Wednesday, June 10, 2015

No strategy against the Islamic State

Gabriel: Will, Not Strategy, Missing Against Islamic State

Some 10 months after President Obama said his national security team was working on a strategy to fight the growing threat of the Islamic State, there's still no "complete strategy" to fight the terrorists.
President Obama made the remarks at a G-7 summit in Austria. See the CNN story below:
The fact that our President still hasn't come up with a plan to fight the barbarians slaughtering Jews, Christians, homosexuals, women, and anyone else who refuses to go along with their nightmarish vision of how the world works is frightening.
A number of commentators have noted that air support could make all the difference for those fighting the terrorists. IS terrorists might have guns, trucks, and bombs, but they don't have bombers and fighters. During the battle for Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, Iraqi defenders were decimated by giant truck bombs. While they're almost impossible to stop with small arms, such rolling bombs are easy prey for modern warplanes.
In one instance, it has been reported that an armored bulldozer actually worked to clear paths for the truck bombs. Left alone, the dozer cleared the way for massive carnage. With air support, the entire attack could have been thwarted with one sortie.
What many people miss, though, is that while a strategy to fight the Islamic State is definitely missing, so is something much more fundamental -- the will to fight.
Until our elected leadership develops the will to fight the Islamic State, there will be no strategy.
It is up to each of us to keep up the pressure on all of our elected leaders to fight this scourge. When enough people express enough outrage, even the most tone deaf politician who either wants to establish a legacy or win the next election will take action.
ACT for America is on the front lines of this fight, making a difference one state, one bill, one legislator, one neighbor at a time.
When everyone does a little, we can accomplish a lot!

CNN Story
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