Monday, April 1, 2013

04-01-13: Ohio Teachers Train to take Down School Shooters

FSM video  picks + 2012 site


·  Ohio teachers train to take down school shooters


·  MEDIA WATCH: ABC Invites Atheist on Easter Sunday to Discuss...Religion?

obama planned parenthood _ large

·  Liberals' View: Planned Parenthood: INCONVENIENT For Babies to be Kept ALIVE after Botched Abortion

Eagle, Stars and Stripes

·  And the least free state in America, is...

North Korean soldiers

·  Tensions rise as North Korea sets sights on war - targets show U.S. Cities


·  Satire: The Daily Caller: Our Story


·  Marine Veteran Forced to Remove American Flag From Yard

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·  What 'The Bible' means for Christians and non-believers


·  Rep. Peter King: North Korea is more like an "organized crime family running a territory" than a government


·  WHEN LIBERALS TWEET - Latest Series of Tweets by the People Who Think They Know What's Best for Everyone Else

In Case You Missed It


·  CNN's Piers Morgan and Van Jones go Head-To-Head with Conservative Radio Host on the Issue of Gun Control

junk food grocery

·  Food Stamp Rolls Estimated to Hit Historic High - Use of Food Stamps Swells Even as Economy Improves


·  MSNBC: Conservatives Who Criticize The Obamas Excessive Taxpayer-Funded Vacations "Going Back To The Idea Of The ‘Uppity Negro'"

usa_stars and stripes_ flag america

·  New study finds that Americans are migrating from less-free liberal states to more-free conservative states


·  Do you believe them? White House: None Of Obama's Gun Laws Will 'Affect 2nd Amendment Rights'


·  Imam: "Islam's Flag Will Be Raised Above The White House"


·  End military funeral honors for vets to cut costs?

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·  Parody Video Slams Jim Carrey - a rebuttal to Carrey's anti-gun song,

paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot


What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

Read Contributing Editor J. Christian Adams' SHOCKING new book! Buy it here



FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Madison vs. Obama

In any debate between James Madison and Barack Obama about the Constitution, Madison would win hands down. And then Obama would have Madison arrested.


Judge Rejects Atheists' Lawsuit Seeking to Block Display of Steel Cross at 9/11 Memorial

The Judge dismissed the group's lawsuit, stating that the cross served both a "historic and secular purpose."

Testament of Mary Provides Insight into Left's Arrogant Logic

Both the play and its creators exhibit the Left's typical disregard for the sensibilities and feelings of traditional Catholics, justifying their effort as merely an exercise of creative, artistic expression...

Breaking Tradition - Can the new Pope inspire courage in a dangerous world?

Washing the feet is symbolic of Jesus as servant and purveyor of loving kindness. It was a story that much of the media either missed or failed to understand the significance.

The Bloody Company Hollywood Keeps

While Redford glorifies his fictional Weather Underground murderers as "patriots," he ignores the patriotic legacy of the victims of Weather Underground violence.

The Latest Global Population Numbers Produce Surprises

Our military forward planners (the military is the rare institution in our government that does long-range planning) are taking note of these demographic changes and are contemplating which will bode peace and which war.

A Carbon Tax Would Destroy America

Too many Americans still believe that CO2 is causing global warming, but CO2 plays no role in climate change and is barely 0.038 percent of the Earth's atmosphere.

America Is Not Immune to EU Calamity

The outlandish nature of Cypriot governmental action is merely a precursor to similar outrages that will inevitably take place here.

House Republicans ask Why Saudi Arabia was Added to Trusted Traveler Program

The addition of Saudi Arabia to the trusted traveler program has received increased attention in recent days following a report from the Investigative Project on Terrorism.


Veterans Need Not Apply!

My favorite is Psalm 118, "I called upon the Lord in my distress; He answered me and set me in a large place."

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