Saturday, August 6, 2016

Syrian Prof: Arabs Migrate for ‘Sluts’ and Welfare, Attack When They Don’t Get It

Syrian Prof: Arabs Migrate for ‘Sluts’ and Welfare, Attack When They Don’t Get It


A Syrian professor has asserted that Arab migrants see “slut” German women as fair game for assault and warned that the country is set to see “big social conflicts” as a result of Angela Merkel and EU open border policies.

Prof. Bassam Tibi said that the mass sex attacks in Cologne were a result of the migrants’ “value system”: furious at not being given a luxury lifestyle, they intended to “humiliate” Germans.
The professor, who now lives in Germany, said that Arab men come expecting “great apartments, blonde women and the welfare state”.

The political scientist noted that tax payers are providing migrants with far more than they could expect even with wages in their homelands, but warned they find the hospitality “insufficient”.
Pointing out that two-bedroom apartments are a luxury in Cairo, the professor noted that he knows 16-year-old migrants, each with two-bedroom apartments to themselves at the expense of German tax payers. These boys remain dissatisfied however, as they had hoped for cars too.

Interviewed by Basler Zeitung, Professor Tibi said that migrants were expecting to be given a luxury lifestyle, one comparable to portrayals of rich Europeans shown in the Arab media. He predicted that migrant disappointment with their standard of living is likely to cause the country problems in the future.


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