Saturday, August 6, 2016

Brazil: Muslim Moroccan boxer tries to rape two chambermaids in the Olympic Village

Brazil: Muslim Moroccan boxer tries to rape two chambermaids in the Olympic Village

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You can’t mix them with the rest of humanity. They have no boundries at all.

Moroccan boxer, 22, is arrested after ‘attempting to rape two chambermaids in the OLYMPIC VILLAGE’ in Brazil 

  • The Moroccan boxer Hassan Saada was detained by police this morning
  • He was arrested on suspicion of attempting to rape two chaimbermaids
  • The 22-year-old athlete will miss out on competing in the games
A Moroccan boxer has been arrested on suspicion of attempting to rape two chambermaids in the Olympic Village in Brazil.

Hassan Saada was detained by police this morning over claims he attempted to sexually assault the two women in the athletes’ accommodation at Barra de Tijuca.

The 22-year-old athlete will miss out of competing in the games following allegations that he sexually assaulting two Brazilian domestic maids at the Olympic Village.
Hassan Saada (pictured) was detained by police this morning over claims he attempted to sexually assault the two women in the athletes' accommodation at Barra de Tijuca
Saada, a light heavyweight boxer, was taken to a police station close the Olympic Stadium where he was stripped of his Olympic competitor status.

Detective Caroline Solomon of Recreio Police confirmed the athlete has been stripped of his credentials.

Solomon said officers are doing forensic examinations and other athletes will be questioned as part of their investigations.

According to Solomon, the boxer, who is married, was sharing the room with other athletes.

Both women were ‘frightened and angry’ Solomon said.

She said the penalty, if convicted, is between six and 10 years.

He will be transferred later today to a remand prison in the Polinter district of Rio de Janeiro where he will formally questioned about the allegations.

Investigating judge Larissa Nunes Saly has ruled the athlete will be held in custody for 15 days while police investigate the allegations against him.

According to Rio Police Saada is accused of attacking the two maids on Tuesday morning.
Police say he invited one of the women to pose for a selfie with him and he asked her if she had a profile on social media.

Then he pushed the woman up against the wall and tried to kiss her, it is claimed.

He is also accused of sexually assaulting the second woman by groping her breasts and made sexually-graphic gestures towards the maid and offered her money to perform a sex act upon him.
The 22-year-old athlete will miss out of competing in the games following allegations that he sexually assaulting two Brazilian domestic maids at the Olympic Village
The 22-year-old athlete will miss out of competing in the games following allegations that he sexually assaulting two Brazilian domestic maids at the Olympic Village
Saada was taken to a police station close the Olympic Stadium where he was stripped of his Olympic competitor status
Saada was taken to a police station close the Olympic Stadium where he was stripped of his Olympic competitor status.

Judge Nunes Saly has formally contacted the Moroccan Ambassador about the allegations.
She told O Globo newspaper: ‘It has been necessary to arrest Hassan Saada to investigate the allegations against him. If he was at liberty there would be a risk that he could interfere with witnesses. And there is a risk that Hassan Saada could reoffend.’

The judge said Brazilian laws apply to everyone – Brazilians and visitors alike. Everyone must obey the law.

Police investigators have seized some of Saada’s personal property to assist their investigation.
The boxer had been scheduled to fight in his first bout on Saturday August 6 against Turkish competitor Mehmet Nadaradade Unal.

Saada and two other Moroccan competitors had threatened not to come to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games as part of a bid to get a bigger pay award, according to Moroccan newspaper Le Matin.

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