Friday, August 12, 2016

REVEALED: Police 'too scared' to stop vote rigging in Muslim areas, damning report finds

VOTE rigging in Muslim communities goes unchallenged because police are too scared of being "politically correct", a damning Government report has revealed.

Polling booth
Sir Eric Pickles has called for an overhaul of the electoral system

The study, headed by Sir Eric Pickles, found that authorities are not doing enough to stamp out bullying and religious intimidation among Asian authorities during the lead up to elections.
The report has even called for a dramatic overhaul of the electoral system, warning the "integrity of democracy" is at stake.
The Electoral Commission also came under fire for making the situation worse by encouraging the use of foreign language, with Sir Eric saying it "leaves the door open to fraud".

Sir Eric was chosen by David Cameron to head-up the electoral fraud commission following the voting scandal in Tower Hamlets, East London.

Former mayor of Tower Hamlets Luftur Rahman was relieved of his position after he was found guilty of corrupt and illegal practices.
Eric Pickles
Eric Pickles was chosen to head-up the electoral fraud commision

Last year’s general election was littered with accusations of radical Islamists pressuring voters at polling stations, reportedly claiming that voting was "un-Islamic".

Stickers were also placed at some polling stations urging Muslims not to vote.
There have also been accusations of postal voting fraud in predominantly Asian areas, just years after a judge found evidence of fraud in Birmingham.


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