Thursday, August 4, 2016

[10News] "UK: Muslims set random man on fire in broad daylight" - etc...

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(Photo above: Muslims walking through Paris with Islamic Stat flag in broad daylight. The enemy is here and all our leaders is worried about is if we insult Islam)

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If you have nothing better to do, why not join the police, the army or at least your National Guard?

10News Team

UK: Muslims set random man on fire in broad daylight

Via BBC:
“A man has suffered serious burns after being covered in an unknown substance and set alight, police have said.
A 31-year-old man was walking through Waltham Abbey Gardens in Essex at 08:00 BST on Saturday when he was approached by a group of men. They threw over him an “unidentified substance” according to police and then set him ablaze. …
The victim has described his attackers as being of ‘Turkish appearance’.”

FBI director warns of houndreds of “very dangerous” men entering Europe

Watch FBI warn West Europeans here.

Video: Motivational speech by Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux

Get your dose of idealism here.

Watch “Clinton Cash”, the documentary disclosing Hillarys criminal abuse of the Clinton Foundation

A handful more reasons why Hillary should be in jail, not running for president - a must-watch for all who even think of supporting Hillary, watch here.

P.S. Also watch InfoWars’ “This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected” - here.

33 percent of Danes: Denmark is at war with Islam

Translated from TV2:
“A New Megafon poll shows that 33 percent of Danes believe Denmark is at war with Islam. … 56 percent of the population do not think that Denmark is at war with Islam.”

Tommy Robinson: “Islam will not reform”, so this is what we have to do

• Worth every breathtaking minute: Tommy Robinson speaking at Oxford

Watch Tommy here.

Europol report: EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report 2016

(Graph above: “Number of suspects arrested for religiously inspired/jihadist terrorism 2011 to 2015”)
Download the report here. Excerpt:
“In 2015, 12 EU Member States reported to have concluded a total of 217 court proceedings in relation to terrorism. The concluded court proceedings concerned 513 individuals, 85 of which were female. Nine individuals in Spain and two individuals in Greece were tried several times in the framework of different criminal proceedings in 2015.
As a result, the total number of verdicts pronounced for terrorism-related offences in 2015 was 527. Some defendants in Belgium and the Netherlands did not appear in court and were sentenced in absentia. In 2015, the United Kingdom reported the highest number of concluded court proceedings for terrorist and related offences… In 2015, the majority of verdicts pronounced were in relation to jihadist terrorism. It is for the first time since 2008 that concluded court proceedings in the EU have resulted in a higher number of verdicts for jihadist terrorist offences than for separatist terrorist offences. In Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark and Sweden all verdicts concerned jihadist terrorism. The highest number of those (120) was rendered in Belgium.”

France: Islam must contribute to peace or lose “freedom of worship”

France is learning very fast these days. Good if you can translate and send this French idea to your country’s politicians and journalists.
Via BBC:
“Prime Minister Manuel Valls, a Socialist, warned that ‘if Islam doesn’t help the Republic to fight those who challenge public freedoms, it will get harder for the Republic to guarantee this freedom of worship’.”

Denmark: 5 Muslims hijack car with gun, force owner to drive home and give valuables

Crime in Denmark more and more resembles what you would normally only see in South American ghettos.
Translated from EB:
“A 43-year-old man Thursday experienced a nightmare in Copenhagen, when five unidentified men stopped the motorist at a traffic light at the Zoo in Valby.
‘It is very rarely that men in this way threatens themselves into a car and then orders the driver to drive to his home,’ says Henrik Brix, who is head of security at the Copenhagen Police.
When the 43-year-old arrived at his address with the criminals in his car, the criminals raided the home in Frederiksberg for valuables.
‘After forcing the man back to his van, where they told him to drive them to a place in Copenhagen West,’ says Henrik Brix.
‘Here the criminals runs away after asking the man to count to a high number before he may drive again,’ said the duty officer.
The man was not physically injured, and it was he himself who reported the incident at 23:32. The entire incident lasted about half an hour.
The five deed men described as young people of Somali descent.”

French government: “We are in a state of war”!

Via The Local:
“One of the lamentable impacts of the spate of terror attacks in France has been that local authorities are being forced to cancel certain summer events.
After the Bastille Day truck attack in Nice the interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve told mayors across the country not to think twice about cancelling an event if they thought security could not be guaranteed.
During a visit to Lyon, Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said France had to take the threat seriously.
We are in a situation of war. So, for the moment, we have to forbid demonstrations if security norms cannot be respected,” he said.
Everyone has to understand that we are in this situation and that it brings constraints.“”


10News basics:
- Documentary: The Third Jihad
- Documentary: Obsession: Radical Islam's War on the West
- Bill Warner's must-read 40-page book: Sharia Law for the Non Muslim

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