations, lashes, and execution for other crimes such as theft and adultery.
In his letter, the Sultan urges the EU to reconsider their view of his new laws, stressing that they will require extraordinary evidence in order to be imposed, and so convictions will be rare, according to The Guardian.
The Sultan attempted to justify his brutal new laws by saying, “The penal sentences of hadd – stoning to death and amputation – imposed for offences of theft, robbery, adultery and sodomy, have extremely high evidentiary threshold, requiring no less than two or four men of high moral standing and piety as witnesses, to the exclusion of every form of circumstantial evidence.”….
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