Monday, August 1, 2016

Breaking the Cross: Latest ISIS Magazine Aimed At Christians
issue 314
Breaking the Cross: Latest ISIS Magazine Aimed At Christians
In a break in tone from previous issues, the Islamic State's new Dabiq issue focuses on tackling Christianity in particular and Western ideologies in general. learn more
In a public statement in Ankara after the attempted coup, the Turkish president lashed out against the American military establishment.
Turkey's Erdogan to US General: ‘Know Your Place’

A new report by the European Union's law enforcement agency highlighted the long-term risk posed by children indoctrinated by ISIS.
Europol: ISIS Training Children to Be Next Generation of Fighters

An imam at a Cardiff mosque is teaching that taking women as sex slave is permissible in Islam.
In Wales, Radical Islamic Imam Preaches Enslaving Women

In addition, watch a Palestinian father try to provoke Israeli soldiers into shooting his toddler son for a propaganda video.
Gaza Terror Org Family Fun: Bond of Blood Festival

Confused by the current unrest in Turkey? Here is a guide to the major players and political parties to help sort it out.
Who's Who in Turkey's Power Struggle
Iranian Men Don Hijabs to Protest Country's Oppression of Women
'My Stealthy Freedom,' a Facebook page where Iranian women upload pictures of themselves out of doors without a hijab, has started a campaign where men are also pressing to get the law changed.
The fact is, Turkey’s Islamist governance cannot coexist with secular democracy.  
Transformation of a NATO Ally: Why Turkey Matters
[Re:'Exclusive: Sanders Delegate is Member of Fuqra Terror Cult']: Good job keeping us informed, Clarion Project. It means a lot to us who want to stay in the know about these very important and often ignored out of political/social convenience instances of the subtle attempts at Islamicizing public and private institutions. I genuinely wish the public at large had at least some idea of what's happening in our own backyards. Global Islamic extremism is called global Islamic extremism for a reason.
[Re:'Taken To Saudi Arabia And Locked in a Cage']: A [British] Judge says "We can't assume our cultural supremacy" !!!? Yes we can!!! The girl was 16 yrs. old - she was taken against her will!! That's kidnapping! The problem is giving people British citizenship in conjunction with countries which don't recognize dual nationality. I think its a must that in order to get British nationality you MUST give up the other. You can only have dual nationality if both countries recognize both. None of the Islamic countries recognize dual nationality. We have to stand up for the freedoms we value against oppression. If we don't we are finished!! I cannot believe politicians these days seem to think all the world has advanced on personal freedom as the West has. Well a look at their equality laws will give you that info.
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