In this mailing:
- Raymond Ibrahim: Burkina Faso: The
New Land of Islamic Jihad and Christian Slaughter
- Amir Taheri: Tehran Apologists
Should Change Their Tune
by Raymond Ibrahim • May 19, 2019
at 5:00 am
- "The assailants
asked the Christians to convert to Islam, but the pastor and
the others refused. They ordered them to gather under a tree
and took their Bibles and mobile phones. Then they called
them, one after the other, behind the church building where
they shot them dead." — Local Christian, reported by
World Watch Monitor, May 2, 2019.
- "Much of the
Islamic anger in Burkina Faso has to do with the teaching of
so-called Western thoughts and ideals. Besides churches,
schools are also a favorite target of the militants, who are
pushing to make the country an Islamic state and impose Sharia
Law... Of 2,869 schools in Burkina Faso, 1,111 have been
closed in the last three years as a direct result of Islamic
extremist violence." — James Murphy, The New American,
May 16, 2019.
- As with other
African Islamic terror groups, the motivating ideology fueling
the terrorists of Burkina Faso is distinctly Islamic and
jihadi in nature. For example, after eight Muslims were
arrested for their role in terrorist attacks that killed 14,
their prosecutor said, "they all carried on their
foreheads or had white bands on which were written in Arabic the
following expression — translated as — 'there is no god but
Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.'" — Africa News,
July 3, 2018.

When five
assailants opened fire on the French embassy in Ouagadougou, Burkina
Faso in March 2018, they were heard to cry the jihad's ancient war
cry, "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah is the greatest.").
Pictured: A street in Ouagadougou. (Image source: iStock)
Last Sunday, May 12, in the small West African
nation of Burkina Faso, as many as 30 armed Islamic terrorists
stormed a Catholic church, slaughtered at least six Christian
worshippers — including the officiating priest — then burned the
church to the ground.
Ousmane Zongo, the mayor of Dablo, where the attack
occurred, recalled the incident:
"Towards 9:00am, during mass, armed individuals
burst into the Catholic Church... They started firing as the
congregation tried to flee.... They burned down the church, then
shops and a small restaurant before going to the health centre
where they searched the premises and set fire to the head nurse's
vehicle.... The city is filled with panic. People are holed up at
home. Shops and stores are closed. It's practically a ghost
by Amir Taheri • May 19, 2019 at
4:00 am
- Iranian Foreign
Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif has acknowledged that.... if
anyone notices the Islamic Republic it is because its leaders
are or pretend to be anti-American. In other words,
anti-Americanism upgrades a ramshackle and incompetent regime
that is visibly incapable of running a kebab-shop let alone a
modern developing society. Zarif says that without
anti-Americanism we would, at best, "be something like
Pakistan". And, he adds, who cares about Pakistan?
- "Our solution
is clear. In response to the cost of economic sanctions
imposed on us we have to impose costs on the other side so
that this war is no longer one-sided.... We have a free hand
in striking economic blows at the enemy. America's allies in
the region, that is to say Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, are
heavily dependent on two things: oil and the glass towers they
have built around the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea... We must
absolutely, hit the vital vein of those two countries, that is
to say their oil exports. And we can do this in the Indian
Ocean and the Red Sea. Such an operation will, without a
doubt, force Saudi and Emirati leaders to seek peace with
Iran." — Kayhan, the day before the sabotage of
four ships in the UAE port of Fujairah.
- It is not enough to
be anti-American or even anti-Trump to be automatically
classed on the side of the angels. It is possible to be
anti-American and anti-Trump and yet be a thoroughly obnoxious
oppressor of the people and warmonger.

The port of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates. (Image source: Rizwan
Ullah Wazir/Wikimedia Commons)
One of the problems with a dispassionate discussion
of matters related to Iran today is that the issue has become too
ideological to allow rational, not to say clinical, examination.
Taking part in a televised panel the other evening to discuss the
"sabotage" of four ships in the UAE port of Fujairah, I
noted that there was as yet no evidence to show who had been behind
the operation. At the same time, I noted that a leading daily in
Tehran had urged the launching of precisely such operations just a
day before the Fujairah attack.
Needless to say, I was attacked on all sides. Some
claimed that by suggesting there was no evidence regarding the
authorship of the attack, I was trying to whitewash the mullahs.
Others claimed that by reminding people that such an operation had
been urged in the daily Kayhan, representing the views of
"Supreme Guide" Ali Khamenei, meant that I wished to
incriminate Tehran to please "American warmongers."
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