At the operational level, militaries aim to maintain the high ground, gather intelligence on their enemies, control key nodes of communications, control logistics routes and means, and get inside their enemy’s decision-making process to influence them into making decisions beneficial to friendly forces and opposed to their intentions.
The military which can achieve these strategic and operational objectives will have a high likelihood of winning the war.
Today, the Islamic Counter-State in America has achieved all of these strategic and operational milestones.
The Islamic Counter-State has penetrated all levels of the U.S. government including all U.S. intelligence, defense, enforcement, and administrative agencies with access to all systems used by these agencies. This gives them intelligence and the knowledge of U.S. government activities. Therefore, this enemy knows our current operations and will be able to alert their network when significant movements in U.S. planning/strategy take place.
The Islamic Counter-State primarily wages this war in the Information Battlespace and, as of today, has dominance in this battlespace over U.S. assets. U.S. leaders have an understanding of Islam which is exactly the opposite of what muslims teach their children in U.S. Islamic schools.

The number of sharia adherent muslims purchasing smaller local hotels, gas stations, and mini-marts across America, again, points to an intentional strengthening of their logistical infrastructure.
If, in fact, the Islamic Counter-State is actually doing what its doctrine sharia mandates – warfare against the non-muslim community – then, militarily, all of these actions constitute the development of key logistical nodes critical to them in time of war.
If mosques are what Islam teaches they are – seats of the Islamic government where sharia is adjudicated, jihadis are housed/trained, weapons are stored, and battles planned – then it begs the question: “Why are there 72 mosques within 20 miles of Houston’s city-center, and what is the strategic importance of this?”

Source: Salatomatic.com
The Islamic Counter-State has all of these in place right now. Their best case scenario is now our worst case scenario.
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