Brennan’s Treachery Comes Full Circle – As Evidenced At These Pages, 2013 To Date – Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

” The Shepherd Boy And The Wolf “, a classic short story, is often taught to junior and senior high school students to illustrate the importance, relevance, and contextual framework of morality. Its overall basis breaks down thusly: “once a liar, always a liar.” Similarly, “once a crook, always a crook” should be considered a comparative axiom; an extrapolation thereof. Bare bones lessons in morality.
AS such, it is hardly a shock that John Brennan, a serial liar with a monstrous size crooked bent, continues to be exposed at these pages. In fact, he made his debut (alongside HUSSEIN Obama, and the equally lying and criminally bent, Hill) in January 2013 – a mere few months after this site’s inception. That fast. Not for nothing.
IN this regard, before evidencing Brennan’s full circle and blessed reckoning (now that the deep state sh*t is hitting the fan ala the blow-back from the bought and paid for claptrap-filled dossier), let’s perform a righteous cleansing akin to a colonoscopy. No kidding.
- Naturally, and at all costs, the Director of the CIA is sworn to protect America. This is a sacred duty. But when a rogue, anti-American takes over the helm, well, many levels of hell are bubbling and competing to become unleashed. To wit, he more than warranted top billing in January 2013 – when appointed to this most sensitive and powerful post. As is said, timing is everything. Therefore, said top billing preceded the start of his tenure on March 8, 2013. So, to commence the unmasking, the first directive from herein is to peer into “The Intersection Between John Brennan And A ‘Mysterious’ Death During Obama’s First Term.” And it is within this initial walk-through that his treachery will start to gel. Cement. Indeed, from the get-go, his lying and criminal mind-set is of piece with third world leaders. Juntas.

- Now that that task is accomplished, let’s move on. Akin to whiplash (sorry for that), this site was forced to fast forward to less than a month later (February 11, 2013, to be exact), and to level another warning shot to the American people: “John Brennan, A Muslim Convert, Is A MEGA Muslim Mafia Infiltrator!” Say it ain’t so….
- But we are far from done. Not at all. Tragically, how many travesties can one parasite – who oversees America’s “spook” agency, no less – be guilty of? This query was asked and answered on March 11,2013: “John Brennan Eschews The Bill of Rights: Another Nail In The American Coffin.” Beyond the pale.
- Alas, it is hardly shocking that this site reported in June 2013: ” CIA Brennan’s Spooky Skeletons Creep To The Fore.” Now, the fact that it isn’t even shocking is what is so shocking – unless one is living in a banana republic!
- Moving right along to Brennan’s growing compendium of criminally-inclined actions, guess where else his ‘activities’ were unearthed? Well, in September 2013, this bombshell was noted: ” UPDATE: The Assassination Of Michael Hastings & Its Nexus To Obama’s Bonafides & Passport – Brennan’s Sticky Fingers In The Mix! “
- Oh My….here we go again….round and round Brennan’s twisted treachery. But, this time, to May 2014: “Brennan’s Deadly Fingerprints Are All Over Benghazigate.” Yes, that Benghazigate!
- Indeed, how much more can patriotic Americans be expected to bear before…..Regardless, hang on tight. How many know about the central part he played in releasing Taliban terrorists, you know, those captured by the sweat and blood of U.S. soldiers? If curious, read about the betrayal here.
- Still yet, if your heart can withstand it, let’s head to December 2014 to recalculate and recalibrate the damage accrued, so far, by querying: ” Why Did Obama & Brennan Gift A ‘Torture’ Report To The Islamic Ummah?” Why, indeed.
- Never-ending. In March 2015, guess what Brennan, Islam’s full-on protector, did? He expunged Islam from ISIS, that’s what! Therefore, isn’t it prudent to ask: To whom was he reporting – in his capacity as the Director of America’s front-arm foreign spy agency – the nation’s secrets and assets? Rhetorical. Resultant, isn’t it clear where his loyalties lie?
- Even so, stay strong, fellow patriots. Keep reading. We are almost down to the (“cleansing-recap”) wire. After all, knowledge is power. In January 2016, it was reported at these pages that Brennan infiltrated, yes, infiltrated, the Charter School system for the benefit of Islam – never mind the public school system which has been infected for years. As such, the question becomes two-fold: Why is this no longer shocking? and, why isn’t it plastered all over the so-called mainstream media? Hmm.
- Consequentially, when the Islamist-in-Chief left office and the long-knives came out for President Trump’s scalp, it behooved recapping (in April 2017) the initial unmasking(s) of Brennan (cited above) – knowing full well what a mega huge force he is in the “deep state”; a chief traitor, among a long line of deeply embedded cohorts!
Late last week, di Genova also told Fox News host Laura Ingraham that the former chiefs of the FBI, CIA, and DNI are going to “pay the Barr bill” for their “conspiracy” that began with then-CIA Director John Brennan and ended with the Democratic National Committee, Real Clear Politics reports.
“This is very serious business and for the first time, I now believe that some of these guys are going to go to prison,” DiGenova said……
IN the main, isn’t it time for Brennan (and fellow surrogates) to go down?? Apparently. Faster….faster…..
Brennan Going Down: John Durham Zeroes In On Former CIA Head
BUT, as always, disputes are taking place – as to which of his facilitators at DOJ are the main collaborators behind the trumped-up Steele dossier. Six of one, half a dozen of the other…..
BUT, most significantly, rational folks can discern: America has come to a point in time, a ‘do or die’ fork in the road, notably, a critical juncture in its modern history. Know this: Without a full-on cleansing, a reckoning, and jailing(s) alike, the Republic will die – sooner than later.
AND while this is not a prognosis that is easy to deliver, it is hardly the time to despair. Weaken. For truth dare be told, in reality, it is past time to BUCK UP!!
AGAIN, faster…..faster…..

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