Wednesday, February 15, 2017

BUSTED: Brotherhood Mafia Agents INSIDE White House, Congress Alike! How Many Alarm Bells Must This Site Blare? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

BUSTED: Brotherhood Mafia Agents INSIDE White House, Congress Alike! How Many Alarm Bells Must This Site Blare? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


IT is not for nothing that the following evidence within “The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki” (Oct. 28, 2013) is cited as prima facie proof within more than a few commentaries, even going back to this site’s inception in 2012. It is that evidentiary. Bullet proof. So much so, no one from officialdom dares to dispute the attendant facts, nor to threaten this or that lawsuit. Knowing full well that the charges are beyond provable, they stay mum. Simply put, the belief is that lying low will draw less attention to the damnable facts. How’s that working out so far??

IN this regard, pay strict heed to the excerpt from the aforementioned Interview: 

Adina Kutnicki: Indeed, let’s, as a first stop, hop aboard our Inquisitr journey with “The Plan”. At its core, “The Plan” is a detailed blueprint, one which the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood adheres to – and augments as necessary – to infiltrate and penetrate the west, but most intrinsically they are targeting America, the “Great Satan”. It is the main linchpin to the west’s fall. “The Plan’s” basic goals are described thusly:

Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.

Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.

Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.
Editor’s Note: One of the hot spots of conversion to Islam is America’s extensive system of prisons.
Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.

Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).

While each phase has many subsections and takes years to implement, the fact of the matter is that their goals have been ongoing for decades. They are rapidly, stealth-fully bearing fruit.

Editors note: The following statement revealing the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for America was found in an internal Brotherhood document and presented into evidence during the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trials in 2007 and 2008.
“The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and by the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
Wolff Bachner: In a modern, highly political world, one must have enablers and allies to enact any global initiative, especially one that is subversive and secretive. Who are some of the enablers and allies of the Muslim Brotherhood and how high up the political food chain do they go?

Adina Kutnicki: Beyond a shadow of a doubt, their enablers and allies reach up into the highest recesses of the political food chain, so much so that the leadership of the free world is deeply implicated. One only has to witness their rise and prominence within President Obama’s administration to internalize how close they are to fulfilling their mission of Islamizing the United States of America into the “Shariah States of America”. This is not hysteria-talk nor hyperbole. It is their ultimate plan. However long it takes (and they view patience as a virtue, centuries ago seems like yesterday in their mind’s eye, unlike the mostly ADD-afflicted west) they will keep making inroads, that is, unless millions amass to thwart their efforts within America. But even though they burrowed within prior administrations, their trajectory rose exponentially under President Obama’s “guiding hands”.

Most significantly, according to BizPac Review, Mohamed Elibiary, a Muslim Brotherhood-tied adviser to DHS has just been promoted to a high senior level position! The details can be found herein, but the following excerpt is more than an eyeful:
“The Washington-based, national security think tank, Center for Security Policy, published a disturbing 33-page report based on a series of interviews with Elibiary about his admitted ties to a man who raised funds for Hamas and “other radical Islamist causes,” all while serving and advising the Obama administration. Judicial Watch reported on the findings, noting that Elibiary “has regular access to classified information and is a prime mover behind two of the Obama administration’s most dangerous policies; normalizing relations with domestic and foreign Islamist groups (including the Muslim Brotherhood) and arduous enforcement restrictions of laws related to material support for terrorism….”
As such, the Muslim Brotherhood is already in Obama’s White House, and this fact must be internalized and seared into ones brain:
“On December 11, 2004, Muslim Brotherhood apologist Mohamed Elibiary was a featured speaker at a conference honoring the memory of Ayatollah Khomeini, the man synonymous with Islamic terrorism. On September 13, 2013, this same man, Mohamed Elibiary was named the head of the Obama administration’s Homeland Security Advisory Council. Watch Western Center for Journalism’s exclusive video to find out why, exactly, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood is pulling the levers of power in the White House.”
Mind you, Elibiary’s appointment is hardly an anomaly. Skulking Islamic “advisers” are regular fixtures within President Obama’s inner circle, though most are not as well known as Elibiary. It would take an entire expose’ to flesh out all the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated appointments, most of whom are comfortably implanted inside President Obama’s administration. Nevertheless, it is impossible to understand the gravity of the situation without knowing how embedded they really are. Like termites.

In this regard, it is more than reasonable to posit: why would the Obama administration allow said infiltration and penetration? Simply put, the evidence is overwhelming that President Obama – and his surrogates – is in “deep sympathy” with the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their symbiotic relationship amounts to a whole lot more than “placing lipstick on a pig”, a colorful phrase aptly coined by Sarah Palin.

As a foretaste, one must, at the very least, be willing to expend a concerted effort to uncover Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s roots. Then, as a result, his seemingly inexplicable foreign policy forays, as well as his administration’s domestic appointments, will fall sharply into focus. Most glaringly, my commentary link, regarding his Kenyan Wahhabi relatives, tells the tale -, yet the Shoebat Foundation fleshes out his family linkage further:
“After President Obama was inaugurated, the Muslim side of the Obama family in Kenya boomed; it went from rags to riches overnight. They became one of the most influential families in western Kenya and even extended their sphere of influence to Saudi Arabia. When Sarah, president Obama’s grandmother (step-grandmother), decided to go to the Hajj, an obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca with Musa, president Obama’s first cousin, they were welcomed with open arms and were provided a special escort with full security detail and first-class treatment at the Saudi royal court…”
Let us also meander further down the President’s familial tree, upon closer examination, Malik Obama certainly becomes a “person of interest”. While many of us have relatives we would rather avoid, or politely make a conscious effort to sidestep at family functions, none of us (that I know) have the power of the Presidency. Therefore, our less than stellar relatives are mostly family annoyances, even though a bane to us personally. The point being, Malik Obama is more than the President’s half-brother, he is a superstar all on his own. Delicacy aside, he is a “mobbed up” Brotherhood operative. Once again, the Shoebat Foundation reveals the dope:
“Citing Arabic-language Islam researcher Walid Shoebat, that Tahani Al-Gebali, the former chancellor and a continuing adviser to the Constitutional Court of Egypt, has claimed the reason the U.S. cannot fight the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood is because Malik Obama is the architect of the Brotherhood’s financial investments.”
Since the publication of the initial article Aug. 20, sources have obtained independent confirmation that criminal charges have now been filed in Egypt against Malik based on Gebali’s accusation that he was managing investments for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

In response to a question about whether he had visited Egypt or intended to visit Egypt soon, Malik said: “I did not go to Egypt before. I am a Muslim, but I do not promote hatred or violence, and I have not belonged to any extremist group in my life.

Malik Obama is the executive secretary of the Islamic Dawa Organization, or IDO, a group created by the Sudanese government, which has been designated by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist state”……
André Carson, Islamist favorite and congressman from Indiana.
BUT before we go any further, another blaring alarm emitted from this site in May 2015, “Congress’s Islamic Reps Advance CAIR’s Dictates”, and one of its targets was Rep. Andre Carson, a mobbed up Brotherhood associate. Lo and behold, he is now at the center of this Muslim spy ring! No kidding. And the fact that he is a RANKING member of the Department of Defense Intelligence and Overhead Architecture Subcommittee, The Emerging Threats Subcommittee, well, you get the drift….

THAT being settled – AGAIN, as revealed over 4 years ago too – why is anyone shocked….shocked….that a Pakistani Muslim spy ring has been found operating right inside the belly of the White House and on Capitol Hill?? If anything, it would be shocking had this not been the case! Huh and duh.
Image result for pics of bill clinton and imran awan
In fact, Imran Awan and Brotherhood Mafia bros’ have mugged with Clinton and others up and down the political food chain!
While President Trump can build a wall and ban terrorists from entering America, it appears as though malicious individuals are still managing to infiltrate us, thanks to the recklessness actions of Democrats in Congress. Now top secret information is missing from the White House after 3 Muslim individuals working with the Democrats managed to get their crooked hands on our country’s most highly-guarded intelligence documents, where they then funneled the information to an external server.
The disturbing report broke on Thursday night, after 3 Muslim brothers were fired from their IT jobs at the White House after their sick plot was discovered by several people in Congress. Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo broke the story, discussing how an investigation has immediately been launched into the 3 brothers, Abid, Imran and Jamal Awan, where she disclosed just what is at stake after the trio managed to access our highest government secrets.
“They [the Muslims] were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives on Thursday because they accessed Congressmen and Congress people’s computer networks unauthorized,”  Bartiromo began. “At a minimum they were fired. At a minimum we know that they accessed computers unauthorized and they did so in foreign intelligence, foreign affairs and intelligence committees….  they were getting very important information, government information. They accessed these computers.
Even more horrifying is that it’s believed that these 3 Muslims, all hired by Democrats, are thought to have ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, with one of the brothers even having a criminal background. She went on:
“How is it possible that 3 brothers are hired, Muslim brothers…just saying, to work in Congress and deal with our most intelligent and sensitive information, number one? They were all making $160,000! Why were they paid so much? 22 years old…one of the guys, the other was 25. They’re making $160,000, $161,000 and $165,000. And one of them has a criminal background!”
WATCH her interview:

Chiefs of staff for dozens of Democratic lawmakers who employed the four were informed last week that a criminal probe was underway into their use of congressional information technology systems, including the existence of an external server to which House data was being funneled, and into the theft of and overbilling for computer equipment.

There’s no doubt that these individuals have close ties with Obama, and were put in place to keep tabs on what’s going on in Washington. Obama infiltrated our government with several Muslim Brotherhood agents while in office, so why would he stop now? Not only was Obama’s closest adviser Valerie Jarrett known to have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, but Obama appointed Muslim Brotherhood member Mohamed Elibiary as a senior member at the Department of Homeland Security, a man who tweeted his support for ISIS.
IS this news? Not exactly.
ADDING more fuel to the repeated indictments set out within these pages and throughout the dossier of yours truly, look no further: “Obama Cooperates With Grandson Of Muslim Brotherhood Founder”, February 1, 2015.

AND, if justice has any meaning left, President Trump will take this “golden” opportunity to FINALLY declare the Brotherhood Mafia what it is: a terrorist org by signing S.2230!
Image result for pic of Congressional Bill S.2230

CASE CLOSED. INDICTMENT (years ago, should have been) SEALED!!
Image result for pics of mohamed elibiary
{re-blogged at Conservative Firing Line}
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