Monday, April 1, 2013

Geert Wilders Party Now Polling at No. 1

Geert Wilders Party Now Polling at No. 1

A year ago, Islamists and their useful idiots were writing off Wilders as finished. The political crisis appeared to have shaken his PVV party and Islamists were gleefully claiming that Wilders was done. The future might belong to the more mainstream VVD party willing to compromise on the “big” issues.

But Wilders’ gamble has paid off and voters are turning his way once again.
The PVV would win the most seats in the House of Representatives if an election were held now…
With 24 seats, the party of Geert Wilders would have one more than the VVD, with 23. The PvdA would have 18 seats, according to the latest poll, giving the two ruling parties a total of 41 seats. That is the lowest total since the election in September 2012, when the parties of Diederik Samsom and [Prime Minister Mark] Rutte together won 79 seats
Europe’s bail-out of busted Cyprus, involving yet another transfer of money from the Dutch to the south, seems to have swung more votes behind the Euro-sceptic Wilders.
Being in the populist opposition is a smart move when the economic times are bad and most leaders are making bad compromises to keep the whole disaster sailing along smoothly. And the same thing may be true in the UK.

A smart party primes voters for the realization that it was right all along. A stupid party “evolves” and tosses aside its positions and becomes discredited and indistinguishable from the ruling party.
Does that have some application to the United States? It just might.

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