Tuesday, April 2, 2013

04-02-13: Enough Being Depressed about the Elections (Plus: Michael Moore as??)

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

bill whittle

must-see-movie-clapboard_ watch

·  Bill Whittle answers questions on ILLEGAL immigration - Virtual Town Hall meeting

hobby lobby

·  Christian-owned and operated Hobby Lobby's challenge to contraception mandate in ObamaCare to be heard in full court

Michelle Malkin

·  Michelle Malkin Calls Out Republicans for Supporting 'Shamnesty' Immigration Bill

Kids_photo of kids

·  Study: Kids with Unconditional Allowances Grow Up to be Slackers


·  Taxpayers foot bill for Biden's third vacation in 3 months

massacre fort hood

·  Denying our country's heroes: Fort Hood Survivors Denied Purple Hearts


·  Hunters boycott Colorado over tough new gun control laws


·  Maryland Dems Break Procedure to Push Easter Weekend Gun Grab

march 4 life _ stop abortion - LARGE

·  America's Youth, Are they The Pro-Life Generation?


·  Obama hits only 2-22 on Basketball court

In Case You Missed It


·  Ohio teachers train to take down school shooters


·  MEDIA WATCH: ABC Invites Atheist on Easter Sunday to Discuss...Religion?

obama planned parenthood _ large

·  Liberals' View: Planned Parenthood: INCONVENIENT For Babies to be Kept ALIVE after Botched Abortion

Eagle, Stars and Stripes

·  And the least free state in America, is...

North Korean soldiers

·  Tensions rise as North Korea sets sights on war - targets show U.S. Cities


·  Satire: The Daily Caller: Our Story


·  Marine Veteran Forced to Remove American Flag From Yard

bible  251 x 174

·  What 'The Bible' means for Christians and non-believers


·  Rep. Peter King: North Korea is more like an "organized crime family running a territory" than a government


·  WHEN LIBERALS TWEET - Latest Series of Tweets by the People Who Think They Know What's Best for Everyone Else

paper doll cut outs - your contribution means alot


What+the+(Bleep)+Just+Happened crowley

Read FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor J. Christian Adams' SHOCKING new book! Buy it here



FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

New Mascot for First Lady's ‘Let's Move!' Initiative: Michael Moore

When asked what he liked best about the "Let's Move!" initiative, Moore didn't hesitate. "Government involvement!" he crowed, waving a turkey leg dripping with gravy worthy of King Henry VIII.

Enough Being Depressed about the Elections

Think about other dark times in our history ... gather strength - and get back to work!

‘Democracy' vs. ‘Republic'

Why is it important to distinguish between a "democracy" and a "republic"? They are not the same.

Choosing Life in Israel

"This book is both about my own choice to live in Israel and Israel's choice to live and thrive in the face of challenges."

The Unaffordable ‘Affordable Care Act'

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has finally owned up to the fact that the so-called Affordable Care Act may be producing something less affordable for U.S. citizens.

CAIR - We Are Above the Law of the Land

I am concerned CAIR's hateful supremacist rhetoric could lead to possible bias incidents inciting "practicing Muslims" to act in a lawless manner against non-Muslims.

Finding Balance

We can know things in our hearts with certainty. Most of you probably understand this already, but I'm just getting used to it, having overused my brain and underused my heart for most of my sixty-two years.

Batter Up: America and Opening Day

"This is a very simple game; you throw the ball, you catch the ball you hit the ball. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains." Bull Durham


Madison vs. Obama

In any debate between James Madison and Barack Obama about the Constitution, Madison would win hands down. And then Obama would have Madison arrested.

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